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About Stang

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Flying and Photography
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  • Biography
    Fighter Ops Creator
  1. Stang

    Joystick Question Please

    I figured it was something easy. Thanks for the help forteh!!
  2. Hi Guys Quick question. I am using a Thrustmaster T1600M in ARMA III. I would like to be able to "reverse" the throttle slider for helicopters, so I am "pulling back" to increase collective. If possible, I'd like to keep it normal for Jets...ie: "push forward" to increase thrust. Is this possible and if so, how? Thanks
  3. Hey TRex Where did you find the i0n0s plugin at Can't seem to find a download link anywhere Stang
  4. Here are the classes for the remaining aircraft (MH6 & OH58) // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys class CfgPatches { class CYBP_LittleBirdsConfig { units[] = {CYBP_AH6_US, CYBP_AH6_RACS, CYBP_AH6_NAPA, CYBP_AH6_CHDKZ, CYBP_MH6_US, CYBP_MH6_RACS, CYBP_MH6_NAPA, CYBP_MH6_CHDKZ}; weapons[] = {LBM134, LBFFAR}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = {"CAAir", "CAWeapons", "CYBP_LittleBirds"}; }; }; // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys class CfgVehicles { class Helicopter; // External class reference class OH58_Heli : Helicopter { class NewTurret; // External class reference irScanRangeMin = 500; irScanRangeMax = 8000; class ViewPilot; // External class reference class AnimationSources; // External class reference };
  5. WhooHoo Finlay making real progress Thanks Everyone!! :bounce3:
  6. Waaaait I just tried the second pbo ([APS]Gnat's version) and it WORKED!! His version includes the following aircraft A10 F35 Su25 Av8b Su34 Su39 C130J I think I should take his advice and leave the landing speed alone so as to not freak out the AI. how do I add the following aircraft to his version F 16 400 (?Mykes) MH60 170 Mi17 135 CH53 150 UH1Y 125 AH64 150 AH1Z 150 Ka52 150 Mi24 200 OH58 125 MH6 175 I am "ASSUMING" I can add the rest of the other aircraft & their maxSpeed = line remove the landingSpeed = line from all of them and have everything I want running in a single pbo.....? Right?
  7. Could it be the way I'm running it? I have "ALL" of the community addons I've downloaded in one folder like Myke's F16 for example. I did put key files in the Key folder My Arma 2 folder is this C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\Addons My shortcut to launch the game is this "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 33900 -nosplash -mod=addons All of the added on things like Myke's F16, OH58, CH53, MH6, @VopSound_2.1, @proper, @LittleBirds, @At_gui, Ka50 and CH47 are in that one folder, They show up fine in the editor and seem to work just fine as well. Should I have my addons setup differently? Thanks
  8. I think I'm doing something wrong. I got the new "adjPlanes.pbo" file from you (Thank you) I put it in my addons folder in Arma2 I have this as a shortcut target to run Arma 2 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 33900 -nosplash -mod=addons I start in Single Player, go into the editor in Chernarus. Create a player, then an empty A10 which I can fly no problem however...there is no change whatsoever to the flight model of the A10. In straight and level flight it goes right past 600 easily. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
  9. Hey TRex In the sample file you emailed me it had a file (ajdPlanes.pbo) and Folder (adjPlanes) with 1 file in it (config1202.cpp). I know there are several ways to add / run MOD's. How should I install this to run it? I know the pbo goes in my addons folder but where does the folder go and what other parameters do I need to add to the launch shortcut to run it correctly? Thanks
  10. Single Player Sure, all the time why???
  11. I did find out that "cpbo" does not work in Vista 64 bit. I even tried the XP compatibility mode and still no luck. Is these another tool for creating pbo's that works in Vista 64? I did find and use successfully "PboView" that runs in Vista 64 just fine and allows me to view and extract pbo's...just not compile them again. :confused: Then the speed issue may be solved. If its has a +- 100, then we're finsihed with that part...YEAH :) I am using the "other ways" you've mentioned with the following to slow things down a bit. Limited Air Assets (aircraft). Limit Speed. Limited Fuel. Limited Weapons. Limited Intel. Increased Air Defense Assets. Increased Enemy Air CAP / CAS. Increased Patrols and Convoys in and between AO's. Increased Specific Goals that require items accomplished in certain orders to progress/win. Also made it very easy to loose, if you avoid certain instructions or do not protect certain assets. When I get it done I think you Guys will like it, if you like small force realistic operations, with ground controlled dependent air cover, in a hard enviroment that requires strategy, team work and players focused on accomplishing goals. Should be great fun
  12. I'll check it out this afternoon...Thanks Guys Also, TRex, when you were able to get the A10 past 400...was it like 480 in a dive or just in straight and level flight, did it zoom right past 400? I don't mind a little variance say +- 100 in a steep dive, as I'm just trying to "slow down" the air element of the mission, to more realistic speeds, thus making it more critical how you use Air Support in the mission. Right now you can zoom across Chernarus in a F-35 in about 30 seconds. In the MOD I'm making, you'll have to provide Air Cover & Support, from the Carrier that's located about as far out to sea as the map allows. This makes it a 4 minute journey to get from the Carrier to the main base at 350 and over 9 minutes in a slow helo. The additional time compounds the danger, critical issues and resupply/support side of things, during insertion, a fire fight and extraction and makes things "more" realistic. Thanks again Guys for all the help If this does not work, I'll shoot an email to Marek Španěl at BI and ask him. Its been a while since we chatted about Fighter Ops so I need to bring him up to speed anyway. If he doesn't know, I'm sure he can find out.
  13. Thanks Myke Question for you. Can you land the F16 on a Carrier? I know its not realistic...but I am curious. Thanks
  14. See the notes below is RED ---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ---------- [/color][/color]I was using Mykes available HERE but where can I find the other one as I'd like to test it too...unless they are one in the same?
  15. TRex You type faster than Britney Spears looses her panties at a party :eek: Thanks for the help again. I'd be super happy to have you pob-it and send it my way. I DL most of the items but have not tried them yet. Will do this evening