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About Pharoethegreat

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  1. Thanks for the feedback. I figured out what the problem was. In addition to actually setting the waypoint to "get out", I had to set the behavior, combat mode, etc. I had all the subsettings on "no change".
  2. Ok. I set a "load" waypoint for the vehicle along with a "get in" waypoint for troops. Synchronize and it works just fine, all troops load into the stryker. Next I set the "unload" waypoint for the vehicle and the "get out" waypoint for the troops. Synchronized the two waypoints but nothing happens? I've tried different combos such as "transport unload"/"get out", "unload"/"unload", synchronized and unsynchronized em, but nothing ever happens. I'm using ACE 2 mod and quesh kubrul island, but it didnt work on the standard island without ACE 2 either. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.:confused:
  3. Wow. Now this is the type of realism I'm talking about. After some guidance from others I've successfully installed ACE and created my shortcut. First thing I noticed was a loss of hearing after being next to sustained fire, it was awesome. I tested with 1 OPFOR and about 2 squads of BLU to see what would happen. I fired a shot, and watched as the A.I performed fire and movement within fireteams to find me. I love it. Time to create some scenarios.
  4. Ok here we go. I've downloaded the GUI updater and performed the install. Under program files ARMA2 I can see all the @ACE folders. Ya know, the ACEX, CBA and all of that good stuff. The thing is, I haven't seen any in game changes. How do you activate the addons? Is this a multiplayer mod only or what? I only mess around in the mission editor. There's no PLA soldiers, no new wound animations or what have you. Its still the stock ARMA2 version 105 as far as I can tell. Thanks in advance for any information.