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About seeniya

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. seeniya

    Mission requests and ideas

    Req and old campaigns...i played severals years ago...Campaigns name like "battle of monton".I cant remember clear but its play as west the fist mission is west army(include player) arrive monto by two chopper. Anyone know this campaign?
  2. seeniya

    Abandoned Armies 1.4

    I have found some interesting things.. 1.There have a woman in gosse...just stand middle of the town.but if you try to close her. her will "disapper" 2.Another woman. run on the road looks like same path as the south convoys but im not sure beacuse someplace is dangerous i can not follow too far. 3.Never try to snipe South leder(dont remember name)...he is on a far island...not in his hq house.
  3. seeniya

    OFP Addon request thread

    you all are so nice ...Now i can continue my mission plan... :)Thanks a lot
  4. seeniya

    Abandoned Armies 1.4

    Sorry for my englshi 1st...I need little suggest...I try several times but i can not make two side of arkmy fight...But i do everyting according Abandoned Armies PDF says.But them just didnt fight...Someone please give some instruction what need i do?
  5. seeniya

    OFP Addon request thread

    Thanks a lot Rellikki... And ask a little question here... Anyone knows are there have any other light choper with armed?(i aready have bell47 and h500little bird)
  6. seeniya

    OFP Addon request thread

    Hi,everyone.Sorry my english is not good.I am looking for armed Bell-47 addons. Ofp.info has it but the link is broken. Would anyone know where can i download or please sheare it?Thanks http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=3359 http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=3360 And ask a question what difference with 3359 and 3360?
  7. seeniya

    Abandoned Armies

    Now i have another question.When i reach dondan and go into one of building .A movi show there have a woman sleeping on up stair.But how to wake and talk to her?
  8. seeniya

    Abandoned Armies

    You mean there have another woman need rescure ? but i never meet this circs... how to start this scenas please?:eek:
  9. seeniya

    Abandoned Armies

    Each time that soldier tell me the two woman have been travel to chaotan(That bad police leaders Command center)...when i clear chaotan ready go upstair his office .The bad police shot to the women. I never can rescure them.:mad:
  10. seeniya

    Abandoned Armies

    After i finish fist civ team rescure. A young woman ask me help rescure her mother and sister. 1st. I go to rescure second civ team. then go to hondan. No women there.Only have a solder who will join my group.And he say the two woman have been transported. 2nd.I rescure those women fist. Still no women there and only the solder. Could someone please teach me how to rescure the two women?And are there have any other side mission can do?Have any walkthrough for Abandoned Armies 1.4?
  11. Im start learn try to make simple mission now. but i meet a question. I defining a face to a character by use (init="this setface ""abc"").Fist time i go into game. Its ok. but when i save and load game.The face changed to others...Coulad someone please teach me how to keep his face do not change? Ok...i unpbo some champin. looks like i shold defining the characters name and face in description.ext.?? ---------- Post added at 08:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 AM ---------- Ok I think I learned how to do this.. use class CfgIdentities in description.ext.Terribly Sorry for this thread...
  12. seeniya

    Abandoned Armies

    No.i rename my editor103.pbo to editor103.bak in game addon folder. Sorry looks like i fogot say clear my problem. The game are not crash as soon as i start the mission. The game crash when i finish fist rescue mission and go to fined (two woman?) in dondan. when i almost reach dondan.The game crash. BTW:I have object 1,2 MOD..but what is objects 4? And what version editorupdates,obj1,2,4 do you used?Could you please package your obj1,2,4and editorupdates and upload here? I use these addons replace mines . hope this prblem can be fix.
  13. seeniya

    Abandoned Armies

    Yes.i installed it. I even try replace my own editorupdate102(218KB) to the editorupdate102(105k) in the Abandoned Armies 1.4 package .Still crash ---------- Post added at 02:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 AM ---------- yes.i did... And i try many other way hope fix this.but i failed. I give game 1024 memory in Preferences program,reduce texture frome 2048 to 1024.etc...still crash..
  14. seeniya

    Abandoned Armies

    My PC is Core2Duo E6550 + 2Gb DDR2 RAM + ATi 3870.I dont think this class of configure still can not run this mission.:eek:..Mabe i miss something? or there have some patch for this mission?Anyone can give little help? :confused:thanks.
  15. Thank you verymuch. That web is awsome and ample...("awsome?" lookd like i did not write corrct this word...could you plz teach me ?)