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About sleet01

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  • Interests
    Anime, sci-fi, games, planes, etc.
  • Occupation
    Test Engineer

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  • Biography
    Ex-tanker turned software tester
  1. My Chromehounds mod... it is back on!
  2. Can this be done while playing the game? For instance, if I log into a server already running a game, can I got to e.g. the server options and update a piece of arty I just dropped in-game so that it can be targetted? On a similar note, can this be automated? I was playing on a server where, as the 1-1-A actual, I could call for M119s to be dropped anywhere on the map. Shouldn't these guns automatically be synchronized with a module? Thanks for the quick reply, by the way; I was pulling my hair out last night.
  3. sleet01

    Manual Artillery Aiming

    Would this be something best implemented as a dedicated FDC vehicle - I think the M106 has this capacity as well as being a mortar carrier - or some kind of hand-held computer? By the way, I just popped in here looking for information on how to use the Arma2 fire plotter function, if there is one, from something like the M119.
  4. Hey, huge newbie here, I was playing on an MP server last night and, being almost completely alone, ended up trying to use an M119 to blow some targets I'd mapped myself. However I wasn't able to pull up any kind of aiming map or even a sight with angles marked; the best I got was a direct-fire sight. I've seen plenty of videos on Youtube of a manual artillery map with graduated range lines that would have been just what I need, but it doesn't seem to be available in Arma 2, Ace 2, CBA, or (at the very least) in that mission. Is this a separate add-on and, if so, is there any plan to put this functionality into CBA or ACE 2? I feel that any piece of artillery should have at the very *least* a heading and elevation indicator; heck, I think even the M1A2s now have an indirect-fire capability now. Before anyone asks, by the way, I googled for this info, checked Youtube, double-checked the Arma2 manual, and hit pretty much every key combination known to man before posting this.
  5. sleet01

    Single Player Mission error

    Never mind; the problem (for me, at least) was caused by the Steam version of Arma 2 only being updated to 1.0496 or so. I installed the 1.05 update and hotfix and now I don't see the error.
  6. sleet01

    Single Player Mission error

    I'm having the same issue, although only since I installed ACE2. The official bug tracker (can't remember how I got there, just try googling "CA_AH64D") seemed to show somebody was working on a fix with a due date of 3/16/10. Build: Arma2 1.05 Mods: ACE 2 Beta 2 (inclusive)