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About cuttysark

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  1. cuttysark

    Help please, How do I play online???

    Cool, thanks very much, I will e-mail him now.
  2. cuttysark

    cheaters made my crazy

    Yeah cheaters suck. I haven't manages to play OFP online yet as I only got it today and I think the servers are down but you also get lots of cheaters on counter strike 1.6 (steam), even if the server is V.A.C secured (steam's anti-cheat thing) they still get through. I've only started playing again in the last few weeks and have come across a fair few. If you have a look on you(their)tube you can usually find out what it looks like from the cheaters perspective as the arse's record them selves cheats. For example in cs 1.6, there is lots of videos of wall hacks where you can see every single player on the map and so on. It sucks, I don't understand the point of cheating when playing online, takes all the fun out of it, even in single player games I don't like to cheat, waste of a game.
  3. cuttysark

    Help please, How do I play online???

    Hi thanks for your response.. Damn it, that's annoying. Is it definitely a fault with gamespy/severs could you say? There's not anything I'm missing out, just install OFP Goty, apply newest patch (1.96) and then select multiplayer/internet games. I am hoping it's not the serial keys, I wanted a new copy but as I said received a used copy! Which does bother me but as long as the serials are ok, I'll keep it. I get the same thing with bother serial key's so I assume your right with the servers being down, hopefully they will be back up soon and for a long time after. I hate it when the servers get taken down for games. I guess it gives me some time to get some practice in, haven't played it in years. When I first had it when it came out my CD got snapped only a few weeks after purchase. I still have the serial key for that but it's not GOTY edition so it's useless to me.
  4. Hello, I think this is the appropriate section, if not, my apologies. I bought Operation Flashpoint GOTY the other day (and received it today) with the sole purpose of playing online but I can't find any games in the multiplayer section. I've applied the newest patch 1.96. I'm unsure with what is wrong, I'm pretty certain people still play (after finding this awesome site). I bought it off play dot com and it was listed as new but sadly when it arrived today, it was clearly a used copy but it came with two serial keys, the original in the box and then another on a sticker the seller had put on it, don't know where they got that one from. So I was thinking that it could be a used serial as I decided to use the one the seller added rather than the one on the box but then I would assume some sort of error message would appear telling me that rather than zero games showing when trying to connect to an online session. I'm just about to reinstall with the other serial to see if that is the problem. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, I really would like to get playing online as soon as possible :D Thanks Ps. I did search the forums for existing posts on the subject but had no luck.