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Everything posted by SOUK

  1. SOUK

    UAV respawn

    Hiya buddy, would you mind sharing the script that you're using for the working UAV respawn, using empty UAVs and still being able to connect to them after respawn.. Thanks!
  2. SOUK

    =BTC= Revive

    Did you find a solution for being able to do this, if you did let me know it please.
  3. I've used a 360 controller in all compatible arma series for years, it was excellent on all versions bar Arma 3 Alpha. Arma 2 had it sussed where the 360 controller was concerned, on version 2 you could pretty much carry out all of the primary controls from your 360 controller i.e movement, change weapons, drive all vehicles, fly all air crafts just like in Battlefield; you could even pull up the map and and use your wired 360 headset for in game voice etc. The only time i ever really need to use the keyboard is for the following: To type in game Add way-points Climb (with the V key) flares in aircraft's Most of the settings mentioned i very rarely use, so for me the 360 controller is brilliant. I hope the developers of Arma3 add better game controller profiles for our 360 controllers as before.
  4. I'd like to know if this is possible too?
  5. SOUK

    1.4 to 1.5 = Desktop crash?

    I just managed to get my game to work. Try this, it may or may not work for you. Un-install the game (again) Delete any folders left over (yet again) Restart your machine Re-Install the game (One more time with feeling) Before installing the patch, run the game in single player mode up to the first game save. Then install the patch (browse some adult content while you wait) lmao Then run the game and see how you get on. This just worked for me, I'm now in the game and ready to destroy everyone else that managed to get it to work. Woohoo.... See you on the battle field troopers...
  6. SOUK

    1.4 to 1.5 = Desktop crash?

    I couldnt agree more ---------- Post added at 06:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 AM ---------- I'm having this issue along with a few other people and we are using ATI cards with the latest drivers.
  7. SOUK

    1.4 to 1.5 = Desktop crash?

    I'm on 64bit OS too.. Could be a possibility, maybe, maybe not... Is anyone else here running version 1.5 on a 64bit XP, Vista or Windows 7? I'm only just guessing here at the moment as clearly i haven't got a clue... Like i said, it worked before and now this. It seem some of your error code is the same as mine. I just reinstalled the game for the third time this time reinstalling it back up to 1.4...and bingo it works again. This is blatantly a cock up on there part.. :j:
  8. SOUK

    1.4 to 1.5 = Desktop crash?

    And the following under [Application Error]: I cant explain how annoying i find it when these developers use the mainstream public as real time beta guinea pigs.:mad: I bought the game to play it, not to be a part of the development for it!