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Everything posted by Swanky

  1. Thanks for fixing the command bug so quickly! By the way, is there a way to have multiple/separate saves? I'd like to have different saves for SP but I don't want to risk overwriting/deleting my MP save.
  2. I concur with the above; I can no longer give squads move orders. Regardless, this is the best mod I've played for Arma 3 so far. Hopefully, this particular bug is easy to fix. Keep up the good work.
  3. Forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong place but I'd like to know how to place (within the editor) empty I44 vehicles on the map.
  4. Quick question: When setting up some of the official co-op missions, I'm unable to swap roles with players. For instance, in the mission, Co-op 8 Wildcat, as host I'm assigned as the heli pilot. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to swap seats to allow others that role. Suggestions? Many thanks in advance.
  5. Ah well. Thanks for your help, guys.
  6. So it looks likes it written into the mission. Any way of editing those missions in the editor?