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About Javolenus

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I just played a home-made scenario with USMC versus insurgents. I got into a firefight with a headless insurgent who stood up and pumped fire at me. He eventually went down but it kinda spoiled the realism of the scenario. I've been playing the game solidly for a few weeks and never spotted this problem before. I should mention that I saw all this through the scope view of my rifle. In an earlier game with the same scenario I noticed that uniform textures of units kept changing. This seemed to affect enemy units running around in the distance. Again, I noticed this when using the scope view of my rifle. Sorry I don't have screenshots. I'm running a whole load of mods, including ACE2. Don't know if that is significant? Anyway, just thought I'd mention this and am trying to be helpful.
  2. Javolenus

    New to ArmAII - need some help

    Bulldogs - many thanks. That's exactly the kind of advice I was looking for. I'll also check out the vids and the tactics guide mentioned above by TimRiceSE. Thanks again and all the best.
  3. Javolenus

    New to ArmAII - need some help

    OK, no more questions. Thanks for the support - bye.
  4. Javolenus

    New to ArmAII - need some help

    Hi There, I'm new to ArmaII (patched to 1.05) and have been playing a few days. It's an amazing game and I'm very impressed. I thought I'd learn the basics by playing through the single-player scenarios. Although this is enjoyable and the game is brilliant, I've got real problems when it comes to getting a good result. At the moment, I'm just kind of admiring the scenery while waiting to get shot. And so I'd like to ask for some advice, some simple pointers. Here's what I've been doing so far: Plan 1: I keep my Squad Leader back, under cover, and direct my teams from the map. Then I keep switching, trying to improve the position of each team. But when contact is made and the action kicks off, I find it hard to keep my teams safe. Soon my teams take casualties and the game is over. Plan 2: I get my Squad Leader active, in order to better see what's going on. I try to arrange my teams to give support, trying to get good line of sight for each team. But while I'm busy arranging this, I get incoming fire on my Squad Leader from some unseen source. Even through my gunsights, I usually can't see much. Next thing my Squad Leader is hit and the game is over. Plan 3: Switch to a team member with a telescopic sight (like a scout or sniper) and try to engage the enemy on my own. I usually manage to drop a few enemy troops but eventually get shot. If I don't get shot then one of my squads will - either way, I lose the scenario. I rarely get chance to achieve the mission objectives. I replay the scenarios over and over but can't improve my performance. And so I think that I must be missing some important/obvious point. That's why I'm here - to ask for some advice! When I move, I try to make use of cover, running in short bursts. I go prone or kneel when scanning for the enemy. If I get incoming fire I try to roll out of danger. I try to avoid bunching my teams but keep them close enough to offer support. I try to outflank/surround known enemy positions. Trouble is, despite my preparations, as soon as firefights begin, I seem to lose. Maybe my reaction time is too slow? Maybe I need to switch teams more often? Maybe I need to be more cautious about getting into firefights? I just don't know! Any advice welcome. Thanks in advance for replies . . .
  5. Javolenus

    New to ArmAII - need some help

    Hi CM - thanks for this. That's a useful tip. All the best.
  6. Javolenus

    New to ArmAII - need some help

    Hi There, Many thanks for this. I'll be sure to look out for those ammo crates in future! Thanks again and all the best.
  7. Javolenus

    New to ArmAII - need some help

    Hi There and many thanks for this - I'll certainly check that out. Thanks again and all the best.
  8. Javolenus

    New to ArmAII - need some help

    Hi and many thanks for this. I appreciate the info and will put it into practice. Thanks again and all the best.
  9. Javolenus

    New to ArmAII - need some help

    Hi There, I'm new to Arma II. I'm playing the scenarios. I like the way you can switch from the map screen to the terrain/action screen. This made me wonder how experienced players use this facility? I'd be interested to hear of people's playing styles with regard to using the map. For example, does anyone play totally on the map? Or do people usually switch back and forth? I know this is a basic question, but I'm interested to learn more about how players utilize this screen-switching facility. Thanks in advance for replies.
  10. Javolenus

    New to ArmAII - need some help

    Hi There, I'm new to this game and am starting by playing the scenarios. My question is: is it possible to re-equip my squad with different weapons or are the weapons fixed for each scenario? Is there any way to customize your choice of weapons or add ammo? Thanks in advance for help.
  11. Hi There, Been playing ArmA II (patched to 1.05) for a few days now and am still finding my way around. But how do the levels work (Recruit, Regular and so on)? I mean, does the AI get bonuses as the levels increase? How is this whole 'level' thing handled? Just curious! Thanks in advance for help.
  12. Javolenus

    Newbie - "Eye For An Eye" Scenario

    Hi Maturin Thanks for this swift response. That's handy info - I appreciate it and will act on it. I was already thinking of approaching from the far right, so will proceed with that plan. Now I have a better idea of what to do - thanks again and all the best.
  13. Hi There, I'm new. An old guy who should be doing other stuff. But the graphics and immersion of this game have got me hooked. I'm starting with the "Eye For An Eye" scenario. Anyone got any hints? So far I haven't managed to succeed - I get one of my guys KIA and the scenario ends in failure. Also, not sure about some of the mission objectives - what does "Extraction" mean in this context? If someone could clarify the objectives that would help. And is there any way to increase the ammo allowance for this scenario? Thanks in advance for replies.