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Everything posted by LaughingJack

  1. not sure quite what you mean by 'these things' luhgnut. downloaded and unpacked the archive; "aas-MAPTEMPLATES-beta-XX.zip", recomended to me. they are all .BPO 'templates'. problem is they wont load into the PvPscriptpack and i cannot edit them using the arma2MPeditor.:confused:
  2. hey all. would appreciate some help. ive used the arma2 MPeditor in conjunction with the PvPscriptpack(PvPsp). i first used the arma2 MPeditor(not using the wizard) to place all the objects i wanted, where i wanted. i then used the PvPsp to set up the AAS features and place the appropriate (i thought) markers, using the 'AAS wizard in the PvPsp' as a guide, using objectives as bases(zones), named and coloured 'default'(grey). when i tested(LAN) it, i had all the objects and markers(in grey) appearing but no zone flags or ability to take the bases. when i entered a named zone, the game told me so, therefore i must have that bit right. i then opened up tom_angers blackrockbeach map as a guide. his map had not only team based colouring, but also icons denoting/relevant-to all the bases. i had neither. i then decided the change the colour if the bases on my map to reflect the the teams and lo'n'behold i suddenly had icons showing up in-game. this is not explained anywere i could find, and i did not realise that simply changing the colour of a marker will also change its attributes?! at this point i still have no physical flagpoles to touch to let me take the bases in-game. ive recheked tom's map and in both the arma2 MPeditor and the PvPsp utility and i can find no trace of differences to my map as far as these markers are concerned, barring delving into the script files that acompany it to find out whats giong on. initially i thought the PvPsp was supposed to handle all this and make it easy/simple to quickly create maps, now i think probably not. i have got the list of bases and who owns what in the HUD, but still have no minimap or the bit up top that shows the current base of contention and weight of numbers therein. i also have yet to work out how he got the PsP's(progresive spwan points) to work. anyhow ill post the map here for anyone look at, cheers .LJ >>> just realised im not allowed to post attachments in here. anyone know where i can post it? ill look for a work in progress thread....is there one? ....
  3. LaughingJack

    AAS map, having troubles....

    ok, that sux, but cool, ill get onto it. ta. ---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ---------- heres the link. http://www.4shared.com/file/239990366/766445f5/AAS-UtesAerodromeutes.html .LJ
  4. LaughingJack

    AAS map, having troubles....

    what do i have to do to attach files? at the bottom of the page it says i am not allowed to post attachments?
  5. ive had another go at it (AAS, Not CTF), still having problems. however, i cant understand how the 3D editor is not supported by BIS when its part of their game??? and yeah, i do realise that SBmac is not responsible for the files structure, never said he was... as far as reading the 'editing' forums, i have had a good look and found nothing relating to what i want (AAS). im not interested in doing ctf maps, but i understand where youre coming from. can anyone point me to a thread(s) that relate to AAS maps rather than the monstrosity that is the 'editing' forums. as i said ive had another go and will post my progress in the 'mission editing and scripting' of the 'editing' forum. please have a look if youve time. cheers .LJ
  6. well i could not find anything related to 'sbs-coolbox', but found a Black Rock Beach map by TomAnger, which is exactly what i want(ta Tom). however i cannot use it as a template because i cant change the name, even tho the .pbo file has a different name, and when trying to load into the editor i get 2 missions of the same name coming up and the game will not let me edit either of them...?! i tried to download the 16V16AAS map template but the archive is broken!? and im not sure which bits go where... in the manual you instruct; ""Now alt-tab out of ArmA2 and use windows explorer to navigate to the new mission directory. This will probably be in a folder like C:\Documents and Settings\Gamer\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\[sBS]mac\missions\CTF-simple.Intro. (Substitute your user name for [sBS]mac.) You should find only a single file called 'mission.sqm' in the folder. Now copy the contents of the CTFScriptPack folder into your mission folder. You should end up with a mission folder that looks like the one pictured here."" ok, so firstly i go into the editor and place 2 spawns and 2 soldier markers (for simplicity). save it as a user mission and i can find the mission.sqm file ok. now i get to the (bolded text above) next line...what ctfscriptpack folder?, there isnt one yet. so i think, alright ill go into the ctf editor and create an AAS mission and ,voila, i have the above mentioned folder, but it contains no info from the mission.sqf i made in the game editor, so, i overwrite the mission.sqf in the ctf folder with the first one i made. this works but now the mission has none of the objectives or markers from the AAS(ctfpack) mission. does it matter which way i copy? considering im still overwriting one of the mission.sqf files and therefore losing that info. in what order do i have to do these operations? ctfpack first, then game edit it? or game edit it and then the script pack? these intructions are confusing. i really want to get my head around this, otherwise ive wasted another 100 bucks on another game i cant get into and be creative. another thing, why wont these missions be seen by the 3Deditor(ctrl-e)? i find it very hard to place some objects in the 2Deditor(mp) because their icons bear no relation to their actual dimensions, meaning constant back and forth between edit and play, to see if stuff fits/lines up properly, frustrating and time consuming. it took me 3-4 hrs yesterday to place a single base, aromoury a soldier + spawn, bunker and a handfull of vehicles! this would take mere minutes in Nile (yeah yeah i go on about it, sorry. but its so easy to use) anyhoo, help would be appreciated. cheers .LJ
  7. LaughingJack

