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Everything posted by =101AD=Richard

  1. =101AD=Richard

    Domination weapon save

    Ok I found this as well which is where weapons save in domination, IO cant make sense of this. Ive tried and ive looked through so many files for domination. I want the stock OA backpacks to be able to save when you die in Domination respawn waitUntil {alive player}; #ifndef __ACE__ if (!isNil {__pGetVar(d_p_ev_hd)}) then {d_phd_invulnerable = true}; #else __pSetVar ["ace_w_allow_dam", false]; #endif #ifdef __OA__ removeBackpack player; #endif _p = player; if (x_weapon_respawn) then { removeAllItems _p; removeAllWeapons _p; #define __addmx _p addMagazine _x #define __addwx _p addWeapon _x #ifndef __REVIVE__ if (count d_custom_layout > 0) then { {__addmx} forEach (d_custom_layout select 1); {__addwx} forEach (d_custom_layout select 0); } else { {__addmx} forEach _magazines; {__addwx} forEach _weapons; {if !(_p hasWeapon _x) then {_p addWeapon _x}} forEach _items; if (count d_backpack_helper > 0) then { {__addmx} forEach (d_backpack_helper select 0); {__addwx} forEach (d_backpack_helper select 1); d_backpack_helper = []; }; }; #else {__addmx} forEach _magazines; {__addwx} forEach _weapons; {if !(_p hasWeapon _x) then {_p addWeapon _x}} forEach _items; if (count d_backpack_helper > 0) then { {__addmx} forEach (d_backpack_helper select 0); {__addwx} forEach (d_backpack_helper select 1); d_backpack_helper = []; }; #endif if (WithBackpack) then { if (count __pGetVar(d_custom_backpack) > 0) then { __pSetVar ["d_player_backpack", [__pGetVar(d_custom_backpack) select 0, __pGetVar(d_custom_backpack) select 1]]; }; }; #ifdef __ACE__ if (!isNil "d_custom_ruckbkw") then { if ((typeName d_custom_ruckbkw) == "STRING") then {_backwep = d_custom_ruckbkw}; }; if (!isNil "d_custom_ruckmag") then { if ((typeName d_custom_ruckmag) == "ARRAY") then {_ruckmags = d_custom_ruckmag}; }; if (!isNil "d_custom_ruckwep") then { if ((typeName d_custom_ruckwep) == "ARRAY") then {_ruckweapons = d_custom_ruckwep}; }; if (__pGetVar(d_earwear)) then { if !(_p hasWeapon "ACE_Earplugs") then {_p addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs"} }; #endif _primw = primaryWeapon _p; if (_primw != "") then { _p selectWeapon _primw; _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primw >> "muzzles"); _p selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0); }; #ifdef __OA__ if (_ubackp != "") then { _p addBackpack _ubackp; }; #endif }; "RadialBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; "RadialBlur" ppEffectCommit 0; "RadialBlur" ppEffectEnable false; #ifdef __ACE__ if (_hasruck) then { if (!isNil "_ruckmags") then {__pSetVar ["ACE_RuckMagContents", _ruckmags]}; if (!isNil "_ruckweapons") then {__pSetVar ["ACE_RuckWepContents", _ruckweapons]}; }; if (!isNil "_backwep") then {if((typeName _backwep) == "STRING") then {__pSetVar ["ACE_weapononback", _backwep]}}; ACE_MvmtFV = 0;ACE_FireFV = 0;ACE_WoundFV = 0;ACE_FV = 0; ACE_Heartbeat = [0,20];ACE_Blackout = 0;ACE_Breathing = 0; #endif
  2. Hi we run this script in a dedi and when you die you cannot call on place object script anymore, I know you need eventhandlers but I really do not know anything about them, could use some help. I read a lot about them but still dont understand much waituntil {!isNull player}; if (player in [delta_1,delta_2,delta_3,delta_4]) then { actPlaceObject = player addAction ["Place Blast Wall","placeobj.sqf", player,-1,false]; }; ---------- Post added at 07:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 AM ---------- I found it, I put this after that above line if ( isNil{player getVariable "mk_killedEHadded"} ) then { player addEventHandler ["killed", { [] spawn { waitUntil { alive player }; actPlaceObject = player addAction ["Place Blast Wall","placeobj.sqf", player,-1,false]; }; }]; player setVariable ["mk_killedEHadded", true]; }; ---------- Post added at 08:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 AM ---------- How do you put UAV and have it so your if you player dies then they will resync to the uav module so they can command it again? Also how do you get your OA backpack to save, the contents in it. When we use it the items inside are gone and you cannot open the bag ---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 AM ---------- Ok I have a new problem, if say one unit who should not be able to run this script dies they can run it after they respawn, How can I get it so only the select ones can use it? if ( isNil{player getVariable "mk_killedEHadded"} ) then { player addEventHandler ["killed", { [] spawn { waitUntil { alive player }; actPlaceObject = player addAction ["Place Blast Wall","placeobj.sqf", player,-1,false]; }; }]; player setVariable ["mk_killedEHadded", true]; };
  3. =101AD=Richard

