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About cabelo3d

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  1. I'm having a very bad performance in SP. I7980x @ 4.0 6Gb ddr3 ocz Gold 1600 2 green caviar 500Gb Raid0 Windows 7x64 HD5870 Crossfire Please, do I need to open the regular comand prompt of windows to do that? Paste that "cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead" in there? How do I create a simbolic link? I'm a newbie and a foreigner, please can you explain that once again a bit more detailed? If possible, a step by step would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
  2. cabelo3d

    i7 performance improvement

    How can I do that RAMDisk, this has something to do with the pagefile? If yes, mine is controled automatically. HDRPrecision to 32 is more accurated than 8 or what? Edit: I just take a look now at the cfg file and those lines wasn't there before, but is actually set to: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=4; I think 1000 is too much... I did a thing yesterday after posting here, entering in the profile file, I've noticed that my "sceneComplexity" was set to 1000000... I put there 700000.. 300000 less than was before, and although decrease few FPS, the game turned faster than ever, I'm experiencing a smoothness never seen before. I think 1 million there, was too much, don't you think? Last question, in the cfg file I got "3D_Performance=93750" with this value, what this suppose to do? I read posts from people that has this value increased a lot compared to mine, I'm curious, please somebody could explain, I'll appreciate that.
  3. cabelo3d

    i7 performance improvement

    Well, I got a new rig and can run Crysis at Enthusiast above 60Fps. I'm trying to play this game since my old rig, 6 months ago, but the performance was terrible. After the new rig I was yet struggling to be able to play, but no matter which settings I try to use, always got 23-24 fps, from min settings to max, nothing change. I found some shortcuts tweaks usefull to stop with the tremenduos stuttering, but I assure you that the most problems has gone after the patch 1.05. However I still need to use tweaks on the shortcut, otherwise I got bad performance. I'll state them here: PC configuration: I7 920 @ 3.2 6Gb ram OCZ Gold 1600 EVGA X58 Sli Micro HD5870 in Crossfire Raid Western Digital 500Gb 32Mb buffer Shortcuts I'm using: -winxp I'm not sure but even after patch 1.05 I have to use this to make both Vga cards to work -nosplash basically kill the intro -maxmem=6141 to force recognizing my 6Gb ram -cpuCount=4 this makes all the difference, if I erase this I got a freaking stuttering in game So, the shortcut looks like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 33910 -winxp -nosplash -maxmem=6141 -cpuCount=4 Hope this help someone and if I spoke something wrong, please accept my apologizes and correct me. I'm using Windows 7 x64 bit and got average of 45 Fps in Campaing, sometimes 60Fps and sometimes drops to 23-25 is some specific areas of the game. All at very high, except AA to normal and the Post Effects off. Resolution and fillrate at 1680x1050. Great game! Hope they keep up with the good work. Carlos.