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Everything posted by ast65

  1. ast65

    cd key

    what do you expect? you´re using your friends copy after all... make a fresh install with your own key.
  2. ast65

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    well, I have the best experience with windows controlled virtual RAM in ArmA...
  3. It affects the engine thus you have less input- lag/ more direct mouse movement :) (because frames aren´t buffered, I have both set to 0)
  4. I´m changing betas more frequently than my underwear lately...no problems at all :j: (using latest beta for dayz and 1.60/94700 for community server) I can´t comprehend why we should be screwed playing on older servers :confused:
  5. You should´ve checked if it upgraded to RC 1.62 or just the beta 1.62; in the latter case (which I think SU is upgrading to) it would´ve been sufficient to erase beta folder and install beta 94700 manually :)
  6. ...not at all, nice patch, superior IQ :)
  7. ast65

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    is your virtual memory controlled by windows?
  8. ast65

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    ...my ass, then I´m at my wits´end besides buying a new graphics card :p I remember I had it once that textures were not completely loaded, ´twas because I had video memory set to 'very high' instead of 'default'
  9. ast65

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    when you can´t set texture/ video memory above normal in options, the game´s not detecting your GPU correctly; have you tried deleting your config and let the game write a new one?
  10. ast65

    Best FOV?

    sidenote: changing FOV will mess up your GUI
  11. they can´t take out content we already paid for...would be a slap in the face of every loyal customer :butbut:
  12. ast65

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    set TexQuality to 3 (instead of 4) and your VideoMemory to default (instead of very high)
  13. ye, set everything in CCC to default
  14. as mentioned before this problem is mostly related to f...ed up shortcuts, just go to your ArmA2 directory and use the ones included :)
  15. your free virtual memory seems a bit low also, if you don´t know how to change it look under 'help and support'.
  16. ast65

    Ctd in arma oa....help someone

    he´s apparently using a cracked version...that he can´t patch :P
  17. same for me - (several) CTD with 'Internal error: Rendering command buffer to small'
  18. ast65

    Input Lag

    Just open your ArmA2 folder under documents... (with editor ie)
  19. This last beta patch is yet again a huge step forward regarding performance: Zargabad and other demanding maps/ scenarios are finally well playable :D Keep em comin BIS ;)
  20. This shit really gets annoying...not one launcher with lock-on function is working :p javelin, metis, stinger etc...all broken. Come on BIS, u CAN fix it ;) (i get no lock, no matter how long i wait; there´s no locking-sound, either)
  21. I can´t run the Seal Team Six 4 campaign (non ACE). Everytime after intro I get the message: missing addons bla bla: Ard_AKU_INF1; any clue what that might be related to? I have all the required addons installed via Six Updater, so there should be no problem from that side :confused:
  22. White dots on foliage are still present when using FSAA on an ATI card :/