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Everything posted by sleet01

  1. My Chromehounds mod... it is back on!
  2. Hey, huge newbie here, I was playing on an MP server last night and, being almost completely alone, ended up trying to use an M119 to blow some targets I'd mapped myself. However I wasn't able to pull up any kind of aiming map or even a sight with angles marked; the best I got was a direct-fire sight. I've seen plenty of videos on Youtube of a manual artillery map with graduated range lines that would have been just what I need, but it doesn't seem to be available in Arma 2, Ace 2, CBA, or (at the very least) in that mission. Is this a separate add-on and, if so, is there any plan to put this functionality into CBA or ACE 2? I feel that any piece of artillery should have at the very *least* a heading and elevation indicator; heck, I think even the M1A2s now have an indirect-fire capability now. Before anyone asks, by the way, I googled for this info, checked Youtube, double-checked the Arma2 manual, and hit pretty much every key combination known to man before posting this.
  3. Can this be done while playing the game? For instance, if I log into a server already running a game, can I got to e.g. the server options and update a piece of arty I just dropped in-game so that it can be targetted? On a similar note, can this be automated? I was playing on a server where, as the 1-1-A actual, I could call for M119s to be dropped anywhere on the map. Shouldn't these guns automatically be synchronized with a module? Thanks for the quick reply, by the way; I was pulling my hair out last night.
  4. sleet01

    Manual Artillery Aiming

    Would this be something best implemented as a dedicated FDC vehicle - I think the M106 has this capacity as well as being a mortar carrier - or some kind of hand-held computer? By the way, I just popped in here looking for information on how to use the Arma2 fire plotter function, if there is one, from something like the M119.
  5. sleet01

    Single Player Mission error

    Never mind; the problem (for me, at least) was caused by the Steam version of Arma 2 only being updated to 1.0496 or so. I installed the 1.05 update and hotfix and now I don't see the error.
  6. sleet01

    Single Player Mission error

    I'm having the same issue, although only since I installed ACE2. The official bug tracker (can't remember how I got there, just try googling "CA_AH64D") seemed to show somebody was working on a fix with a due date of 3/16/10. Build: Arma2 1.05 Mods: ACE 2 Beta 2 (inclusive)