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Posts posted by CSP.Wizard

  1. Hi, sorry if such questions were already asked, I didn't find them with search.

    Currently we've a lot of problems with in-game VoIP playing on-line, some parts of words or even words or sentences disappear on their way from man who is speaking to others. And this is a great failure for us, because we want to play online with a lot of people in PvP and TvT modes, as a result we have to use third parties programs like TeemSpeek and that is annoying. This bug is a great disadvantage of the ArmA 2, and quite many people would like to play under these circumstances.

    As I suppose this bug could be caused by the UDP protocol that is used for the game communications, desynchronization may be too. The UDP is quite good for LAN games, and it's not for Internet games because udp packets could be dropped on their way from host and nobody will know about it.

    My question is: When these problems will be fixed? If this is really caused bu the UDP proto why you wouldn't use the TCP/IP proto instead?

    This problems create much more disadvantages for players rather then we don't have chenook (arrowhead) or smth so.

  2. Hi guys,

    I was playing around different values in configs to check out the speed of the planes, and I've investigated that my changes doesn't change the plane speed. Also as I see in AIR3.pbo where Su34 is described hi has maxSpeed = 1470, but when I test it in game (with ACE but I couldn't find any maxSpeed decreasing in ACE) I could just get it run up to 1300km/h and no more. What it could be and where are at least 170km/h that should be? I just need to understand this for my own MOD that will work with ACE

  3. Here you have the parameters commented. They data is based on KE/CE RHA equivalent from many sources.

    You need also a special ace_hit value in CfgAmmo to count in any ammo. The value is representing RHA penetration in mm @ 1000 m / 0°.

    your post is very helpful, thanks. But could you provide some more detailed description of the values:

    for T90:

    ace_armor_hull = {{510, 540}front?, {70, 230}left side?, {70, 230}right side?, {40, 40}left truck?, {40, 40}right truck?, {200, 200}rear?};

    ace_era_hull = {{200, 450}front?, {50, 300}left side?, {50, 300}right side?, {0, 0}unclear?, {50, 300} unclear?, {0, 0}unclear?};

    ace_armor_turret = {{670, 740}front?, {420, 580}left side?, {420, 580}right side?, {140, 140}rear?, {40, 40}roof?};

    ace_era_turret = {{250, 600}front?, {250, 600}left side?, {250, 600}right side?, {0, 0}rear?, {50, 120}roof?};

  4. Hello everyone, I hope I find correct place to ask my question.

    Here it is:

    1) We've got some mod/addon. Any mod, ACE for example as most popular I think.

    2) We want to create a mod that will be based on the first one (ACE)

    3) In our mod we would like to override some exact parameters of the vehicles or weapons, doesn't meter.

    So the question is how it could be done in a way that all maps designed for that mod will work with our from scratch? This as I understand suppose that the name of classes shouldn't be changed. Is there any way except complete rewriting of all the futures that we would like to modify?

    Here is sample of the code that could be used for explanation:

    class CfgVehicles {

    /*extern*/ class Tracked_APC;

    class BMP2_Base: Tracked_APC {

    /*extern*/ class Turrets;

    /*extern*/ class MainTurret;


    class ACE_BMP2_RU: BMP2_Base {

    scope = 2;

    side = 0;

    faction = "RU";

    accuracy = 0.500000;

    crew = "RU_Soldier_Crew";

    typicalCargo = {"RU_Soldier_Crew", "RU_Soldier_Crew", "RU_Soldier_Crew", "RU_Soldier", "RU_Soldier_MG", "RU_Soldier_AT"};

    hiddenSelectionsTextures = {"\x\acex\addons\t_veh_bmp2\bmp2_01_ru_co.paa", "\x\acex\addons\t_veh_bmp2\bmp2_02_ru_co.paa"};

    class Turrets: Turrets {

    class MainTurret: MainTurret {

    weapons = {"2A42", "PKT", "ACE_AT5B_Launcher"};

    magazines = {"250Rnd_30mmAP_2A42", "250Rnd_30mmHE_2A42", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "ACE_AT5B", "ACE_AT5B", "ACE_AT5B", "ACE_AT5B", "ACE_AT5B"};





    in the class ACE_BMP2_RU for example we would like to change accuracy, as most simple value :) How this should be done in our mod?

    Can I simply write smth like that below? Or this is wrong (as it should be for C++ for example) and I have to rewrite the full config so it will simply replace the original?

    class ACE_BMP2_RU : ACE_BMP2_RU


    accuracy = 1.500000;