    Dedi, Resync

    Ok I have the blastwall to work now I need to get the OA backpacks and Uav to resync
  4. =101AD=Richard


    Oh ok, would rather have something for helos but its a stat I guess
  5. Hi I would like to use the mid air refueling script in game and would like the chinook to fly throughout the map, but on takaistan it is very hard since the different elevations. I need the chopper to be able to fly at a set altitude, this altitude cannot be affected by the terrain below the aircraft
  6. =101AD=Richard


    Ya ive tried a lot of different things, nothing seems to work, And could always try that thanks
  7. How can you have Vanilla OA backpacks save when you re-spawn?
  8. =101AD=Richard


    It works on the dedicated just have to find where to out it in the init. Thanks youve been a huge help
  9. Hi I would like to give a engineer able to create a object in front of him by his add action menu, I would like it to be a Misc_concrete_High is the object name, and would like it so when you place the next one the first one disapears. So basicly have it call for two but alternate between those
  10. =101AD=Richard


    Thank you ---------- Post added at 02:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 AM ---------- Ok I want to add this to domincation so where can I put your scrpt in this? I tried to put it in but it kills the dedicated server, it works everywhere else #include "x_setup.sqf" diag_log format ["############################# %1 #############################", missionName]; if (!isNil "d_init_started") exitWith {}; d_init_started = true; enableSaving [false,false]; enableTeamSwitch false; #ifdef __ACE__ if (isServer) then { ace_sys_aitalk_enabled = true; publicVariable "ace_sys_aitalk_enabled"; ace_sys_aitalk_radio_enabled = true; publicVariable "ace_sys_aitalk_radio_enabled"; ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled = false; publicVariable "ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled"; }; #endif #ifdef __CARRIER__ d_with_carrier = true; // Spawn of the LHD Carrier if (isServer) then { _LHDspawnpoint = [getPosASL LHD_Center select 0, getPosASL LHD_Center select 1, -0.9]; { _dummy = createVehicle [_x, _LHDspawnpoint, [], 0, "NONE"]; _dummy setdir 270; _dummy setPos _LHDspawnpoint; } foreach ["Land_LHD_house_1","Land_LHD_house_2","Land_LHD_elev_R","Land_LHD_1","Land_LHD_2","Land_LHD_3","Land_LHD_4","Land_LHD_5","Land_LHD_6"]; }; #endif #include "i_common.sqf" if (isServer) then {skiptime d_TimeOfDay}; X_INIT = false;X_Server = false; X_Client = false; X_JIP = false;X_SPE = false;X_MP = isMultiplayer; #define __waitpl [] spawn {waitUntil {!isNull player};X_INIT = true} if (isServer) then { X_Server = true; if (!isDedicated) then { X_Client = true; X_SPE = true; __waitpl; } else { X_INIT = true; }; } else { X_Client = true; if (isNull player) then { X_JIP = true; __waitpl; } else { X_INIT = true; }; }; if (X_Client) then { [] spawn { waituntil {X_INIT}; #ifndef __ACE__ d_phd_invulnerable = true; __pSetVar ["d_p_ev_hd_last", time]; __pSetVar ["d_p_ev_hd", player addeventhandler ["HandleDamage", {_this call XfHitEffect}]]; #else player setVariable ["ace_w_allow_dam", false]; #endif execVM "tasks.sqf"; }; }; #ifdef __CARRIER__ // fix for delayed LHD creation on clients if (X_Client) then { [] spawn { private ["_dirp", "_posp"]; waituntil {X_INIT}; _dirp = direction player; _posp = [position player select 0,position player select 1, position player select 2]; if (isNull (nearestobject [player, "Land_LHD_4"])) then { player setPos [markerPos "d_c_safepos" select 0, markerPos "d_c_safepos" select 1, 0]; waituntil {!isNull (nearestObject [_posp, "Land_LHD_4"])}; }; player setPosASL [_posp select 0, _posp select 1, 9.26]; player setDir _dirp; }; }; #endif if (isNil "x_funcs1_compiled") then { __cppfln(x_reload,x_common\x_reload.sqf); __ccppfln(x_common\x_f\x_functions1.sqf); __ccppfln(x_common\x_f\x_netinit.sqf); }; [0, "d_AirD", {[_this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction}] call XNetAddEvent; [0, "d_AirD2", {_this spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2}] call XNetAddEvent; [0, "D_Burn", {_this spawn BIS_Effects_Burn}] call XNetAddEvent; [0, "rep_ar", {_this setDamage 0;_this setFuel 1}] call XNetAddEvent; [0, "setcapt", {(_this select 0) setCaptive (_this select 1)}] call XNetAddEvent; [0, "d_say", {(_this select 0) say3D (_this select 1)}] call XNetAddEvent; [0, "d_nswm", {(_this select 0) switchmove (_this select 1)}] call XNetAddEvent; #ifndef __OA__ [0, "d_flav", {[_this] call x_flares}] call XNetAddEvent; #endif [0, "d_del_ruin", {_ruin = nearestObject [_this, "Ruins"];if (!isNull _ruin) then {deleteVehicle _ruin}}] call XNetAddEvent; [0, "d_lv2", {if (local (_this select 0)) then {(_this select 0) lock (_this select 1)}}] call XNetAddEvent; if (isServer) then { [1, "d_dam", {_this call XDamHandler}] call XNetAddEvent; // different handling [1, "d_m_box", {if (!(__TTVer)) then {if (!AmmoBoxHandling) then {(_this select 0) call XCreateDroppedBox} else {[(_this select 0), (_this select 1)] call XCreateDroppedBox}} else {if (!AmmoBoxHandling) then {[(_this select 0), (_this select 1)] call XCreateDroppedBox} else {[_this select 0, _this select 1, _this select 2] call XCreateDroppedBox}}}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_p_group", {if (!(_this in d_player_groups)) then {d_player_groups set [count d_player_groups, _this]}}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_p_a", {_this call XGetPlayerPoints}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_air_taxi", {_this execVM "x_server\x_airtaxiserver.sqf"}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_r_box", {_this call XRemABox}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "unit_tk", {_this call XfTKKickCheck}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_p_f_b_k", {_this call XfKickPlayerBS}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_p_bs", {_this call XfRptMsgBS}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_pas", {(_this select 0) addScore (_this select 1)}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "mr1_l_c", {if (!isNull _this) then {[_this, 1] spawn x_checktransport}}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "mr2_l_c", {if (!isNull _this) then {[_this, 2] spawn x_checktransport}}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_p_varn", {_this call XGetPlayerArray}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_ad", {__addDead(_this)}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_ad2", {(_this select 0) setVariable ["d_end_time", _this select 1];d_allunits_add set [count d_allunits_add, _this select 0]}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_p_o_a", {_ar = d_placed_objs_store getVariable (_this select 0);_ar set [count _ar, _this select 1];d_placed_objs_store setVariable [_this select 0, _ar];((_this select 1) select 0) setVariable ["d_owner", _this select 0];((_this select 1) select 0) addEventHandler ["killed",{_this call XfPlacedObjKilled}]}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_p_o_r", { _ar = d_placed_objs_store getVariable (_this select 0); for "_lk" from 0 to (count _ar - 1) do { _el = _ar select _lk; if ((_el select 1) == (_this select 1)) exitWith { _ar set [_lk, -1]; }; }; _ar = _ar - [-1]; d_placed_objs_store setVariable [_this select 0, _ar] }] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "x_dr_t", {_this execVM "x_server\x_createdrop.sqf"}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_f_ru_i", {[_this] execFSM "fsms\XFacRebuild.fsm"}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "ari_type", {_this spawn x_arifire}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "l_v", {if (!((_this select 0) in d_wreck_cur_ar)) then {if (local (_this select 0)) then {(_this select 0) lock (_this select 1)} else {["d_lv2", _this] call XNetCallEvent}}}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_mhqdepl", {(_this select 0) lock (_this select 1);d_allunits_add set [count d_allunits_add, (_this select 0) getVariable "D_MHQ_Camo"]}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_g_p_inf", {_this call XGetAdminArray}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_ad_deltk", {_this call XAdminDelTKs}] call XNetAddEvent; #ifdef __TT__ [1, "d_a_p_w", {d_points_west = d_points_west + _this}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "d_a_p_e", {d_points_east = d_points_east + _this}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "mrr1_l_c", {if (!isNull _this) then {[_this, 1] spawn x_checktransport2}}] call XNetAddEvent; [1, "mrr2_l_c", {if (!isNull _this) then {[_this, 2] spawn x_checktransport2}}] call XNetAddEvent; #endif #ifndef __ACE__ [1, "d_bi_a_v2", { switch (typeOf _this) do { case "MLRS": { _this removeMagazine "12Rnd_MLRS"; _this addMagazine "ARTY_12Rnd_227mmHE_M270"; }; case "GRAD_RU": { _this removeMagazine "40Rnd_GRAD"; _this addMagazine "ARTY_40Rnd_120mmHE_BM21"; }; case "MLRS_DES_EP1": { _this removeMagazine "12Rnd_MLRS"; _this addMagazine "ARTY_12Rnd_227mmHE_M270"; }; case "GRAD_TK_EP1": { _this removeMagazine "40Rnd_GRAD"; _this addMagazine "ARTY_40Rnd_120mmHE_BM21"; }; }; }] call XNetAddEvent; #endif }; #include "i_server.sqf" #include "i_client.sqf" #include "x_missions\x_missionssetup.sqf" #ifdef __MANDO__ [false] execVM "mando_missiles\mando_missileinit.sqf"; [] spawn { // Wait for Mando Missile initialization waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"}; waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done}; [] execVM "mando_missiles\mando_setup_full.sqf"; [] execVM "mando_missiles\mando_setup_ffaa.sqf"; [] execVM "mando_missiles\mando_setup_ace.sqf"; }; #endif if (X_SPE) then {d_date_str = date}; if (isServer) then { ["d_mt_radio_down",true] call XNetSetJIP; ["mt_radio_pos",[0,0,0]] call XNetSetJIP; ["target_clear",false] call XNetSetJIP; ["all_sm_res",false] call XNetSetJIP; ["the_end",false] call XNetSetJIP; ["mr1_in_air",false] call XNetSetJIP; ["mr2_in_air",false] call XNetSetJIP; ["ari_available",true] call XNetSetJIP; ["ari2_available",true] call XNetSetJIP; #ifndef __TT__ ["d_jet_s_reb",false] call XNetSetJIP; ["d_chopper_s_reb",false] call XNetSetJIP; ["d_wreck_s_reb",false] call XNetSetJIP; #else ["mrr1_in_air",false] call XNetSetJIP; ["mrr2_in_air",false] call XNetSetJIP; #endif ["current_target_index",-1] call XNetSetJIP; ["current_mission_index",-1] call XNetSetJIP; ["ammo_boxes",0] call XNetSetJIP; ["sec_kind",0] call XNetSetJIP; ["resolved_targets",[]] call XNetSetJIP; ["jump_flags",[]] call XNetSetJIP; ["d_ammo_boxes",[]] call XNetSetJIP; ["d_wreck_marker",[]] call XNetSetJIP; ["para_available",true] call XNetSetJIP; ["d_dam",[]] call XNetSetJIP; #ifndef __TT__ ["d_campscaptured",0] call XNetSetJIP; ["d_searchbody",objNull] call XNetSetJIP; ["d_searchintel",[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]] call XNetSetJIP; #else ["d_campscaptured_w",0] call XNetSetJIP; ["d_campscaptured_e",0] call XNetSetJIP; #endif ["d_currentcamps",[]] call XNetSetJIP; execVM "x_bikb\kbinit.sqf"; X_DropZone = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "NONE"]; ["X_DropZone",X_DropZone] call XNetSetJIP; D_AriTarget = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "NONE"]; ["D_AriTarget",D_AriTarget] call XNetSetJIP; D_AriTarget2 = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "NONE"]; ["D_AriTarget2",D_AriTarget2] call XNetSetJIP; __XJIPSetVar ["d_farps", [], true]; #ifdef __TT__ d_points_west = 0; d_points_east = 0; d_kill_points_west = 0; d_kill_points_east = 0; ["points_array",[0,0,0,0]] call XNetSetJIP; #endif __ccppfln(x_server\x_initx.sqf); if (d_weather == 0 && d_FastTime == 1) then { _ranover = random 1; ["d_overcast",_ranover] call XNetSetJIP; _ww = if (_ranover > 0.5) then {if (rain <= 0.3) then {1} else {2}} else {0}; ["d_winterw", _ww] call XNetSetJIP; execFSM "fsms\WeatherServer.fsm"; } else { d_weather = 1; ["d_overcast",0] call XNetSetJIP; }; // create random list of targets #ifndef __DEFAULT__ d_maintargets_list = (count d_target_names) call XfRandomIndexArray; #else if (d_number_targets_h < 50) then { d_maintargets_list = (count d_target_names) call XfRandomIndexArray; } else { if !(__OAVer) then { switch (d_number_targets_h) do { case 50: {d_maintargets_list = [6,14,17,18,0,13,19]}; case 60: {d_maintargets_list = [5,7,1,16,2]}; case 70: {d_maintargets_list = [20,3,15,4,9,10,8,11]}; case 90: {d_maintargets_list = [6,14,5,17,18,0,13,19,1,7,16,2,12,11,8,10,9,4,15,3,20]}; }; } else { switch (d_number_targets_h) do { case 50: {d_maintargets_list = [14,16,12,11,20,19,17,1,0]}; case 60: {d_maintargets_list = [14,10,9,8,3,2]}; case 70: {d_maintargets_list = [15,13,7,6,18,5,4,2]}; case 90: {d_maintargets_list = [14,16,10,20,11,12,19,17,1,0,2,3,8,9,13,15,7,6,18,5,4]}; }; }; }; #endif __DEBUG_SERVER("init.sqf",d_maintargets_list) // create random list of side missions if (d_random_sm_array) then { d_side_missions_random = sm_array call XfRandomArray; } else { d_side_missions_random = sm_array; }; __DEBUG_SERVER("init.sqf",d_side_missions_random) d_current_counter = 0; d_current_mission_counter = 0; d_side_mission_resolved = false; d_counterattack = false; extra_mission_remover_array = []; extra_mission_vehicle_remover_array = []; d_check_trigger = objNull; d_create_new_paras = false; d_first_time_after_start = true; d_nr_observers = 0; #ifndef __TT__ if (!