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Posts posted by matt_gold

  1. I've made a bug report, including my RPT file and also my DxDiag file.

    This is frustrating. I used memtest86 to check my memory for problems, and also used

    HD Tune Pro (trial) to check my SSD for problem. Neither came up with anything.

    I looked at my windows event viewer and I can see the crashes....this is cut and pasted from one of them:

    Faulting application name: arma3.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x543e7ada

    Faulting module name: ole32.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17514, time stamp: 0x4ce7b96f

    Exception code: 0xc0000005

    Fault offset: 0x0004a1f0

    Faulting process id: 0x70c

    Faulting application start time: 0x01cff14a10d8db8d

    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe

    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\syswow64\ole32.dll

    Report Id: 5961d4df-5d3d-11e4-a451-f46d048fa383

    This really sucks. I don't know what else to try. I am thinking about wiping my SSD and re-installing windows and starting from there, re-installing all my software, making sure with each step that Arma3 still loads ok and runs ok. Jeez, this is a weekend worth of work I'm talking about.

    Does anybody have any other ideas??

  2. Hi

    I've never had a problem with Arma3. I haven't played it for about a month, but I play the dev build and it auto updates through Steam.

    Yesterday, I decided to play it and I found myself hanging on the splash screen, so long I had to ctrl-alt-del my way out. Now, about 1 out of 5 times it starts properly, but usually it hangs until I have to ctrl-alt-del.

    I tried totally removing local files and re-downloading/re-installing, normal build not dev build, I have updated nvidia drivers, and my system runs other games fine. It has never in the past had this problem. This is totally new.

    My system:

    Win7 64bit

    Mboard is P8P67-M-PRO

    i7 2600K OC to 4Ghz


    I pasted my RPT file in pastebin


    hope that works.

    Please help! I need my Arma3! I'm sorry I stopped playing for a whole month,

    I won't betray it again!

  3. Can't launch ARMA3 now. (development) Not sure if it's just yesterday's dev update, as admittedly, I've not played it in a few weeks. (played Thief instead, big mistake) I get to the splash screen and then it just hangs. When I ctrl-alt-del to get out, it says it's not responding. Any ideas on if this is just me, or how I might fix it?

  4. I should know this, but is there a way to get rid of the periodic black-window pop-ups that occur? script errors or something. I'm on the development build.

    If they are absolutely unavoidable on the dev build, I'd be happy to go off dev build, but I'd like to know if that's the case.

    I verified my game cache already. still happens...even on the new released campaign.

  5. I visited Prague back when Czechoslovakia it had just got split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. I gotta say, it is the place to go for a tourist. Seriously. Not too expensive, lots of stuff to see....just generally a great interesting place to go and spend your tourist dollars. I even stayed in a youth hostel (back then) which was clean and pleasant.

    Fun, fun city. Budweiser Budvar beer is the best.

  6. One thing that is love to see taken care of is that hills should be casting shadows on the objects in their shady side. Bright bushes and illuminated soldiers make tsrgeting easier and does affect game play. The sexy sun rays dont go through hills so there must be hope.

    I agree, something is fishy with terrain shadows. That being said, the sexy sun rays don't actually go anywhere, much less through hills. They are not a true volumetric effect, but merely a 2D post process.

  7. I can confirm, as Tony Grunt did, that SLI works fine - anyone who 'confirms' that there is no difference does not have their system set up correctly.

    PS: When you ask technical questions, it is helpful if you provide your System specs.

    Well, I guess that's really what I wanted to know. If it's not happening with you guys then it's something on my end.

    Nvidia GTX590

    i7 2600 quad OC to 4Ghz

    250Gig SSD main drive, at about 515M/sec read

    16Gigs ram

    Not sure what to do. I don't see any difference at all, at least using the Arma benchmark, between two and one GPU usage. Only difference I see is with one GPU, I get no PIP flicker.

    I can only assume that I am being very very abruptly bottlenecked by my CPU, like hitting a FPS wall...cause again, there is no difference between one and two GPU, not even 1fps difference.

  8. PS: It's 'SLI Rendering mode' you need to change in the NVCP, not Multi Display/Mixed GPU acceleration.

    Sorry, change SLI rendering mode to what? not SLI_PREDEFINED_MODE_FORCE_SFR, that does not fix the flickering PIP problem.

    what does fix it is to go 3D settings/manage3d settings/program settings, then find arma3, then switch to one GPU. I forget the exact line, I'm at work and don't have an SLI setup here.

    Also, just to clarify, when I run ArmA3Mark, I see NO difference at all in my resulting score. None at all. The benchmark is pretty diversified in it's environments and events...at least diversified enough to show SOME difference between using one and two GPU's. Wondering if anyone else can confirm that there is zero difference between the two setups, one and two GPU's.

  9. Can anyone running an SLI graphics card rig help confirm this for me?

    If I disable multi-gpu mode in my Nvidia Control Panel, it makes absolutely no difference to my Arma3 FPS, as measured using ArmA3Mark mod.

    Please don't bring up GPU percentage usage, I'm only talking about using two GPU's vs only one. Seems to make no difference at all. Can anyone confirm?

    (on a bright note, seems to totally solve the flickering PIP issue)

  10. Am I the only one who thinks nights in general are too dark? Playing at night with no nvg's is something I always avoid because all I see is a pitch black screen.

