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About aXEMAN098

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    I'm HERE ain't I?
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    Computer Analyst

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    IT Specialist Major Mid Atlantic Hospital
  1. New to the forums and I caught this thread. I am also having this issue. This is occuring for me using Vista64bit, on an HPxw8400 Workstation with Dual 3.2Ghz Xeon's, 2Gb of Ram and a BFG 285GTX OC, onboard sound, and using BOTH Nvidia's latest driver, AND latest Tweakforce driver. It occurs after a bit of gameplay, screen goes blank.....takes as much as 3 minutes, and then comes back. I am ususally dead by this time. Especially sucks in flight. Have tried both drivers, various detail settings, card is NOT overheating, as settings are stock, and temps are nominal... yet I will see the same driver error (Nvidia), and it's really annoying. Any ideas or progress on this issue? I noticed someone mentioned an X-fi, but I'm using an M-Audio Delta44 PCI Audio Interface with Nearfield monitors. Error occurs in both 16 AND 24bit mode. I'd really like to nail this down. Sometimes it occurs frequently, but then tonight I played for 4 hours with no issues... Doesn't "Appear" to be driver specific, but I'm seeing the same driver stop errors.