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About Johnny_GetEm

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  1. Are there any plans for someone to make something like this for Arma 3? Would it even be plausible? Imperial Guard would fit perfectly in my opinion, versus Tau or Traitor Guardsmen. Wouldn't even need Space Marines. Just imagining in-depth battles with Chimeras dropping off a squad of Death Korps of Krieg makes me really hopeful it'll happen someday. It could still hold all the tactical and well used squad cohesion of the vanilla game, just in a different setting.
  2. Arma 2 definitely seems to run better since the patches but there are still a few problems here and there that i notice. Like Ai units can be warpy when I look from a distance through binoculars while the other motorized group right next to them doesn't seem to be, and there isn't much going on when it happens. Also, Is there a way to fix flickering textures and can I improve it so the grass and bushes don't pop up so obviously? It can run on high/very high pretty well. I'm using 4890 with 9.12 catalyst with gpu at 901 and memory clock at 1000, Phenom II x4 940 and 4gb ram. Wondering if any users know of the best settings for CCC?
  3. Johnny_GetEm

    [ADO] Quesh-Kibrul v1.0

    Err noob question here. How do I get this to work with Ace 2 when im using the six updater?
  4. So has anyone seen any servers with this?
  5. Johnny_GetEm

    American PvP server

    Cool cool, i was just gonna check and see if there were any near west coast ace pvp server.