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Everything posted by doomie

  1. doomie

    PMC06 - Malfunction

    I've also come across this bug. (latest version from steam, arma2 CO patch 1.57) Instead of moving to the lure waypoint, I moved to a patch of trees and took all UAVs out with the sniper rifle. After that, moved to the lure waypoint, got the optional message about Matilda, and then waited. And waited, And waited, and waited some more. Nothing. The only way out was to do the endmission cheat.
  2. doomie

    IPv6 Woes

    Most modern DNS servers and clients (i.e. your workstation) understand and support IPv6 syntax, so DNS *should* just work as is; forums.bistudio.com should work fine :) IPv4 address depletion has been discussed to death for years now. It's going to happen at some point, but personally I don't believe all the doom and gloom saying within the next year. There are still a few large blocks to be allocated by IANA to the regional registries (RIPE, ARIN, APNIC) , and even then those registries will take some time to burn through them. If the source, destination and transit networks support IPv6, then it should be plain sailing. A few large ISPs (ipv6.he.net to name one) out there already run IPv6 backbones, with some allowing you to tunnel your current IPv4 addressing through to IPv6 hosts and vice versa. Some US Federal Departments have been mandated to switch to IPv6. It's not going to happen overnight, but with all the recent exposure in the news to the upcoming allocation shortage, i'm sure that will help move things along. Unfortunately, like everything these days, the major road blocks in this are due to political and financial motivations.
  3. doomie

    [CAMP] Joint Operations [BAF]

    Hah, typical; Just finished this campaign and a new version is released :) Good work on this; very enjoyable from start to finish. The last mission felt a bit like being in the film Black Hawk Down !
  4. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=108596 Already logged as a bug/feature/issue - http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11789
  5. doomie

    [CAMP] Joint Operations [BAF]

    Looks like a good campaign, but stuck on the first mission 'A Long Road' :- 1) Convoy gets stuck, just before the first village, and fails to obey any orders. Repeated 'start' commands do nothing. 2) I would've assumed that the Apache, designated to help protect the convoy, would've at least picked out and eliminated ground targets. