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About streetsin

  • Rank
    Private First Class


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    Weightlifting & IT
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  • Biography
    Untalented GFX artist
  1. streetsin

    [WIP] CO "Degeneration" Zombie Survival

    I'd think that once you DL this mission it anything that makes it even better is worth adding. 150 MB doesn't kill people? Some might disagree though.
  2. I don't have the time to be precise but here is something: - check ACE2 that changes lots of things and adds as well. If you are a pilot, it has couple neat tricks for you (I just checked the sidewinder part of your text). - Generally all the mods that are introduced in the "Completed addons" -forum section are rather worth checking and you don't need to worry about loading crap. Addon makers in this community are 99,99 % good guys and the stuff is quality. - Download IceBreakers islands (Isla Duala, Panthera, Jade Groove) and Namalsk as well but that is not IB's creation. - Many cool visual FX mods are here already and more is coming, sound mods have lots of variety but I like the ones that ship with ACE2. Their team member is also creating fairly great sounding echo / reverb mod that is brilliant. - Also there are lots of functional addons like "InstantViewDistance" and millions of others that ease out the gameplay for a new guy and in general. Makes it more pleasant. In addon-forum there is a thread that lists all the "musthave" addons if I remember correctly, check it out and if you don't see something I mentioned or somebody else does, google is your friend. www.armaholic.com is rather great site and you can find user made missions and campaigns from there as well. About your specs. I think you can play on medium / high settings if you want playable FPS. Welcome to the community, since OFP as well o/
  3. streetsin

    A2 user missions ... dying ... ?

    dondaddah, You don't see that people who do lots with editor are happy when they got new island, toys and units to play with so it is only natural that you play with them now when they are fresh. Same as with sex in new relationship. Give it some time and people will "remember" old stuff too.
  4. streetsin

    [WIP] CO "Degeneration" Zombie Survival

    I don't mean to provoke or to bitch with the following. I have had this thread in my bookmarks for months (?) because I love the idea this mission can offer so I am bit sad about the fact that you are waiting for 0.85 of the Undead Mod. Obviously I understand it but Miniz, have you had contact to Charon about the rights to release the mission with the material that is coming in Undead Mod? Small research from my part showed that Charon has been bit unactive lately and mate has his reasons but if you have the needed parts and a contact to him. I personally and I bet many others would love to see this released. So.. Not to rush or bitch but to support, try and deliver <3
  5. Would that thing be only one man operated or possibly two?
  6. I want that mech, I need it. I love it. Get it done and release for public please \o(
  7. streetsin


    No more inflatables for me, goes to the same category with the bulldozer addon. Just brilliant ^^
  8. streetsin

    VF Ladder Addon

    Yes.. so unrealistic to have modern western military that fights a lot in urban situations nowadays to have tactical ladders.. Now maybe go and google about tactical ladders for military use and I promise to every single one of you who doubts: All the grappling hooks are not something a regular military uses to get up but down on the walls. Don't play too much CoD folks, it rapes your mind. (model VF uses doesn't match on the majority of tactical ladders design but really, does it matter).
  9. streetsin

    Project Reality Development

    I remember the day when PR:BF2 came out, the very first version of the "Mini Mod" and I knew that these guys (even lots has changed for sure) will make great things. So clad you are moving to RV3 engine. Create, test & share and I promise to love you :)
  10. What do you need to develop-test-improve so hard if it has already been done for VBS2 ;)
  11. streetsin

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    Right, go and buy OFP DR then, that doesn't even have support, or such a modder community. Demand perfect for your 40 dollars and come bitching then. How I love people like you not enjoying what is working but instead coming to tell how you are not going to buy OA.