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Everything posted by MuffEater

  1. hi guys, so there's a code I wrote to be able to use a "medic ability" without being a medic (I placed an addAction in the init. sqf which is : "player addAction ["Use a medikit","healing.sqf"];"): cnt = 0; if (cnt <= 3) then { player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic1"; sleep 2; player setDamage 0; hintSilent "Good to go."; cnt = cnt +1; }; I wanted it to be usable only 3 times, but it is unlimited ATM... Any ideas?
  2. it doesn't work... I can still use it unlimited
  3. hi guys, so there is my problem (i'm a beginner to scripting): I want to simulate a random bombing over a city, and I ended up with this code: _v1 = position target_bomb; // game logic in the editor _radius = 450; _type = random 4; _mun = ""; if(_type < 1) then {_type = 1} else {if(_type < 2) then {_type = 2} else {if(_type < 3) then {_type = 3} else {_v4 = 4}}}}; switch (_type) do { case 1: {_mun = "Bo_FAB_250"}; case 2: {_mun = "Bo_GBU12_LGB"}; case 3: {_mun = "Sh_120_HE"}; case 4: {_mun = "G_40mm_Smoke"}; }; _coord = getPos target_bomb; _tx = _coord select 0; _ty = _coord select 1; while {alive player} do { _x = random _radius; _y = random _radius; _z = random 1; _z2 = random 1; if(_z < 0.5) then {_x = -_x}; if(_z2 < 0.5) then {_y = -_y}; _mine = _mun createVehicle [_tx+_x,_ty+_y,-0.1]; _v3 = random 15; Sleep _v3; }; if (true) exitWith {}; the problem is that no bomb never get spawned! /*===> me = sad:'( */ any ideas??
  4. MuffEater

    nesting if statement?

    ROFLBOMBING! I think I got it now, thx again!
  5. MuffEater

    nesting if statement?

    IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much! (p.s.: was it really so complicated =O ?)
  6. I think it was meant as a joke...
  7. @ aqui It still not working but I'll try Monsada's solution when I'll get time (what isn't the case right now) again, thx for your help guys EDIT: Monsada, if I well understood your script, it assign the vehicle to the new group, but I only need several units to get in the cargo part of the chopper, is it possible to just remove this part ?
  8. hi, I've been working for a while on a little mission, where we need an extraction at the end. Since the other guys with us are AI, I need to tell them to get in the chopper when it's arrived. I made something like this: if (alive unit_0) then { _grp0 = group unit_0; _wp0 = _grp0 addWaypoint [position heli1, 0]; _wp0 setWaypointType "GETIN"; _wp0 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp0 setWaypointCombatMode "GREEN"; _wp0 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _grp0 setCurrentWaypoint [_grp0, _wp0]; } else {exitWith{}}; }; and copy and paste it for the others AI (eventually not without changing all the "0" in "1", "2",etc...). The point is that it doesn't work, and I think I may commit suicid soon if I keep on going like this....:pet13: So, if anyone has an idea why it doesn't work (I mean they just stay here and carry on shooting on the bad Zombies), he (or she, no sexism) might become my god(dess).:notworthy: Thank you by advance.
  9. 1)ok I'll do it, and I'll tell you tomorrow (it's about 1 a.m. here...) 2)same 3)I put it in a script which make the heli come to a precise position (ok), make it land (ok), set a new objective to the player (ok) and set those waypoints to the AI's (not ok). thx again