(__ACEVer)) then { // editor varname, unique number, true = respawn only when the chopper is completely destroyed, false = respawn after some time when no crew is in or chopper is destroyed if !(__OAVer) then { [[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false,1500],[ch4,304,false,1500]] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf"; } else { [[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false,1500],[ch4,304,false,1500],[ch5,305,false,600],[ch6,306,false,600]] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf"; }; } else { if (d_enemy_side == "EAST") then { [[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false,1500],[ch4,304,false,1500],[ch5,305,false,600],[ch6,306,false,600]] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf"; } else { [[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false,1500],[ch4,304,false,1500]] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf"; }; }; // editor varname, unique number //0-9 = MHQ, 10-19 = Medic vehicles, 20-29 = Fuel, Repair, Reammo trucks, 30-39 = Engineer Salvage trucks, 40-49 = Transport trucks [ [xvec1,0],[xvec2,1],[xmedvec,10],[xvec3,20],[xvec4,21],[xvec5,22], [xvec7,23], [xvec8,24], [xvec9,25], [xvec6,30], [xvec10,31], [xvec11,40], [xvec12,41] ] execVM "x_server\x_vrespawn2.sqf"; #else if (!(__ACEVer)) then { [ [ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false],[ch4,304,false],[ch5,305,false,600],[ch6,306,false,600], [chR1,401,true],[chR2,402,true],[chR3,403,false],[chR4,404,false],[chR5,405,false,600],[chR6,406,false,600] ] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf"; if !(__OAVer) then { _helper = []; for "_i" from 1 to 32 do { _v = missionNamespace getVariable format ["vecvec%1", _i]; _helper set [count _helper, _v]; }; _helper execVM "x_server\x_vrespawnn.sqf"; }; } else { [ [ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false],[ch4,304,false],[ch5,305,false,600],[ch6,306,false,600], [chR1,401,true],[chR2,402,true],[chR3,403,false],[chR4,404,false],[chR5,405,false,600],[chR6,406,false,600] ] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf"; }; [ [xvec1,0],[xvec2,1],[xmedvec,10],[xvec3,20],[xvec4,21],[xvec5,22],[xvec6,30],[xvec7,40], [xvecR1,100],[xvecR2,101],[xmedvecR,110],[xvecR3,120],[xvecR4,121],[xvecR5,122],[xvecR6,130],[xvecR7,140] ] execVM "x_server\x_vrespawn2.sqf"; #endif #ifdef __ACE__ if (!(__TTVer)) then { [HC130, 300] spawn x_vehirespawn; if !(__OAVer) then { [towtrac1, 280] spawn x_vehirespawn2; [towtrac2, 280] spawn x_vehirespawn2; [towtrac3, 280] spawn x_vehirespawn2; [towtrac4, 280] spawn x_vehirespawn2; }; }; #endif #ifndef __OA__ execFSM "fsms\Boatrespawn.fsm"; #endif [d_wreck_rep,"Wreck Repair Point",x_heli_wreck_lift_types] execFSM "fsms\RepWreck.fsm"; #ifdef __TT__ [d_wreck_rep2,"Wreck Repair Point",x_heli_wreck_lift_types] execFSM "fsms\RepWreck.fsm"; d_public_points = true; #endif d_check_boxes = []; d_no_more_observers = false; d_main_target_ready = false; d_mt_spotted = false; execVM "x_server\x_setupserver.sqf"; if (d_SidemissionsOnly == 1) then { execVM "x_server\x_createnexttarget.sqf"; }; d_player_store = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0]; d_placed_objs_store = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0]; if (d_with_ai) then {d_player_groups = []}; if (d_FastTime == 0) then {execFSM "fsms\FastTime.fsm"}; __cppfln(X_fnc_serverOPC,x_server\x_serverOPC.sqf); __cppfln(X_fnc_serverOPD,x_server\x_serverOPD.sqf); onPlayerConnected "0 = [_name,_uid] call X_fnc_serverOPC"; onPlayerDisconnected "0 = [_name,_uid] call X_fnc_serverOPD"; #ifdef __ACE__ if !(__OAVer) then { if (!(__TTVer)) then { [] spawn { private ["_pos", "_no"]; _pos = position d_peasa; _no = _pos nearestObject "ACE_EASA_Vehicle"; while {isNull _no} do { _no = _pos nearestObject "ACE_EASA_Vehicle"; sleep 1; _no allowDamage false; }; }; }; }; #endif }; #ifdef __REVIVE__ execVM "r_init.sqf"; #endif if (!X_Client) exitWith {}; if (!isMultiplayer) then { d_player_stuff = [AutoKickTime, time, "", 0, str(player), name player, 0]; d_player_store setVariable ["", d_player_stuff]; };
  11. =101AD=Richard


