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About JFStiletto

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  1. JFStiletto

    Patch 1.05 compatibility issues

    My first issue is that this issue seems to be only affecting users that DOWNLOAD this game. I have surveyed 22 new users of the ARMA 2 game. Of those 22, 15 purchased the game retail (at a physical location, receiving a Boxed Product), 7 had purchased the game online. All 7 have this issue with pathing files the patch can't find. Basically, it means that the quality control at BIS is more than a little lacking. I spent the same amount of money on a product that won't work. I spent over 12 hours working on this over the last 3 days. There are 2 forums that mention the problem (one of them here). Nobody anywhere has posted a fix. And the fix you posted (Applying patch 1.03, then 1.05) would be fine if I could find the 1.03 patch somewhere. I looked for it on the official site download library, but it wasn't there, which since it was quoted here is just sort of wrong. I also looked on Fileplanet. (associated with Direct2Drive whom I purchased the game from). I have counted on Fileplanet for files (patches) for the last 3 years. They had 1.02, 1.04, 1.05 and 1.05 Hotfix, but no 1.03. My current partial fix was to take the files I downloaded (purchased). Create a DVD ISO image. Virtually mount that image and run the install again from the DVD Drive. (each R/R operation is about 90 minutes).Then installed the patch and only got 12 file errors, rather than 50. Of those 12 files that still errored out, All of them were in the /addon directory of the DVD Image so why the error ? has to do with last part of the path: Specifically "#steam". I don't understand how this applies to the pathing, but there is the problem. Please look at the copy of the errorlog below for reference: Please be patient. This update may appear to take a long time to complete. It is updating and installing very large data. ARMA II Steam ArmA 2: Updating version 1.02 to version 1.05... Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\ROCKS2.PBO.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\SIGNS2.PBO.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\SOUNDMISSIONS.PBO.BI.BISIGN.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\SOUNDMISSIONS.PBO.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\SOUNDS.PBO.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\STRUCTURES.PBO.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\TRACKED2.PBO.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\WEAPONS.PBO.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\WEAPONS2.PBO.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\WHEELED.PBO.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\WHEELED2.PBO.UPD.#STEAM cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 ArmA 2 patch 1.05 has been applied successfully. While it says the patch was applied successfully, the game crashes intermittently and there is are missing sound effects. My last comment -> Can BIS use another tech support person ? I need a job. Seriously though, thanks for any and all support !
  2. JFStiletto

    Patch 1.05 compatibility issues

    I tried to post this issue in the proper forum. The issue I am having has to do with the 1.05 update patch: I have downloaded this patch from 3 different mirrors, at least 3 different times each. Here is a copy of the text of the error log when I run the 1.05 patch .exe file: ArmA 2: Updating version 1.02 to version 1.05... Update 1.02-1.03\ADDONS\AIR.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.02-1.03\ADDONS\AIR2.PBO.BI.BISIGN.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.02-1.03\ADDONS\AIR2.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.02-1.03\ADDONS\AIR3.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.02-1.03\ADDONS\ANIMALS2.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.02-1.03\ADDONS\ANIMS.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.02-1.03\ADDONS\BUILDINGS.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.02-1.03\ADDONS\BUILDINGS2_IND_CEMENTWORKS.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Some error occurred during patch installation. Patch file is probably dammaged. You may need to download it again. Error in file ADDONS\buildings2_Ind_CementWorks.pbo, phase 1. My original game was downloaded from Direct2Drive. Installed and played with no errors (so far). Could you please define the error codes reciecved ? I haven't tried to simulate the download as a CD if the error is related to a pathing issue (which does seem likely, But creates more issues for downloadable game content vs store bought versions). Please let me know and thanks for your help !