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Everything posted by monsterZERO

  1. monsterZERO

    Some points from a pilot.

    SWEET! This is EXACTLY what I've been waiting to hear. You guys at BI are awesome!
  2. Hey guy's, don't know if you're into Let's Play videos as much as I am, but I've caught the bug and I'm doing one of my favorite (official) campaign for Arma 2, the haunting 'Eagle Wing'. I suck horribly, but I have a good bit of fun :bounce3:. My Channel Update - Part 8! gZ9AdK3u-3M
  3. monsterZERO

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    Added 8.3 to the playlist, thanks! As far as PMC, I will more than likely do an LP of it, but I'm trying to pace myself and do one campaign at a time. It's not so much the recording (that's the fun part) but the rendering and uploading. That takes forever. Plus uploading bogs down my internet speed, which causes my roomate to flip out because he lags during Black ops, lol, so I can really only upload one or two videos a night after he's done... I wish there was some kind of remote uploader app I could use at work from my droid or something. I am currently doing an LP for Zipper5's 'Operation Cobalt', however. Fun mission so far, really digging it... :bounce3:
  4. monsterZERO

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    Hey guy's, more episodes up! I maxed the difficulty up and started over. Part 8 starts where I left off before I reformatted my computer. SOOOOOO HARD with no icons, reticle or map icons, lol. I must have died like 30 times getting back to where I was. I actually finished the campaign (the end is pretty interesting, lol), but was only able to upload the first two before leaving for the holiday (Thanksgiving in the US). The rest will be uploaded sunday evening.
  5. monsterZERO

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    Yes, more is definitely on the way. I think, however, my save game is ruined so I may have to work my way back up to where I was all over again (probably offline). I reformatted my PC a week ago (nasty virus), ensuring to back up my save game folder but when I tried playing again today the game gave me an error when trying to load my save :confused:. I have a feeling it's because there were several patches applied to the game in between backing up my saves and then trying to play them (I have the steam version so patches are downloaded and applied automatically).
  6. DwcykqKEAoM So cool to see VBS being used in such a manner. My main reason for posting this, however is this platoon's use of a Logitech Momo wheel to control the HMMWV. This does not work for me in Arma 2. It recognizes the wheel, but steering is IMPOSSIBLY hard. I'm assuming it works better in this particular video, so does anyone know how they did it? Is it a VBS vs Arma thing, or is there something I'm missing? I would SO LOVE to control the wheeled vehicles in Arma 2, so if anyone knows a workaround, please let me know... Thanks!
  7. monsterZERO

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    Lol, don't hate on Wolfenstein. That game is FUN as hell... ;) Anyway, sorry for being a slowpoke on the updates, new videos up, and more inbound!
  8. monsterZERO

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    @mrcash2009 - I got the reference. Had to skip 1:27 to find out. Yeah, it's a filthy habit, but it helps me relax :p The only time I smoke is when I game really, although sometimes I'll sneak one on my way home in the car after a stressful work day... You can probably hear me pouring myself a drink several times through the video as well :D I actually got a kick out of the other LP video you posted. This is exactly how I picture your average console gamer would react when faced with a game like Arma 2. Good for a chuckle, although I hope people don't get the wrong idea about the game from it...
  9. monsterZERO

    Red Harvest problem

    It's possible, but it is tough. Took me a couple of tries. You have to get a bead on exactly where the sniper is, that's the tough part. Once you do it's easy to beat the 'competition'...
  10. monsterZERO

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    Wow, I'm glowing! :D Thanks so much, everyone, for your positive remarks!! @kyfohatl: Thanks for noticing my not dropping 'F' bombs all the time. It actually took a little bit of discipline, because in real life I curse like a sailor, unfortunately (no offense to any sailors). I still slip from time to time when I get really startled though :D. I'm not a fan of LPs where they curse every other word, either. Breaks the Immersion for me, somehow. It just starts to feel like you're watching a 12 year old kid play Halo with his friends, lol... @sparks50: I know, right? This is one of the FEW places, that's for sure. That's why I love BI! *EDIT: BTW, the first video for part 6 is up. This one is a longer one (getting better!!), so I had to break it into 3 separate videos for YouTube. The other two are processing and should be up shortly...
  11. monsterZERO

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    ^ Didn't realize the body had grenades! That would be incredibly useful, thanks!!
  12. monsterZERO

