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About Scheintot

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Mhh... no thx. The AI in this Mod is to slow in CQB. Want to play without the AI Skills but it was not possible. AI needs realy long to hit me... its destroy the feeling in a CQB fight.
  2. Scheintot

    Arma 2 Sound Modding 101.

    Or I take a other Config. Hifi is good but if you say there is a many bugs, I think its the wrong way for me. Sorry. :o VoP is good, or? And the point with 1p and 3p is very sad, because that would be a realistic point in the sound.... mh. Right now its more unrealistic. Sad. =(
  3. Scheintot

    Arma 2 Sound Modding 101.

    Ok, nice, sounds great, thx. :) :cool: I think I do it. It would be great if its possible to make more distant sounds... like the cockpit from a jet. Different sounds between the 1p and 3p.
  4. Scheintot

    Arma 2 Sound Modding 101.

    Ok, soo... its possible to use the HiFi Config for me? Of course I use my own Sounds for the Soundmod and own name. It would be great... =O
  5. Scheintot

    Arma 2 Sound Modding 101.

    Want to make a Soundmod but Im a rookie if we talk about Configs................................................................... no Tutorial or anything?
  6. Even in your Video its taking to long. Look... You killed 3- 5 soldiers with a single shot and they, a hole squad, need 10 seconds for a single solider? Thats not realistic. In the real life one soldier dont attak a whole squad alone because he is dead after 1 second. ;) In reallife the MG or any other Solider hold the fire on you and you are dead in 0.5- 1 second. Its possible to get a.... human AI? A fast AI? :) I search a powerful AI you know... for real heavy firefights...
  7. Mh your Mod is ok but the AI in your mod is very very very BAD! :mad: I edit the options in the global GL4 config... 1.0, 1.0 - all... and the AI need 5 shots to hit me and get me down... sry for my english. PLS WORK ON IT! Make a goodlike AI ... at the time the AI is not a enemy for me, sry. I can kill a whole group of 12 mens alone if I want that and if you want to see a little movie I can do that.... with the configs and the whole group... I upload it on YT if you want this.
  8. Nice, can you show me your settings? AH! And another problem is the enemy dont use flares.... only your side use them. If you change the side the other faction dont use the flares anymore.
  9. Hey men, whats up. I really like your modification. Its a great Mod... but I have one big problem with the KI... The KI have great features btw.. like flares at night and smoke effects but in the CQB its terrible... If I go in the editor and put a unit 10 meters from my soldier away, the enemy drop 2 smoke grenades, look at me, change the weapon and shoot me after the strange actions..... And I dont want to give up GL4 but its not possible to play with the KI. :(
  10. Scheintot


    Look, I want the same recoil like in A1.... its more realistic. The recoil in A2 is unrealistic and its possible to make it more realistic in a video game as in A2.. Even CoDMW2 has a more realistic recoil as Arma 2.... and sorry but this is the truth. And dont forget it, arma is a simulation... originally. At least I read this at the package... So.... in the reality the recoil goes back, not up... maybe its not possible to make it 100% like in the reality but its possible to make it back, not up... and its to slow. I dont understand the reason why they change the recoil anyway....
  11. Scheintot


    Im very sad about that... BIS - pls change it....
  12. Scheintot


    The Devs from ACE told me that about the engine... I think they use the same programming like in ACE1 but it doesnt work in Arma 2/ACE2..... @recoil, ask an US Marine or look an M16 Dokumentation to see the truth. ;)
  13. Scheintot


    Im not a greenhorn dude.... and not the only one who critisieses the recoil. In reality the recoil of an M16 goes back, not up you know... And yea, I do but ACE2 cant change the recoil cauz its a engine matter.
  14. Scheintot


    Arma 2 need a more realistic recoil... I hate it to say it but the recoil jet is very fucking bad.... in A1 it was great with ACE1... I wish we get the same one or a more realistic recoil... now its very unrealistic - really. ;)
  15. Scheintot


    Mh, yes... I want a AC-130 too with a real thermal image... I waiting for the new A2 Addon cauz the thermal....