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Everything posted by esco7800

  1. esco7800


    looking good so far, great job guys, looking forward to this mod
  2. esco7800

    Project RACS

    wld427 you in the rest of the team are doing a great job, keep up the great work
  3. another great job RHS, do you guys know what factions will be getting it yet?
  4. esco7800

    Russia, return or someone new?

    Please no US no Russia it's been done to death. china, India, Pakistan, NK, South Africa, Brazil. Or make up a new country capable of fighting. Just no more could war, it's over. There's some great mods for this coming out.
  5. esco7800

    Project RACS

    happy to here your better wld427
  6. @colonel, stagler the best Chechen Rebels ive seen so far @pufu, if thats what I think it is great job
  7. Still at this point there stuff is not out so we should just leave it alone until we find out one way are anther. At this point if they did make the models if I were them I would not release them some of this stuff being said is insulting. I don't know why all these accusations know one know yet. So let this discussion die until we find out.
  8. Well if there stuff is a port our not it looks great, So I just hope there stuff gets released at some point. As I do with all the great addon makers out there.
  9. I know some guy had not seen it yet so I removed my post so they could see it. So we could end the conversation about if there still releasing there stuff are not.
  10. update: just checked there forum in they are still releasing there stuff I just saw new screenshots of one of there planes the mig31 or 25 I don't know much about the difference. But they posted it on oct,10,10,2010
  11. I'm a member of the web site were they post there stuff. in they have not said anything about not releasing there stuff. So I would wait to close this thread until one of the team members says other wise. As far as I know there still working on these planes.
  12. Miles you in andrei in the rest of the team are doing a great job. In I know you guys know this from me but ill say it again it is appreciated.
  13. Do you guy's plan on doing a BTR-T Heavy IFV or BMPT ?
  14. nice but what is it? I thought next up was the T-80. In are you guys going to do a S-300 or S-200?
  15. esco7800

    A2WarMod Release

    this is great, nice job
  16. OK the Carpet bombing I tried to use the template you gave me. I inserted the new code this is what I did. if (side player == resistance) then { mando_airsupport_type_cb = "IRAN_F4_CAS"; // mando_airsupport_type_cb = "IRAN_F4_CAS"; // Carpet bombing custom code global variable for F4 mando_airsupport_carpetcode = { private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_widx"]; _plane = _this select 0; _targetpos = _this select 1; while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 2000) && (alive _plane)} do { Sleep 1; }; if (alive _plane) then { _widx = [_plane, "AirBombLauncher"] call mando_weaponindex; for [{_i=0}, {_i<4}, {_i=_i+1}] do { _plane action ["useWeapon", _plane, driver _plane, _widx]; Sleep 0.4; }; }; }; }; But it did not work do you know what I did wrong?