    Wow thank you, that is much better, how can I make it so only certain people can use it, Where would I put hte unit names?
  12. =101AD=Richard


    Ok I have this now This is in the init field of the player action_1 = this addAction ["Call Blastwall", "blastwall2.sqf"]; action_2 = this addAction ["Place Blastwall", "blastwall3.sqf"]; Then I have blastwall2.sqf places the object blastwall attachTo [player,[0,4,0]]; blastwall setDir -90; blastwall setPos getPos blastwall; then blastwall3.sqf detaches it from the player, but how can I get it so it is level on the ground? detach blastwall
  13. =101AD=Richard


    Its a start, ill try to work off that but if anyone could do better that would be great
  14. Ok I want to make this script not use Hint, I would like to to use Either a local player and one other player, how would I do this, or If I could just put it in sidechat? thank you for any help _inc = 0; _count = 0; _targets = [pt1, pt1_1, pt1_2, pt1_3, pt1_4, pt1_5, pt1_6, pt1_7, pt1_8, pt1_9, pt1_10, pt1_11]; _many = count _targets; nopop=true; {_x animate["terc",1]} forEach _targets; hint "Welcome to the 101st Airborne's 1st Live Fire Rifle Qualification Range"; sleep 5; hint "Setting up the Range"; sleep 3; hint "The Qualification Course will begin in 10 Seconds"; sleep 2; hint "The Qualification Course will begin in 8 Seconds"; sleep 2; hint "The Qualification Course will begin in 6 Seconds"; sleep 2; hint "The Qualification Course will begin in 4 Seconds"; sleep 2; hint "The Qualification Course will begin in 2 Seconds"; sleep 2; hint "Begin!"; while {_inc<20} do { _rnumber = random _many-1; _rtarget = _targets select _rnumber; _rtarget animate["terc", 0]; sleep 6; if (_rtarget animationPhase "terc" > 0.1) then { _count = _count+1; }; hint format ["Targets :%1 Hit :%2",_inc+1,_count]; _rtarget animate["terc", 1]; _inc = _inc + 1; }; sleep 8; hint "Session Complete,";
  15. Is their a script so instead of satchel charges we can have shape charges where they blast one way and can take out objects in that direction and also I want to make it so you can place a object ingame on command. The object is concretepanels. I want it so you have a action and place the objkect riught in front of you
  16. =101AD=Richard


