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About serinco

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  1. serinco

    PedagneMOD for Arma2 released

    Hello, I've tested some changes in the cpp character file. Now I no longer have to crash to the desktop. I removed the link to the definition of models and I have also removed the references to moves the config ...
  2. serinco

    PedagneMOD for Arma2 released

    Cescollino, I have almost the same problem. But it is just when I have fights in ACE. If no ACE, everything is fine. For the error, ... this is not really an error, c is just a good crash to the desktop (no exception number etc.):eek::(. I have tested the PedagneMOD with ACE and onlywith the characters (italian soldiers and pbo italian weapons) and AC plant too, but only if there is fighting. Well that being said, c is really a great job. Congratulations.