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About Panthro

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  1. Panthro

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    No need to be a dick. There are things about steam I like you know, like hackers loose all their stuff...... love that one actually!:cool: I dont get why people get their nickers in a knot over the issues with steam, if your happy to sign your rights away great! I just dont like where all this is heading and have issues with removal of those rights. *edit* at this point I got no reason but to assume your a steam fan boy or something.
  2. Panthro

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    My problem is with the always on, invasion of steam into my privacy the looooong list of people who have huge issues with suddenly having all their stuff stolen lost or removed with no reproach or indication of care from Steam. Reading the EULA is like having your rights read on arrest, its amazing how may rights you give up by agreeing to it. I remember when you could be part of a class action when it was warranted. Oh, well thats another reason for steam devs. to be resting comfortably with no need to worry/care about the plight of many.
  3. Panthro

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    well nice to know you are so well informed on others, I suggest you actually read your EULA LOL not a steam fanboy. Read your original post its like you've ticked all the boxes required by STEAM PR dep.
  4. Panthro

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    none of this affects the fact that I do not own steam and never will this simply means that I will not own Arma3, this is what I am upset about. there is NO WAY available to use steam and protect my privacy and guarantee my investment. Would you buy a car if they said there is no way they can guarantee they wont reclaim it without warning and due to no fault of their own. The statement "most players come from Steam" is a little misleading when you look at the details, I'd like to see how many of those steam players only ever played DayZ, well I am prepared to be proven wrong.
  5. Panthro

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Great, Steam!! I suppose its a good thing it is not Origin. I WILL NOT GET STEAM if Arma3 & that is a huge blow to me :( I dont care to rent a game 'till some random crap shoots me down.:cylon: I would have taken the Sprocket bullet with a boxed version & some complaining, but never will take Steam. :mad: I cant help but feel BI are out of touch with this aspect of their consumer base, but then again since they are already bitch slapping down any (organized) opinion by the community so maybe they know all to well. Seems that the first casualties claimed by Steam are already not allowed expression where it can be seen. I strongly disagree with such draconian stances as I see no reason why such a group shouldn't be allowed or is there a poll planned? *edit* VM is not allowed. :(
  6. I'd like to see this an option... it would be like giving a wider audience a link into the other game & increase the attractiveness of ArmA to TkOH players and vice versa.
  7. Panthro

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    I def. want more advanced flight model for ArmA3 plus it would stop those bullcrap 10 spool up's ......new stratagie for ArmA3 guys ..... send the pilot ahead or have a dedicated one!
  8. Panthro

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    I don't want gore aka Hollywood effects I just want realistic wounds & first aid. even if it's only leg damage = fix leg or chest dammage = fix chest medics should have to check the body over at least, maybe basic obs.
  9. Panthro

    submarine, walk in cargo, ships?

    +1 on moving around in moving vehicles! I want to see CH47 rib recovery & fast deployment of vehicles from air vehicles. and just for kicks I want to drive a DVP out of one at 1000ft :D
  10. Panthro

    They better have female soldiers...

    It is a fact that the human race as individuals devotes a huge amount of time & energy on sex & all it's precursor interactions, this is hard wired in the brain. That goes for BOTH genders, not just men, as such it is only the warm and fuzzy logic of modern Political correctness that doesn't acknowledge these traits as fundamental and undeniable, the last thing the forces need is extra complexity & unpredictable alliances in the field. Oh and BTW in my clan we have a couple of female FPS players and one is a captain & has been since the early Desert Combat days. WWW.G3TSOME.COM <---- blatant plug ;P that said I hope they do make female soldiers
  11. Panthro

    So what are we up against in ArmA III?

    Nazi advanced invisible cyborg zombie attack ninjas!! or maybe it's opfor :P
  12. Panthro

    Flight sim lite

    really that would be awesome!! I dont expect a super complex start up that wouldnt make sense but a 5 step start up would. It could be part of boot camp & be able to be turned off in server settings. eg . step 1 power/fuel on step 2 APU startup step 3 start engine or L then R engine step 4 APU shutdown step 5 avionics/hud etc. on this is really overly simplified.
  13. Panthro

    Flight sim lite

    as in I think vehicles need to have more to them than just jump in and push forward to move. do this and you drive off before the engine even has had time to start, infact you'll be doing a 10k before the engine has finished turning over once!!
  14. Panthro

    Flight sim lite

    TOH is old news and one could argue that a MD500 is basically a MH6j but I prefer ArmA but I'm not after focusing more on air assets just removing them from a blurry well used corner of the game in order to make it less BF2! I also think vehicles need more resolution.
  15. Panthro

    Flight sim lite

    I gotta say I really want a more detailed flight sim'ish set up for Arma3. atm it's just too basic for something the likes of ArmA.:pet7: at the very least there should be a basic start up for planes helis 5 step process and the ability to set multiple way points. plus for gods sake get rid of the damn auto rudder!! If flying took knowledge to do then people would have less trouble with wanna be's jumping in air assets and wasting them.