  17. =101AD=Richard


    To call a object creat in front of you would it be something like player addAction ["Place Blast Wall", "blastwall.sqf"] player addAction ["Remove Blast Wall", "blastwall.sqf"] wall = "Misc_concrete_High" createVehicle (position player); wall = "Misc_concrete_High" deleteVehicle (position player); Im not that good at this kinda thing, anyone that can help thank you
  18. =101AD=Richard


    THank you, I went to tec school, We didnt learn anything lol
  19. =101AD=Richard


    Thanx but I try and stay away from addons, this is for trainings and operations so I would rather not have everyone download something
  20. //begin init.sqf // JIP fix - why does ArmA execute init.sqf for JIP players, if 'player' is not sync'd yet if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then { waitUntil {player == player}; }; if (isServer) then { //Init UPSMON scritp call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; }; setviewdistance 1600; onMapSingleClick "player setpos _pos"; //Process statements stored using setVehicleInit processInitCommands; //Finish world initialization before mission is launched. finishMissionInit; if(true) exitWith {}; enablesaving [false, false]; nopop = true; if not isserver exitwith {}; launchskeet = false; [] spawn { while {true} do { waituntil {launchskeet}; launchskeet = false; [] spawn { private ["_v", "_vel", "_i"]; _v = "SkeetDisk" createvehicle getpos skeetmachine; _v setpos (skeetmachine modeltoworld [0, -0.6]); _v setvelocity [-9 * sin getdir skeetmachine, -9 * cos getdir skeetmachine, 10 + random 2]; sleep 1; _vel = velocity _v; _i = 0; while {getpos _v select 2 > 0.1 and alive _v} do { _v setvelocity [(_vel select 0) / (1 + (_i / 10)), (_vel select 1) / (1 + (_i / 10)), (_vel select 2) / (1 + _i)]; _i = _i + 0.1; sleep 0.1; }; deletevehicle _v; }; }; };
  21. I have made a rifle range and would like so when you activate the range, which I have as a add action so the instructor can activate it. When the range activates the player shooting will be given his weapons and ammo
  22. How do you attach a weapon to say a mountain bike in arma2, So I can drive the thing around and shoot missiles out of it? I dont need anything that shows if I could just add a action to call to fire a missile that would be perfect
  23. =101AD=Richard

    Vehicle Weapon

  24. How can I add this to a flag so you can select it instead of just walking into a trigger and activating the script nul=[] execVM "popupA2.sqf"
  25. Is there any way to make the gates surrounding the main airfield in chernarus automatically open and close when you get within a certain path of it, I can do it for the bar gate but not sure on how to do it with these gates. Also how would I make a group in game then add them a name and have a separate script only talk to that group. Or if You could have it so the script only spoke to that player and one other player say the group leader and someone within a certain zone.