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St. Jimmy

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Posts posted by St. Jimmy

  1. Those physics are too lightweight. Boxes are flying around when they should drop down heavily and when he threw the grenade enemies flew like in a hollywood film.

    But the game is still looking absolutely gorgeus.

  2. Ooooh now even I can see it if you mean that the legs of the guy in the middle are streched. That looks sick but I haven't seen that in game earlier so I'm not bothered. It looks like the left leg got some anorexia and the right leg and foot are chubby.

    But i think that issue got a good reason to be there.

  3. It's already unrealistic. How can they make it "even more" realistic?

    No soldier is trained to waste ammo like that nor is it effective in any way.

    It just looks "cool"

    Ok let's replace the "even more realistic" with realistic :) And if you or your squad leader thinks that's uneffective and you are wasting too much ammo then don't use it.

  4. @metalcraze

    If BIS can do that kind of cover system I believe they would make it even more realistic like exposing only light weapons or make MG's to be veeeery unaccurate and you can't climb over the walls with 100kg backpack etc.
