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About BWF-Patryn

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Yes i understand , your addon's purpose is to allow the mission maker to take part of the action if i understand well . By modifying i mean to change group behavior on fly . from careless to combat for example . Best regards .
  2. Yes it helps .. Thank you very much . great works . If i may , i would suggest to add theses functionnality in a potential next released : 1) removing ( because some times , to be a good GM is to know when "more is bad and less is more" ) 2) Modifying (because some times it's good to allow a situation to evolved) behavior 3) tracking unit in map windows and again , good job .
  3. Thanks you very much for your answer . But how to remove units if i made something wrong ? in order to relief the server workload and keep things "clean and ordered" along the mission ?
  4. Hi, Impressive tool , Great works . I have few questions , maybe answers are available in the related documentation provided but my english is bad and i maybe have missed it . if so , i'm sorry in advance . 1) How to remove zone , units ? 2) Unit created with the MCC interface cannot be manipulated with the RTE ? 3) How to know wich unit is related to wich zone and the composition of the group ? 4) How to manipulate unit created in RTE with the MCC interface ? 5) RTE unit can be removed in RTE interface , MCC unit cannot be remove nor edited in RTE interface . MCC unit cannot be removed or edited only the spawing zone ? 6) How to change the behavior of already spawned unit ? In fact all my questions circle around the same things : how to mody/remove the things created ? It's not clear for me . Thank you very much Best Regards
  5. BWF-Patryn


    don't miss the electronic warfare capabilities : - scanning frequencies inside the range of the radio used in order to catch the enemy freqs ( so do not forget to change freqs ). once and if the freq is catched by the scan a goniometer give bearing to the source . that allow to setup a new player class : the comm officer with a true role ( wearing the long range radio , scanning , broadcast order , give transmission , relay informations , decipher enemy communications , spy enemy intelligence , locate enemy positions )
  6. BWF-Patryn


    in fact for small radios . it seems that 500 m is more realistic than 2000 m. and create the need (as in reality) to have one radio operator with long radio if want to split a tactical forces and still be able to manage them . As in reality . .
  7. BWF-Patryn


    Le culto just said : Damn !!! why i don't even think about it !!! ahaha
  8. I'm so sorry for the so-bad vision this situation and some poor guys give to the french community . When do they stop make promises, talk etc , and just make ! Do , make, imagine and talk after ! as the all other modteam in order to ensure only fun and nothing else . I'm also a addonmaker on arma 1 , i've found some of my work in other addons . And i feel myself very pleased of this situation . I"ve done my addons for free and for fun . and copycat is the best proof of appreciated work . Please keep fun in mind and that's all.
  9. what if there is not steal but misunderstanding , what if nobody steal anything to anyone . What are the proof ? if you talk about sarmat studio affair , who cares ? if you talk about Vbs2 stealing from BIS worker , do you really think it is possible ?
  10. i didn't understood your sentences . My english is poor. can you please repeat more clearly ?
  11. Hi , *sorry for my bad english* I'm a french arma player , i'm a member of a french team . this is my first post in this forums . And first of all , Thank you to BIS for providing us ARMA . So straigth to the point : Arma-fr, soldierisnothistory and LODU are not French arma community representatives !!! As a part of a french team i feel bad about all this "affair" . Theses peoples lives in their fantasy . the biggest part of the french community do not give a crap to these people . For us it is clear that the use of BIS Tools is free of money but not of rights , theses rights are clearly explained during installation and can be checked at any time during the use of these tools . It is also clear that Lodu and FAFW team ( or maybe lodu only , i don't know/care): 1) failed to earn some advantages ( money or other dont know/care) and the frustations lead them to a "honorable" exit . and/or 2) Didn't succeed to comply with their own promises ( many shiny screenshots but nothing else except a big photoshop work on them) and/or 3)Thougth that law school is not mandatory when talking about copyright and/or 4) are too proud of their vaporwork . and forgot that a big part of the work are not relevant to them but OFrp team . this work was given in order to ensure that the mod will be released due to the lack of time/will of OFrp team ( at least they were enough honest to recognize it and didn't claim about any copyright issue ) . 5) last but not least Lodu made an holdup of the previous ofrp work and if copyright is so important to his eyes , i"m sure he will release this work to a new mod team (and for free if we are lucky). But french arma community don't care, we will play with german, finnish , spanish work . We are all part of Europe after all ( Christian 1987 a german modder made a beautiful french FAMAS) . And the success of these mod is heavy of meaning for the FaFw failure . So thank you BIS , thanks to all the modder team of all the country . Have fun !