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Everything posted by Jaskier

  1. Hi all. I've got one, small question. How I can export from Blender to ArmA II models like houses, generally buildings ? Of course my production buildings ;)
  2. Hello. I want make a model to Arma II and I've got a problem. I preffer Blender than O2 so I want make a model in Blender and next export it to O2. When I export a model from Blender in .3ds format and I want load it in O2 there is an error. In it write " Missing KFDATA section." What must I do ?
  3. Jaskier

    What must I do ?

    Of course thanks for help. I read it earlier but I think that is a method to edit this.
  4. Jaskier

    What must I do ?

    Someone can help ? I think that anyone isn't visit this topic. ;)
  5. Jaskier

    What must I do ?

    Very thanks Icewindo. It work ! :) [EDIT] I've got next question. Can I use BIS models of infantry (I want retexture them to make other army) ? [EDIT2] Then, where I can found Russian Infantry models ? [EDIT3] These questions aren't actually, I knew answers. Then, I've got next problem. I've got a model in .p3d format. When I try open it in O2 I have an error and instead of model is an cube but I've all properties of model on right side (injuries zones etc.) What I must do to have complete model ?
  6. I'm waiting for your toolbox for Blender , Soul Assasin. ;) Oxygen is just a bit too hard for me, so I prefer Blender. :) And next small question - what I must do for import models from ArmA II to Blender ? I used DePBO and .... what next ? :) I want see how many vertex is on UH-60 , because I want do something new for ArmA II. ;)
  7. Hi all. Now I've got two questions: - Manual for Wilbur ( I don't want pay for Google Earth Pro so I'm using it) I've read manual to Wilbur, which is with Wilbur, but I don't know many facts. - How I can export masks & sat (propably I make it in Wilbur) to Visitor 3 ? Thanks for help ;)
  8. Jaskier

    Wilbur Manual

    Propably I understood ;) - but what I must do to hmmm... LOAD greyscalle to Visitor ? I read somewhere I must make 2 folders, one with png, one with cfg , but I'm skeptic.
  9. Jaskier

    Wilbur Manual

    Yup, that's fact. Sorry. So now, my question is - in which format I must save "16 bit greyscale" that I can use it in Visitor ? It's silly question, but Wilbur default save greyscale in png format and Visitor load only formats cfg and XYZ. I now it's like how I'm stupid but I really don't know. It's not actually now :). I broke this problem and have next :) I don't use Google Earth Pro so how I must get around satellite.lco ? Help for newbie ;)