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Posts posted by _qor

  1. I want to exec a script via radio trigger.

    So I set it up in the editor and put "player1 exec "HQ.sqf" in the trigger's OnAct field.

    But when I use the preset radio-trigger, the script doesnt come up rightly!

    With the script I want a text and a new task to show up! But only after about 7 seconds, so this is my script:

    sleep 7; 
    hint "Journal Update! New Task retrieved!"; 
    tskProceedToChernogorsk = player createSimpleTask["ProceedToChernogorsk"]; 
    tskProceedToChernogorsk setSimpleTaskDescription["We made out that you are the nearest troup around the city! Proceed to Chernogorsk and protect the inhabitants from the intruding russians! We will provide you with further information later on...", "ProceedToChernogorsk", ""];

    But the script doesnt wait 7 seconds but shows up instantly!

    I also tried to put some text before the sleep command (perhaps it doesnt work at the beginning of the script), but this text is vanished in-game!

    It also doesnt work when I set the trigger's countdown to 7, the hint "Journal Update! New Task retrieved!" shows up immediately!

    So what is wrong with the script?

    Thanks for help =)

  2. Hey folks,

    I want to make several opposing infantry squads to advance as fast as possible. So I used delta formation and so on...

    But what seems to slow down the advancement, are some tanks of the player's side. Firstly, the infantry gets down when a tank is around and secondly they get shot by them.

    Is there a way to forbid tanks to attack infantry AND making infantry to ignore those tanks? setCaptive won't work!

  3. Hey there,

    it is known that grass demands very much of performance!

    Due to this, I set the Terrain-Details on "low", so there is still grass but not in the distance which doesn't really matters! So what I found out is that the Object-Details also have an impact on the grass-details! So it would be great to set the it on "low" as well so I would get a gain in performance without serious visual quality-loss!

    But Object-Details don't only affect the grass but it also affect other things like vehicle and building details in distance!

    It would be very great if one could adjust those settings separately!

    Is there already a way to do this or a mod or something? I've found something with google but I wasn't sure about the progression of the thread!

  4. Hey there,

    I finally decided to buy ArmA2 CO after some troubles with the RFT version at online playing.

    But whats really bothers me is the way to install all those addons and patches!

    What I want to play with is the latest engine of ArmA2 with all its addons etc.!

    Having ArmA2 RFT and CO finally gives me the opportunity to play all the available content. So I want to have just one single .exe file from which I can use all the content I bought!

    I found information which tell to install Vanilla first, but wouldn't I run the games with the Vanilla engine this way? Isn't it better to start OA first and loading the others as mods to use the newer engine which has an increase in performance? Hence, install Arma2 OA first as "main-game"?

    So how would you set it up?

    Install which addon at first? Install them all to the same directory or should I create mod folders for some?

    Should I take Arma2 OA as "main game" and handle all the others as mods, even Vanilla?

    Is it important to install the patches in a specific order?

    Anything else I need to consider?

    It is really annoying that these information aren't contained in the ArmA2 CO game-bundle!

  5. Hey there,

    hope I'm posting in the right forum! Otherwise pls move...

    I was asking myself if all the AI mods outside there, have kinda over-skilled AI.

    E.g, when I hide in the woods and get attacked by enemy forces, I really have to search hard before I get the position of the attackers.

    The other way around: when I attack a squad, the AI seems to know instantly where I hide. Independent from their skill level which only affects - my experiences - how fast and precise the AI shoots, even though they have already detected your position! That may be alright, but playing without any AI mod (original BIS AI), the AI acts more like myself hiding in the woods and get attacked. They seem to search a while before really detecting my position!

    Besides, it feels like the AI can look through grass, plants and even fences.

    What is your experience?

    Is there any AI mod out there which really includes realistic, well-balanced AI?

    Or is the original BIS AI a good choice?

    Is it possible to change only the detection-skill of the AI?

