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About Jobrmc

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    For now I've uninstalled the game until I find a better graphics card.
  2. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    I've decided the only thing I can do at this point is buy a new graphics card. Which one would you guys recomend?
  3. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    Alright, got the EW hotfix, just need to find the beta patch.
  4. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    By view distance do you mean visability? Because I was only able to set that to 2508. I downloaded the 1.05 patch before I started the game, I don't think I got the EW hotfix and I don't know what the beta patch is. I have an LCD, what settings would you recomend?
  5. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    Did what you suggested, seemed to work OK, lets hope it holds up. Thanks!:ok:
  6. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    As a matter of it was shrink wrapped. This should not be surprising since it was from one of the "New" sellers which ideally means it would be in perfectly new condition. Could you tell me how do do this? Aparrantly Amazon itself could not ship it to my location. (Which I would rather not disscuss.) As a matter of fact I can: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/seller/at-a-glance.html/ref=olp_merch_rating_5?ie=UTF8&isAmazonFulfilled=0&asin=B001QCYA2A&marketplaceSeller=0&seller=A3QT2RADTPHUUG By the way, thanks for all your help guys.:)
  7. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    Actually I think it started on the sixth training mission, so I turned my computer off and did not play Arma 2 until the next day. When I turned it on the next day everything was fine until a few minutes into the same mission the BSOD happened again, thats when I realized something was definatly wrong. Here are my video options: No, no joysticks or anything like that, unless you include the D-Link antenna. I'll look into that thing, however I'm not entirely sure how to update my graphics drivers. If by "SN#" you mean the CD-Key then that was on the back of the manual. What can I do then?
  8. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    No, I did'nt pirate it, I got it off a used and new seller at Amazon UK, which I assume is OK? By specs I assume you mean these: And my graphics system is a Radeon HD 4350. Like you said, if it's a problem with my computer It'll probably be unfixable because my computer is very new.
  9. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    Oh no, I thought the game itself seemed great, Briliant concept. However my last computer suffered 3 hard drive crashes before we decided to get a new one, so I am trying to avoid things that put too much strain on my computer, especially to the point of causing a BSOD. However due to some good arguements here I will try a few more things to get it working.
  10. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    Well, after getting this game I must say I am thoroughly disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the game itself seems great, the concept is good, the graphics are (relatively) good and I can tolerate a steep learning curve. What I cannot accept however are fatal bugs that make the game unplayable. I've only had it for one and a half days and have suffered 2 BSOD's as well as other miscellaneous problems. Even after downloading the latest patch. I have decided that this will be the last time I am disappointed by the for-profit gaming industry. I will be purchasing no more PC games from now on and go back to my original idea of creating my own non-profit game from scratch. I know I could post my system specs and chase my tail for weeks looking for solutions. but I often have this gut-feeling that tells me a problem cannot be solved, and that’s the feeling I'm getting now. Anyway, see you people when I've made my game, and if you think mine will turn out stupid, just remember, it will be FREE, so unlike Arma 2 (And many other games) you won't loose anything trying it out.;)
  11. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but I doubt I'm going to play multiplayer... I hope the single player isn't as bad as everyone says.
  12. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    Well, since the demo will take 19-20 hours to download I think I'll just buy it to see what it's like.
  13. Jobrmc

    ArmA 2 on PlayStation 3

    Eventually I think that retail PC games will be phased out entirely, it is undeniably a dieing market, eventually gaming companies will not see the point in producing PC games anymore. To fill this void, modders and programers from all over the internet will create an alternative industry of free, downloadable and open-source games. Since games made by this system would be free, the developers would probably put more effort into making a good game for the sake of making a good game rather than advertising and money-making. So in a way, this market decline could be the best thing that's happened to the PC gaming industry yet.
  14. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    Is that your way of telling me not to buy it?
  15. Jobrmc

    Should I buy this game?

    This has to be the best answer, thanks.