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    hey all, firstly i apologise if this has been asked already, but there are 140+ pages and im stuck at 6KBps for the rest of the month, so.. could there be a mod to re-assign the controls keys, to 'fully' customise them. i would assume this would mean adjusting a config file, as the in-game customising of keys is not in-depth enuf. ie: 1/ a single button for 'activate, and enter/exit vehicles', would mean not having to scroll thru a silly little menu. 2/ inside a vehicle id like to be able to change seats with a simple keystroke, eg; crtl-1 = drivers seat, ctrl-2 = gunners seat, etc etc. again not having to use the annoying scroll menus (very distracting). 3/ ability to remove comletely any key assignments that i will never use, and re-assign those keys to other more useful (for me) options. 4/ using the numbers 1-9 for selecting weapons and accessories quickly. basically, i find the controls to be overly complex and many of them seem to overlap. some are downright confusing, i mean what is 'turning out'? the scroll menus are downright annoying and distracting to gameplay (OFP's radial menus are terrible and get you killed more than not), i dont know why they would want to make it so complicated to do simple tasks that could be acheived with a simple key(combination)-stroke? if there is already a mod for this, could somebody point me there please. cheers! .LJ ---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 PM ---------- as above for the reason for asking.... friendly tags> it would be nice to have some tags up so i can tell friend from foe, as they all look similar, and in-game unless somebody is closer than 20m away its nearly impossible to tell who they are. ive done many friendly kills at close range simply because i cant tell who they are. having a choice of 'complex' tag, with name, rank(if go for that kinda thing), distance and colouring to suit health level of friendlies would be good, or 'simple' tag with only a name and health colour would be best for instant recognition of team-mates, as well as the ability to set the distance of visibility of the tags from near to far. for example: since everyone i know uses teamspeak, standing around for minutes on end trying to determine if im looking at 'you' and not a damn bot is very frustrating and time wasting (and deadly). ie; "hey is that you?" "um. dunno... im running in circles, see if you can spot me" "hang on, looking, looking looking. cant see you. are you over near the building/vehicle/tractor??" "well, im near a building" "ermm........." .... this has happened to me many times, and in the end not finding my team mate, who i wanted to hook up with to take that tank into battle....very frustrating! i know some will say that Not having these increases realism, but honestly, i "play" the game, i dont "live" the game. and in the real world we have other senses to help us determine these sorts of things easily and quickly, its called situational awareness, and so far we do not have the level of thechnology to impliment it in games like we do naturally in the real world. if youve ever played paintball skirmish or laser-tag games, youd know what i mean. spin-map> i know this is not used i most of the game types, but, i play (want to) AAS style games, and the need for a spin-map is paramount. and yes, ive been told to hit some key to bring up the GPS, but seriously, its not worth a pinch of poo compared to a visual aid like a spinmap, and having to use a grid reference to then find on the main map is difficult and gets you killed, its as user-friendly as a stick up the backside. flicking between the main map and combat, i only use now and then and it is laggy as buggery and does not follow your character along. whereas a spinmap allows instant appraisal of the situation during combat 'in your area'. zooming of the spinmap would be good to. these ideas are not new theyve been done before in other games very succesfully and, gosh darnit, they work. anyhoo, cheers for now .LJ
  8. LaughingJack