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    Part 4 up. This is a good one :butbut: Part 5 up in a bit... EDIT: Mods, this is gonna be a short LP, prob not too many updates, but if you don't want me adding updates to this thread and sort of 'Bumping' it just let me know and I won't!
  13. Hey guy's, I'm a relatively active player, but most (99%) of my in game time is spent in co-op missions or warfare servers with friends. I rarely play any single player, mostly because babysitting the AI takes it's toll on me after like 5 minutes and I end up quitting. This is the reason I've never completed any of the main SP campaigns, although I did get pretty far in Red Harvest. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the 'Eagle Wing' campaign however. No AI (to control), super cool atmosphere and a bunch of baddies to shoot! I would play SP a heck of a lot more if there were some more campaigns/missions like it. Does anyone have any suggestions for some good user missions that play somewhat similarly to this?
  14. Nice! They seem right up my alley. Looking forward to giving them a go!
  15. monsterZERO

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to check out my LP's... Means a LOT to me :D I would love to do a 'Serious' LP, and as a matter of fact I'm thinking about doing one for the A-10 campaign in Lock-On Flaming Cliffs 2 (like sort of in-character, as an A-10 pilot), but unfortunately I suck so badly at Arma 2 that I'm not sure I'd be able to pull it off convincingly. Not to mention that this campaign spooks the hell out of me. My heart rate is always super high, and I tend to shriek like a woman when surprised, lol :eek:, which happens often. That's why I'm sticking to a more traditional LP style, with your standard type commentary. However, if you get bored, check out my Apache Longbow Assault LP. It's by no means 'Serious', but I definitely approach the game in a more tactical manner. Thanks again guys!!! **EDIT: BTW part 3 is up (embedded in the first post), unfortunately part 4 has been in Youtube's infamous 'still processing' limbo for like 12 hours now...
  16. monsterZERO

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    Sweet! Thanks, man :D
  17. I tried Eliteness and that did the trick, thanks! When I create a mission it ends up in Documents/Arma 2/Missions, not as a PBO however, as a folder with an '.sqm' file in it. Did you try looking there?
  18. ^Understood, but what exactly did you change the extension to? That's the issue i'm having... When I right click on any PBO file and go to 'properties'/'opens with'/'change', the only option I get is Arma 2. Appreciate your response. (By the way, I'm running win7 64 if that helps, although I think changing file associations is similar for almost any version of windows)
  19. I am attempting to use Kegety's PBO extractor, but I can't figure out how to remove Arma's association with PBO files. Whenever I run the extractor's executable it gives me an error saying "Default PBO icon already exists, not overwritten. Done." I know how to change a file association, but not remove it. I also checked the registry entries but i don't see anything about file associations. Can anyone explain how this can be done? Also, the reason I am trying to extract PBO files in the first place is so that i can edit missions that are already created. This will allow me to accomplish that, correct? Thanks
  20. monsterZERO

    Questionable video on war.

    This "song" embodies everything i hate about youtube, the internet, liberals, and the world in general. I would rather gouge my own eardrums out with my thumbs than listen to that steaming pile of waste again. I was going to go on a long winded rant about how since he had the choice to not join the military, but did anyway, his complaints are rendered invalid, but I see he has a bunch of other identical video's about other topics. This leads me to believe that he is not in the military, and is whining about a subject he knows nothing about. Which makes it that much worse. I want my 3 and a half minutes back... (By the way, i'm talking about the OP, not the American Creed or anything, lol...)
  21. Not exactly a "Mission", but Warfare BE is incredibly fun even solo... It obviously encompasses the whole map as well.
  22. monsterZERO

    Good lord, why?

    I uninstalled and reinstalled, then after crashing to desktop again on the first launch i realized it was actually magic jack causing the problem:o When I remove it ArmA 2 starts up fine and plays beautifully. Kind of a pain in the butt having to remove it whenever I want to play, but it's a small price to pay in the long run...
  23. monsterZERO

    Good lord, why?

    Why, oh why, oh why does ArmA 2 crash to desktop when I have either my logitech Momo steering wheel, or my logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick plugged in? I cannot even BEGIN to describe what a ridiculous pain it is to start ArmA 2, have it CTD, try for like 10-20 minutes to troubleshoot the problem, then finally realize that I need to unplug either of these peripherals that, mind you, NO OTHER GAME that I own has even the SLIGHTEST issue with? I love ArmA 2 to death but, man, this gets me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated that sometimes i'd rather leave my joystick and wheel plugged in and play something else... BTW, Win 7 64 Ultimate, Intel Core i5, ATI 5850.... Just venting...
  24. monsterZERO

    Good lord, why?

    Sorry man, just really frustrated, you know how that goes. Didn't mean to take it out on your forum... Thanks for the help though guys