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Everything posted by -Magnum-

  1. -Magnum-

    Arma 2 1.06 Patch Suggestions

    Be good if there was a function to modify your 'skin'. i.e play as a USMC soldier but look like a civilian
  2. -Magnum-

    we need this for xbox360

    Bloody mainstream consolers.. Leave your mitts off this game. This type of game is BUILT for PC's. Want to play it, buy a damn PC, where the serious gamers play. I have a PS3 and an Xbox 360, but certain games are just not meant to be played on a console, you're just not getting the same experience. If you are real gaming enthusiast, you'll fork out the cash for a proper gaming PC. Some games work for PC's and some for consoles. FPS's, RTS, Simulation and strategy are the domain of the PC, where they are experienced PROPERLY. Conversely, Sports, Fighting, Racing and Arcade (shooter, beat em up, etc), usually are owned by a console. That's why I have both. Both have their own advantages. But for Serious FPS's like ARMA2, and other FPS's, RTS's, etc with are either complex or highly competitive, leave it to PC. Besides, a 360 or PS3 would melt into a smoking pile of silicon and plastic trying to run ARMA 2. If people think it could run on a console they have no idea about games architecture or computing systems. Why haven't we seen Crysis on a console? Yes ARMA could probably be cut down and neutered to within an inch of it's life, but whats the point? Face it, some things are just best done on PC... to get something as magnificent as ARMA 2 running on a console would be like trying to edit a movie like Pulp Fiction to get a PG-13 rating. It just aint the same... The mainstreamer console gen has half killed PC gaming, at least affected it to the negative, giving us so many games fesntering with consolitsis, cut down and neutered versions of what would otherwise have been decent games. MW2, OpFlashDR, R6: lockdown, Deus Ex 2, etc etc etc I'm not suggest the pro-console guys here are, but the people who think Halo is one of the best FPS games ever doesn't deserve their opinions heard. But unfortunately that is where the money is and that is direction game companies are going, and the hardcore crowd are the ones suffering. Thank God for ARMA2 and the guys like BIS and a few others who are still catering for the serious PC gamer market. Its few and far between nowadays. And this aint a rant about consoles or console only players. Both have their place, and strengths and weakness, however it does make me angry the affect that the mainstream console brigade have had on the quality of PC games, especially in the last 5 years.