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Posts posted by _qor

  1. Hey there,

    after using the ASR AI mod for a long period of time, I decided to turn it off and try the original AI. Mostly the reason was the very high skilled ASR AI which easily hit me from above 500 meters and so on.

    And now, I really appreciate the original AI skill.

    But what annoys me on that, is the team-behaviour! E.g. when I call the team back to formation, it lasts a long time until they finally reached it.

    There are more problems I noticed, but all with the connection to the team-behaviour!

    So is there a way to use only single parts of the ASR AI .pbo files which change the team-behaviour? Because that was a very good improvement of the ASR AI!

    Or is there a mod dedicated to this?

  2. Hey folks,

    I want to check if a OR b OR c is in the area of a trigger.

    I tried with the same word as operator (or) and also with ||, but it doesnt work.

    Ah I made it myself! I always tried with lots of braces, but its almost the easiest way possible:

    a in thislist OR b in thislist OR c in thislist

    But this leads me to another question:

    Why doesnt my trigger fires repeatedly although I set it to?

    The trigger fires only when the first object is in its area!

  3. I neither had the Function module on the map nor I knew about setFormDir.

    But great, it works that way. Apparently I need to work more with those wikis. But there is really too much information in it!



    is there away to make the unit really WATCH another unit over a longer period of time? This way, the unit just looks at the position where another unit has been the time the code has been called, but thats it!

    Same with getPos Player...

  4. Yo folks!

    While trying to make a unit to watch to another unit by doWatch, it was disturbing that the watching unit always turned the wrong direction around AND that it was way to slow and laggy.

    So the command BIS_fnc_dirTo came up. But I cant get it to work. The wiki says unit1 setDir [unit1, unit2] call BIS_fnc_dirTo, but it doesnt work this way. I also tried with [unit1, unit2] call BIS_fnc_dirTo but this doesnt work as well.

    So how should I set it up to make this work?

  5. There are no troubles with stereo recordings so far!

    Or perhaps that is why you need to restart the editor sometimes after altering the description.ext.

    Apart from that, everything is alright with my stereo soundfile.

    But what means "in your CfgSounds"? How can I set that third parameter?

    That would be a great possibility because the sound really acts unrealistically: you hear it right in front of the sound source hardly louder than at 100 meters distance!

  6. say 3D is what I tried before. Problem was, that I thought

    the sound was hearable all over the map although I only tried to go 20 meters away.

    I tried with your demo mission to walk 300 meters away and the

    sound really sounded more quiet! I'm gonna lower the volume and have another attempt!

    Kinda curious! There are two guys sitting next to a small radio and listening to the song like its the very house-party of the century, although I turned the olume pitch to 0.1...

    But great! The volume is quiet down at least a bit and at a distance of about 20 meters you can only notice a dim crying from the radio.

    But it seems that you cant set the volume lower than 0.1?! And its still kinda concert loudness!

    Gonna have a try with making the soundfile more quiet itself!

    Okay, after I normalized the music-file to -12dB and changed the volume to 0.005 I've got an admissible loudness!

    You also can tune your music-files for "radio-sound" by lower 70-180 Hertz (less bass) and increase 3k-6k (scratchy sound) with the equalizer.

    Easily made with Audacity.

  7. Hey there,

    I wanted to add my music to the mission as a sound source.

    So I created a description.ext to define where the sound is located!

    To call it ingame I created a trigger with OnAct: _soundSource = createSoundSource ["WOTW", position speaker, [], 0]

    So the sound WOTW should come from a little radio with the name "speaker". But I get the message "No entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgVehicles.WOTW'".

    By the way, is this the right way to create a sound which differs in regard to its loudness relating to the distance between player and soundsource?

  8. Hey there,

    I have got a script which should change the behaviour of a group when the waypoint has been reached (OnAct.):

    attack = abc addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "refuge"), 0];
    attack setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
    attack setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
    attack setWaypointCombatMode "GREEN";
    attack setWaypointFormation "DIAMOND";
    attack setWaypointType "SENTRY";
    attack setWaypointStatements ["true", [b]"abc setBehaviour 'STEALTH'[/b]"];

    The bolt marked text should work as OnAct of a waypoint.

    The group abc moves to the set position, but doesnt change to stealth behaviour.

    Anyway it seems I have got problems with using waypointStatements. Would be nice if anybody could tell me how it is structured by the following example =)

    new_wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "hint 'hello'; hint 'goodbye'"];

    "true" is the condition?

    "hint 'hello'" and "hint 'goodbye'" are the OnAct?

    condition and Onact are separated by comma, the single Onact command separated by semicolon?

    You have to use > ' < as quotation mark within a line commenced with > " <?

  9. What type of command do you mean by that?

    The MechInfTac gives me the opportunity to lock the IFV, but when I use it nothing happens!

    Same happens when I lock the vehicle from the editor menu!

    It works with setting orderGetIn and allowGetIn to false, but sometimes -or some more times- the infantry stays back for no reason and catches up with the IFV only after a uncomfortable periode of time!

  10. Hey folks,

    there is really something making me confused!

    When I give a group a groupname by writing groupname = group this; into the leader's group, I cant refer to that groupname later on - generally...

