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Everything posted by Brumisator

  1. This problem still hasn't been fixed? It just happened to me today. Now this is disappointing. The game has been out for 2 years and this is a game-breaking bug.
  2. Brumisator

    Career mode flying only??

    Despite what people are telling you, STRG = steuerung, which is german for control = Ctrl Not Shift.
  3. You can set yourself as being in command of a vehicle when you spawn by putting "player as..." or "playable as..." in the Control menu. If you want for a vehicle to be controllable by the played after spawn, change the vehicle lock to "unlocked" (copied this image from another thread)
  4. Make a new unit, and in the "side" scrolldown menu, choose "empty"
  5. Hello, I know I'm a newbie here, but please heed my call. I have researched this on the forums, in other tutorials but I can't find anything helpful. I have a unit (let's call it "heli"), tied to a trigger, and that trigger fires when it is "detected by BLUFOR". Now, tying this trigger to the unit ("heli") makes the trigger fire only "when "heli" is detected. But how do I make it so only a specific unit can be accepted as the one to detect this? In simple terms, how do I make if 'heli' spotted by 'player' then ....
  6. Well thanks, this seems to help. At least now I'm going into the right direction.