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About Petrikum

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  1. Excellent model. Suitable for the Chechen conflict.
  2. What kind of camouflage? It will not work! Where did you see these soldiers in the Russian army? Please make a real army of the Russian Federation. http://i48.servimg.com/u/f50/11/90/82/72/10_02_10.jpg - Motorized infantry appearance 1995 - 2010 year. http://s010.radikal.ru/i314/1102/85/4182cc4b90bd.jpg - Motorized infantry (peacekeepers) 1998 - 2012 http://i2.guns.ru/forums/icons/forum_pictures/2/002853/2853639.jpg http://i2.guns.ru/forums/icons/forum_pictures/2/002853/2853711.jpg - parts logistics infantry. Armament AK74M. AKM, AKS (Soviet equipment). Rarely engage in combat. Basically providing infantry ammunition, fuel and other things. http://doseng.org/uploads/posts/2010-07/1278928324_doseng.org_forma015.jpg - equipment in 2012. http://doseng.org/uploads/posts/2010-07/thumbs/1278928294_doseng.org_forma019.jpg - Medical bag. Located on the belt back or side or dressed like a knapsack on his shoulders. http://doseng.org/uploads/posts/2010-07/1278928312_doseng.org_forma027.jpg http://doseng.org/uploads/posts/2010-07/1278928366_doseng.org_forma092.jpg http://topwar.ru/uploads/posts/2013-01/thumbs/1357621991_5042_463768730350780_654917415_n.jpg - Equipment put into service in January 2013. (it will be in 2014).
  3. Petrikum

    Game physics

    Not realistic land. Try to shoot from an AK in a cold, rainy weather in the ground. And you can hear the distinctive "zilch" and a small puff of smoke above the place where the bullet pleased:)). And sometimes the bullets ricochet (off the walls, armor stone and other hard materials.). I hope you will correct these defects. Thanks in advance.
  4. Petrikum

    Ai thread

    Please make a quick menu to sort of "Move to the position." This bot should move to that position is running and crouching. This will be laid in such situations. There is a house. There in the window machine. Under the window, the only door. Order must mop up the house that would go further. What is being done, deployed detachment chain smokes and runs and took a position near the door. Suppressed with this gun. But try to do it in ARMA2. Bots will rebate and frantically crawling under fire. This is stupid. Today 2010. and this chip is implemented in many games. Please think about it.
  5. Petrikum

    Ai thread

    Hello everyone. I brand new here. In short, I played in your ArmA2 and so decided to write a few comments in the hope that the developers will hear me. In general the game fun, they are not real. Great comments about the intelligence bots. I do not mean mistakes and stupidity of intellect. I mean not really behavior! Well, firstly, in close combat boots are falling in the middle of the village where the thread on the belly and shoot them while they do not withdraw. In a real battle for more than 15 seconds so do not lie down. And then quickly killed. Soldiers have to move, to cover for armored personnel carriers and other obstacles were not penetrated. Second. Sign system (waving his hands to the floor of the screen) is clearly not the case. Makhnii hand so you're in combat, and you will not be very fast! Another strange fact that both Russian and American troops use the same sign system. Well at least you would have asked how we communicate in battle (to be honest, mostly foul language:)). The third is a tactic. She clearly does not correspond to the Russian troops. What we did not twig to break as in Stalingrad. Now about the city. Cities like eastern Europe since the Soviet Union! A must be similar at least for Russia. The architectural ensemble in general not the same! Where's happened to the Soviet - Russia's nine-panel? How terrible to look at and squalid hostel? Where in the end Perekop roads since the revolution ?:)). Where luxury cottages of our "elite"? Still make normal police building, City Hall, hospital. Yes, and graffiti. But not everywhere, but only in certain areas on the edges of cities. And some areas that are too smooth. We have so nothing is built. Must need alleys, dead ends, cross-cutting yards and so on. The best example of this Peterburg. Now about themselves Russian fighters. Motorized rifle troops look like something is wrong. Too much gloss. Make them dirtier. The war did. Just not enough of other troops. Where Marines Russia? Where airborne troops? Where the field hospital, communications, artillery, and the builders of our gallant last? Motorized rifle troops is a common infantry. They were without artillery, hospital base and the other ineffective. Civil also look like something awful. They've all ragged. I realize of course that war and all that, but why are they all things in the era of the USSR? Believe me, the whole world dressed alike. Only your Armani, Armani, and we have it from the basement .:)). I hope my notes will help you. For more information, knocks on http://vkontakte.ru (Medianik Peter) or to the address petrikum@rambler.ru I can provide some materials. Thank you for your attention!