    So lets say for example there is a trigger with the condition (groupname in thislist) and OnAct hint "group in area". So when the group enters the area, no hint shows up (the other trigger conditions have been set correctly)!

    Same problems with groupname doMove (getMarkerPos "abc").

    On the other hand, it works with {_x moveInCargo bus} forEach units groupname.

    I really want to know what I am doing wrong 0o

  11. Hey there,

    I want a mechanized infantry patrol, means a slowly proceeding squad with infantry NOT in the IFV cargo!!!

    I already downloaded "MechInfTac" mod, to have a better control of the mechanized infantry. But so far it only worked one time that the infantry stayed out of the IFV while proceeding.

    How can I control that?

    Even if an enemy squad has been spotted, the infantry remains in the IFV cargo. The IFV then attacks the enemies and after that the infantry dismount.

    Is that how the MechInfTac mod is supposed to work?

  12. Okay I found the reason!

    When I changed the resolution in-game, the arma2oa.cfg seems only to save the the interface resolution but not the 3d resolution. This led to performance drops when 3d resolution was higher than the interface resolution and to a blurry appearance when lower.

    After I adapted those values in the .cfg manually, I now can use all the resolution ingame without curious behavior of Arma2 =)

    Guess sometimes it still has to adapt manually!

    thanks for help dudes!

  13. That flat-screen is a Asus VW193D and its native resolution is 1440x990.

    And yes ;) I tried this resolution and as posted above it is the only one which shows nice pictures!

    But there have to be other smaller resolutions which should also fit, dont they?

    I never have had troubles with the resolution in other games. So why Arma does?

  14. Hey there,

    during holiday I was at home playing Arma II CO on my notebook screen. Now, back at university I plugged in my flat-screen which is a bit larger and has an aspect ratio of 16:10.

    So when I play Arma on that flat-screen, I have troubles with choosing the right screen-solution.

    With the notebook-screen I play with 1366x768 and had no problems at all regarding appearance/quality and performance!

    But now, every solution I chose shows a more or less blurry picture and although I changed down the screen-resolution the performance drops!

    And although the game seems to be pictured with the right aspect ratio (which I set to 16:10), the map isnt (its distorted).

    Curiously, this problems doesnt come up with 1440x990!

    I already used google and there are single scattered post with almost the same problem, but no solution for that at all!

    I would appreciate your help!


  15. Hey there,

    I already exported another mission to singleplayer successfully!

    But somehow it doesnt work with my current mission.

    There is a briefing.html and an overview.html in my mission folder. So when I press shift+preview in the editor, I get the briefing!

    But when I export the mission to Singleplayer, there is no briefing at the beginning of the mission...

    Additionally, I cant get the Overview.html to work

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="VB">
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <p align="center"><img src="paradrop2.jpg" width="256" height="256"></p>
    The Russian army is oppressing people all over Chernaruss. So the U.S. government send out its soldiers to maintain peace and human rights.

    In my mission folder, there is the "paradrop2.jpg" with 256x256 dimensions. And this is what I put in the Overview.html!

    But when I click on the mission in Scenarios, there is no picture showing. Not even a blank window or the text, just nothing!

    What am I doing wrong?

    I just copied the overview.html from the mission which works...

    Additionally, when I play the mission in singpleplayer, I get a message that "HQ.sqf" (a script I integrated) can not be found! So I put all the additionla .sqf and .html files in one folder (ArmA2/Missions/myMissionName). But it didnt help!

    Actually I was thinking that the game-engine packs ALL the mission datas from the editor to one .pbo file 0o

    I finally put the whole folder from the editor into my ArmA2/Missions folder, and there is an overview, a briefing and no missing HQ.sqf message!

    Does the game has problems with packing .pbo files?

  16. Unfortunately it doesnt work!

    When I leave out the OPFOR DETECTED BY BLUFOR trigger, Radio Alpha is hidden!

    But when I set up this trigger, it shows up again!

    I also tried to let the OPFOR - DETECTED BY - BLUFOR trigger to call a script which creates a new trigger at the position of the first trigger (name: OdB):

    _trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos OdB];
    _trg setTriggerArea[2000,2000,0, true];
    _trg setTriggerActivation ["ALPHA", "PRESENT", true];
    _trg setTriggerText "Inform HQ";
    _trg setTriggerStatements["(player1 in thislist)", "script = [] execVM 'HQ.sqf''", "this"]; 

    But the result is no radio-menu although I've detected an enemy. Is it perhaps about the knowsAbout level which is too little?

    When I add "hint "radio script called"" to the OnAct of the first trigger which should fire if BLUFOR detects OPFOR, this message doesnt show up as well!

    So most likely BLUFOR units cant really detect OPFOR units, although "ENEMY UNIT AT..." showed up!

  17. So I have to set this up in the script, dont I?

    Because when I set it up in the editor, there is either activation by "OPFOR" OR by "Radio Alpha" possible!

    And if I this way create an area this would mean that the trigger fires if any OPFOR detected WITHIN this area has been spotted by BLUFOR?

    Or isnt the area necessary? Means, OPFOR could be detected all over the map?

    I dont get exactly how you would set it up!

    Perhaps I didnt make it out clearly: I dont even want the text for the radio channel show up in the action-menu. Means, when I press 0 and 0, there shouldnt be any radio-channel accessible!
