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About nookiemonster55

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. nookiemonster55

    stupid when comes to computers!!!

    not much into adjusting memory etc for video cards... it works fine for my other games... guess I will play in single player, and save 500 bucks for a top of the line video card at a later date... very disappointed that a game like the detail of this could have all of these bugs worked out before putting out to market.... looking at the list of all the problems/ complaints, would be easier to either get more computer peeps working on these bugs vs a class action lawsuit!!! until a later date..... (if ever,) Nookiemonster!!!!:bounce3:
  2. nookiemonster55

    Will you buy Arma 3 if they will ever release one?

    amen brother.... fine and good if you are a software guru... heck I dont even know how to put the crash data into a zip file to send to someone!!!
  3. nookiemonster55

    stupid when comes to computers!!!

    I checked run with windows xp... maybe uncheck and try to run with vista?
  4. nookiemonster55

    stupid when comes to computers!!!

    Score: 1871 o3Marks Submitted by tbone @ February 17 2010, 2:15 am App Version: oZone3D.Net_FurMark_v1.8.0_Build_Feb 2 2010_at_10:27:21 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT Number of Active GPUs: 1 Graphics Drivers: 1-11-2010 - nvoglv64 GPU Temperatures (start/end):57°C / 76°C Bench Duration: 60 sec. Resolution: 1280 x 1024 MSAA samples: 0 Window Mode: windowed Options: none CPU: AMD Phenomtm 9850 Quad-Core Processor CPU Speed: 2508 MHz Operating System: Windows Vista ver.6.0 build 6002 Service Pack 2 ---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ---------- tried to open memtest but cant figure out how or where to unzip and run it!!!!
  5. nookiemonster55

    How does your game run?

    athlon 64x phenom II /nvidia gt9800 500gb hd 5200speed windows vista 64bit AND MINE WONT RUN THE @#$@#$ GAME!!!:j: ---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ---------- :) but i am working on it!!! taking this as a learning experience
  6. nookiemonster55

    stupid when comes to computers!!!

    ok after that what will it tell me? is it a rendering issue that makes it ctd? even before the game runs? dont understand how/why but.... will give it a try and post results... STAY TUNED for next session!!!!
  7. nookiemonster55

    stupid when comes to computers!!!

    UPDATE!!! uninstalled again... deleted any folder with arma2 on my hd after uninstall.... updated nvidai 9800gt drivers to 196.21... I read a post where someone reinstalled without patch/ ran game until first game save then installed patch and it workedl... tried that... still CTD.... Next, will adjust nvidia settings from the STICKY post and also try the mem test.... any other suggestions? am I on the right track
  8. nookiemonster55

    stupid when comes to computers!!!

    dont understand what you are wanting me to do/try?
  9. nookiemonster55

    stupid when comes to computers!!!

    none, i get to the single/multiplayer/options etc.. screen for about 2 seconds then crashes to desktop...
  10. nookiemonster55

    stupid when comes to computers!!!

    quick question, can i got straight from box to 1.05 or load each patch individually ---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 PM ---------- yes i have looked at these issues, and seems like quite a bit of searching folders for files and such which I am not an even a novice at doing things like that... this is going to take quite a bit of time on my end, and think the quickest way is for people to "walk" me throught this... will up date drivers today....
  11. nookiemonster55

    stupid when comes to computers!!!

    yes reinstalled x's 2 (used uninstall method on my windows vista 64bit) Nvidia 8800 gt / athlon phenom 64x/ 8 gb ram are there files left after uninstall I should be looking for if so where? Dont understand (obviously) how video drivers would affect game when it played fine out of the box but crashes after the patch? ---------- Post added at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ---------- Also, no antivirus program running and have allowed access through my windows firewall for the program...
  12. ok, i recently installed arma2 on my computer ran fine until i installed 1.05 patch and now it crashes to desk top... I am not very literate regarding files/ folders/copying/pasting etc... could someone please help me step by step in regards to troubleshooting... I have uninstalled 2 times and installed patch from 2 different hostsites and still come up with the same problem... HELP!!!!!