    EDIT: I was most talking about ASR AI but I also tried Zeus and SLX AI but I heard they stopped developing so I didnt make further attempts with them.

  6. Great!

    But isnt there a way to just give a unit a command which already exists, just by code?

    I just dont know how to get this command!

    Besides, assuming there is a shed with 2 doors which I want to get open!

    The code to animate doors:

    myHouse animate ["dvere1", 0];

    Am I supposed to exchange "myHouse" with the ID of the shed?

    And where should I put that code? I already tried with a trigger grouped to the shed with this code

    thislist animate ["dvere1", 0];

    ...didnt work!

  7. Hey there,

    I am really wondering about if it is possible that an AI unit opens a specific door of a shed in which a team should start!

    That would create a very vivid effect which I'd like to add to my mission.

    At least there are commands to let a unit open some doors, but it isnt said which door AND I need it as a code...

    Probably some action codes will help but I didnt find anything here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Actions

    And I have really no idea at all about how to get an ID of the specific door I want to get open.

    Looking forward to your answers ;)

  8. That's an interesting idea seba! I certainly will use it sometime.

    But in this case, I want the Apache to follow the player along a few miles. Isnt there kinda "FOLLOW" waypoint possible? So one separated unit/group could follow another unit/group without joining it.

    In my case it would be the Apache which follows another unit/group.

    I think that would be really helpful, so e.g. pursuits missions will be possible.

  9. I want a AH64 to support an infantry squad!

    But if the preset conditions has been accomplished, the AH64 moves to the position where I put the waypoint to - on the player's start-position! But the player already moved to another location.

    How do I set the support WP that the AH64 really moves to the new position of the player and even follows the player to give support for a given period?

    I assume that the support WP is made for support like rearming, refueling and medical-supply and I am using it for fire-reinforcement. But even though, support-vehicle should move to the actual position of the player! And the AH64 doesnt! Or do the game distinguishes between support-vehicles and other vehicles in regard to the support WP?

  10. Sorry for really not giving a good description of my problem!

    I was asking because there are several enemy units which should move to the hostage's position when the action "Free hostage" has been used!

    So I'd like to add a code to my script which is kind of a switch-trigger for a "HOLD" waypoint, or - for the trigger INGAME - something which fires when the action has been used!

    For some other missions I am working on, I really would know if there is a code which checks if addAction has been used!

  11. Hey there,

    is there a code which I can use instead of a switch-trigger?

    I want to free a captive mate by addAction and then setting him to setCpative false, setUnitPos "AUTO" and so on...

    At first, I achieved this by a trigger when player is in a certain range, but it is very more comfortable having this on using an action!

    Otherwise a code which checks if the action has been already used would help a lot as well!

  12. Hey there,

    so far, I used to work around this problem but by now I really want to know how to set this up!

    As mentioned in the title, I dont want to see some markers or waypoints from the start. I want them to pop up - lets say - after I accomplished task 1.

    So how do I set this up? Easy-going with a trigger or is this a bit more of work?

    I am disappointed that it doesnt work with the trigger's condition...

    thanks folks

  13. I have merged Arma2Free with my Arma2 RFT.

    But now I have to delete some Aram2Free content due to several low-resolution textures which overwrite the high-resolution textures!

    So I am opening some .pbo files and searching them for the names which belong to the objects which having low-textures, delete them and create a new .pbo. Works great so far...

    But I cant find the pbo file which contains the Construction Sites! I hope that you have got some idea about it!

    Perhaps there is a list of which pbo file contains which content - at least roughly...

    thanks in advance.

  14. Hey there,

    I recently loaded the pbo Viewer v0.77 and wanted to open/change some pbo files of Arma2Free. But the program says "It seems this is not a Arma pbo" and cant open them. But it is working with Arma2 RFT pbo files!

    Do I need a specific version of the program or are the Arma2Free files encoded?

    Is there a way to open them?

    Cant find any newer version of the pbo Viewer, but some info about a newer one
