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Everything posted by x239

  1. Looks like it should do the trick. I'll try it out and let you know how it worked. Thanks.
  2. Hi, I'm looking for a scan horizon-type script for a sniper. I know there is no command for such, and I've had trouble with markers and doWatch. When triggered and the sniper gets to his chosen location, I want him to go prone and scan back and forth in the direction of my choice, say 90 or 180 degrees, and fire when a target is acquired. It would also be nice to have a spotter in the same squad scan a different, wider range while crouched in order to protect his flanks. As long as I can get this basic functionality, I should be OK. I'm still a scripting noob, but I've been playing this series since OFP, so I'm familiar with the editor. I'm getting there, folks. Here's an idea very close to this one... I just couldn't get it to work: http://www.tacticalgamer.com/arma-mission-development/160181-ai-scouting-behavior-tips.html the bottom post is mine