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Everything posted by ast65

  1. ast65

    2D Foliage rather than 3D foliage.

    try setting your video memory to default
  2. you´re running everything as admin?
  3. ...famous last words :P
  4. it´s your CPU that can´t cope in those situations so your GPU´s running 50% idle basically
  5. maybe you just hit a sweet spot :P
  6. ArmA3 is an ancient beast from dark times when no multicore was known and only raw power could beat it :P
  7. as long BIS still uses the core virtual reality engine from 2001 with some sugarcoating on it, nothing will really change :p
  8. ast65

    ARMA2:OA will not install (Steam)

    post your specs and exact nature of your problem (error messages i.e.)
  9. seems your missing the entry 3D_Performance ?! best delete your config, game will write new one
  10. dunno, same content was always running better in ArmA2 only than played through CO for me, so twas ever thus :p
  11. sry for wasting your time Sick, I was just stupid and lazy :P didn´t realize the beta wasn´t added to preset anymore because I use Six Updater only for updating, not for running anything :o ty again, running fine now :)
  12. well I´m running latest beta (101747) so that can´t be it. mod status only says 'this mod is not compatible with the selected game edition'.
  13. why is Six updater saying CBA_CO is incompatible when I want to install it? the other CBA´s are working fine, but I guess they´re outdated now...
  14. I always get following error message when in menu with this build: Invalid Crew TK_Soldier_Crew_EP1 in BTR60_TK_EP1
  15. I don´t have the steam version but I know you´ve gotta install ArmA2 and OA into the same folder to make it work correctly.
  16. dunno, 13.2 is working perfect with my old 5850
  17. stranger even that dayz is running just fine :rolleyes:
  18. same, dayz was running fine but when I started regular OA afterwards it crashed (dumps sent).
  19. ast65

    can't run ARMA II.

    ye that´ll be it (right click shortcut, choose 'run as admin')
  20. same old same old how come you have several (legit) cd keys :p
  21. ast65

    can't run ARMA II.

    just do as Günter said, doesn´t matter if ArmA2 is on 1.10, it will be detected by installer.