    Black Rock Beach - AAS (up to 100 players)

    i'll second that ^ , thanks Tom, now i'll get some use out of this game. ;} .LJ
  9. ta fellas, thanks for the tips, very helpful. ill check out sbs-coolbox's stuff, sounds like what im looking for. by PsP, i mean 'Progressive spawn Point'. yeah some would say deltaforce(proper) series was the last good game by novalogic (bhd sucked it big time). however JO got me into a squad and squad-based tourneys, and i reckon JO, so far, is was the best for this, even if it had 'other issues', which did suck at times, but i feel no game is perfect. >> turning blue from holding breath for 'AngelFalls'. :{ simple tags would be, maybe just an icon over the player to shown allegience, whereas complex would include name(? and rank) although rank is kinda pointless(unnessisary) in an AAS squad tourney, (as we dont follow a ranking system), this is simply to show who is close by when you cant actually see them directly .think 'situational awareness', which ive found most difficult in arma. again, as im really only interested in AAS style playing, these points pertain to it and not the other styles(non-team based PvP). anyhoo, thanks again guys. much appreciated and good luck with further iterations of the scripting-jigger. :} .LJ
  10. well done to all for the efforts in here! to business... im from a joint operations background, ive been playing it since the beta, and now i realise how spoilt ive been, not only with an awesome gameplay system (JO is still the best game ive ever played), and to date nothing has come close to the usability(controls) and playstyle of it. arma2 was suggested to me by squadmates as a replacement. however it has a stupidly complicated control system with many redundant buttons(doubled-up controls), and entering a vehicle is downright rediculous. but i persist because there is no alternative - so far. JO's level editor called Nile (novalogic interactive level editor) is a sinch to use, interactive, works and is 1 program, not a suite of confusing complex programs that must be used 'just so'. it uses the game files to give access to all the objects(buildings,foliage,people,vehicles,etc), sounds, effects and markers, all easily placed by the noobiest of noobs. ive made rather a few complex maps(some abstract, just to get out 'of the box' for a bit) and many others, but i would not even entertain the idea of doing them with the tools(any so far) for arma. they are just too hard to use, like using the old quake editor...(shudders). the ctf scripting tool is a step in the right direction, and full praise to sbsmac for the hard work(for the love of it) and those helping him out. anyhoo. issues i have with the ctf thingy.(does ctf actually stand for capture the flag, or something else).. 1. why cant i use the 3d editor ( or the 2d one for that matter ), in-game to edit rather then having to use the 2d-only 'preview' mode from ctf? if i try to load my mission(using the game menu versions) they cant find anything. to load....? 2. the units browser does'nt do anything.....! what i really want to be able to do....... a. ive made a map using the default AAS template and removed 'hold' from the 2nd base, and i can win the map - all good. however i want a PsP feature attached to the objective(s), or even a simple marker(s) to act as a PsP(s). the earlier suggestions in here seem more complicated than necissary, though a clear description of the process would be good. b. is there any way to move/remove/place; buildings and foliage, not just the units and decorations seen within the arma-editor? c. a 'spin-map' or similar would be good, then id know which direction to go in. is it possible to make the game put a spin-map up for the players. NOT a gps as (for me), the gps thingy is next to useless, especially if i have to refer to the map to check where i am as i find switching back and forth from the map to be laggy as buggery. d. is it possible to have freindly tags showing, and be able to change them from simple to complex at will(via a hotkey), even the distance at which they are visible, ie; visible at less than 1000m and not, further out. e. directional cues for the next objective (flag/base/PsP) would also be great, as again i would not have to check the map every 5 seconds during a running battle to see where i am. any help appreciated. cheers! .LJ PS: does anyone know if there is a way to 'hack' the controls in the game to remove controls that id never use and to change the way they are implimented in-game. ie: repair(anything) using a 'repair' key, enter/exit(not eject, leave that on the scroll-menu) a vehicle using the 'activate' or 'enter/exit' key, and move around in the vehicle using ctrl-1(driver), ctrl-2(gunner), etc. ill think of others later.. anyhoo, seeyez later. geez it sounds like i want a JO-mod for arma2, lol!............hmmm yess.....lol indeed.