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About HJHunger

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  1. Hey GalComT, did you read my question? Can I help you guys somehow?
  2. Salute guys, your Work looks awesome! Very good to know, that someone takes care of the German Forces in ArmA2/CO. One question for me as a german Panzerfeldwebel: What about the Leopard 2A5? The BWMod-A6 (even with ACE-Config) is pretty messed up, looks very nice, but a lot went wrong there. I dont say I could do it better, but there are a few things i recognized wich are just wrong. If you plan to develope a new german Panzer, just say if I can help you somehow to get it closer to reality. Mit kameradschaftlichem Gruß Hunger
  3. A small Fallschirmjäger/Wehrmacht unit is defending a Town from several positions. Just a small video i made cause i was bored. 7hmLKkZ7z-8 MkG Hunger
  4. Will there also be a Tiger I for this mod? Would love it. Awsome pictures by the way, i cant wait for this. And what about the stage of development of Infantry? Hunger
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM-uua5JtyY Mods used: ACE BW Mod MBG Celle Download higher quali here: http://www.germansoldiers.net/phpBB2/downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=94
  6. Hi Community, i have a little problem here. Right now i'm creating a Coop-Mission with the target of eliminate 5 BM-21 GRADs. Those GRADs should now fire their rockets when my group comes close to them, so that it just looks like they fire at a distance position. I just created a invisible Helipad (altitude 120) with named "L1" and 5 Grads named "D1 - D5". I created a trigger witch says: "D1 dowatch L1;" The GRAD is now targeting the invisible Helipad, but how can i bring it to fire?? I tried it witch "D1 fire GRAD" and "D1 dofire L1", but nothing works, maybe any idea? (Sorry for my bad english). Lg Hunger