    You gotta experiment. I'm guessing you haven't yet. As it's been pointed out, it's all about whether it's a moonless night or not. Try changing the date of the mission about 15 or 20 days forward or backward, and make the weather totally clear.

    Then come back to these forums and start saying it's too bright at night.

  11. Have they done something to the mid-range textures in the last couple of days? I was praising the quality of the island and it's textures on release, just loaded in now and everything has gone low resolution and looks likes it's being viewed through bubblewrap!

    I think I've noticed that too. Not sure. Might be my imagination.

  12. the challenge I'm talking about is creating grass at a distance. As I am sure you know (hope you know) the grass in-game is basically a couple of polygons with imagery on it, with an alpha for transparency.

    If you had this system visible for, say, 400 viewable meters, you'd have....have no idea how many of these low-poly-grass objects. It's simply to much. Hence, we have grass distance sliders. You simply can't have grass similar to near-distance in the far distances, as the number of polygons grow exponentially, because of viewable area and whatnot.

    The other solution, which has been suggested somewhere on these forums, is to fade the opacity of the actual characters at a certain distance, so the bottom half of them is transparent, thus simulating being hidden in the grass. Not a bad idea, given some time and resources to develop.

    The point I'm making is that we can't apply real-world standards to a video game. This isn't the matrix. It would be nice to be able to blast holes in the rocks with drills and dynamite. It would be nice to have a 40km draw distance if I am high up enough in a plane. It would be great for the rain to create actual puddles which would reflect the sky. Todays' tech has limitations and so does this engine. That doesn't stop the engine from being great and the game from being a technical and aesthetic marvel.

    Pardon my attitude, it's not intentional. I'm a 3D animator by profession and I hear a lot of impossible demands from clients. I guess we are all BIS' clients, here.

    sorry, I just read your post where you already mention the semi-transparent character solution. Ya, it's a pretty good idea. Also, Nordkitchen's work has RIDICULOUS potential and he should be taken very seriously by BIS.

    Again, if I come off as abrasive, do us all a favor and ignore me! ;)

  13. Regarding realism:


    Heard of grass and concealment? It isnt futured in this game. See also: shadows and same influence from the sun for humans and the environment.

    At least not above 200m's.

    so easy to see who has no experience or knowledge of 3D game graphics or challenges.

    ---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

    The moment you exit villages the dream is over. There's just a bunch of empty hills that are little more detailed than Takistan. And just like Takistan overpowered snipers will be an issue again. Since there is not going to be windage sniper rifles (which themselves have less recoil than assault rifles making them even more unrealistic) will completely rule this deserted terrain.

    The island is big, sure. But it consists of... mostly nothing. Empty hills do not provide for interesting scenarios at all. It could've been smaller and it would've actually become more interesting as well as allowed for a better terrain grid providing for more ground detail. Size is not everything when half of it is wasted.

    Metalcraze you need to go play Skyrim. Not realistic and not boring. But also not remotely what ARMA3 is meant to be.

    I think the island looks FANTASTIC outside and inside of towns. It's a bloody technical marvel and visual/aesthetic achievement, PERIOD.

  14. Hi.

    First off, my FPS in Altis is actually pretty good, no complaints. That being said, I am always eager for an extra 1km of view distance or a few more frames per second.

    Are there any definitive guides yet on optimizing settings and configuring systems/cfg files for Arma3?

    Should I disable core parking? (I am on a I7 2700, so 4 cores and 8 threads)

    Should I mess with my page file size? (I have 16gigs ram, and page files set to auto)

    Does disabling Steam background operations help?

    Does having an SSD HD help a lot?

    Sorry for the whack of questions, I'm just trying to get educated on how to get this game running at 100% of what it can be running at.


    I7 2600 OC to 4Ghz

    GTX 590

    7200rpm HDD

    16Gigs RAM

    Win 7 64bit

  15. Altis looks FANTASTIC. I am in awe. This is going to suck hundreds of hours of my time. BIS, you're really quite amazing.

    FPS similar to Stratis, unless I am flying low over a town. then FPS drops by around 40%. I think optimization will be an ongoing battle, even after release.

    additional stutters when loading new stuff. I have a normal HD, not SSD. :(

    Again, VERY impressed with the look and scope of Altis.

    I7 2600 quad OC to 4Ghz


    7200rpm HD. Boo.

  16. apologies, Raven_JJ, I just tried it and you are clearly talking about helicopters without any forward velocity...which means I've probably just spewed a bunch of stuff you already knew. Apologies agin.

    So, the times appear to be right on my end, so whether these yaw times are accurate to the real world vehicles is way beyond me....so I'll shut-up now! :)

  17. yaw works fine in the helicopters as far as I can tell. Remember, like in real life, as the helicopter gains speed, the ability to yaw is greatly reduced by air resistance on the rear stabilizing surfaces. Basically, the helicopter "wants" to go straight forward, as speed increases. At high speed, yaw basically does next to nothing, which is correct.

  18. After Monday update (12.08.2013) I've noticed, that yaw movement in MH-9/AH-9 is very slow, no matter what speed I'm traveling at. I've tried both keyboard and joystick, but both feel the same. Right now it's the slowest of all helicopters, except Ghosthawk.

    Here's rough values of how much time it takes to do a 360 spin:

    AH-9/MH-9: 10s

    Blackfoot: 7s

    Ghosthawk: 10s

    Orca: 8s

    Kajman: 9s

    Mohawk: 6s

    I take it those times are at a complete stand still? like in auto-hover mode?
