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Everything posted by drazic

  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- guys i'm using sixupdater for the mods and having problems with the servers online. i can't seem to update or install the ace 2 mod using s-updater. and with connecting i get the message to update ace. is it not possible with the six-updater to get it? i really don't want 100 differend types of updateprograms. or do i have to wait ? grtz draz
  2. does anybody know what unit to select in the map editor so you'l be able to change the airplain loadout? thx draz
  3. got ace-acex-cba-duala for addon does it go with dese?
  4. after updating mods the crosshair seems to be missing. :oc'ant find it in options etc. to turn it back on . anybody know how ? thx drazic
  5. drazic

    crosshair gone

    ace -acex - cba - isla duala updating with sixupdater....
  6. drazic

    crosshair gone

    using all updates . no way to turn it on?
  7. hi again . when playing onlie and being a pilot i've tryed differend loading options to be compatible with the ground troops (they laze i fire). here the problem .whitch rocket is best jused for this? i heard the 12 paveway but had little succes with it. thx drazic
  8. hello guys i've bin playing arma 2 online for a while now . the only thing i don't get with joining a game is how you manage the "ping"-thing:D. can you do something about its value? and what determens the value anyway? greetings drazic:yay:
  9. hello gents when playing multi-player i have problems targetting or lockin targets . tryed the normal commands but to no avail. with a gunner it works (for him not me)(pilot). do he was complaining he couldend lock the sidewinder. any suggestions? ps it works in armory.?:o
  10. hello guys i was just wandering that i feel jou have to update the mods(sixupdater) alot. (almost every day) and when you do there are servers with older versions etc. maibe big weekly updates for the mods you choose would be a sollution??
  11. drazic

    updating mod's

    ace -acex -isla duala etc
  12. is it nessecairy to update and install mods (sixupdater) whit your firewall down? i installed ace mod etc everything looks fine only when i go multiplayer i get that anoying message (downloadeble contend ....) hate that or do i have to manually place them plz help thx
  13. hello guys i have a problem here used sixupdater to install ace mods (acex enz..) everything looks fine until i try to connect to multyplayer he still says (unable to connect is dependeble to downloadable ...................)hate that message:yay: do i need to do anything i forgot? like place them after downloading? thx btw sixupdater fails to connect to the site have to connect whit firefox. maibe a reason?