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Posts posted by Destroyer77

  1. Well I see that thousands of gamers can't play Arma 2 for the same reasons that I can't: CTD. I can't even get in game before a CTD. I'm stuck at the configure controls screen. Here's the problem.... software. I see many people attempt to configure their hardware to try and "fix" CTD problems caused by this game. That is ludicrous. A game (software) should be designed to work for hardware, and not the other way around.

    I don't have time or patience to try and "fix" my system to make Arma 2 buggy game work. My system runs just fine with every single other piece of software, so I know Arma 2 is at fault.

    Until a patch is released by BI that claims "CTD issues fixed", I will not even attempt to install this game again on my system. In addition, I will diligently watch for BI games and avoid them in the future. The quality control is apparently lacking.

    Good luck to all of you who can at least play the game for a small amount of time. I will be spending my time with other games where the developers have taken care to avoid these issues. There are plenty of them out there.
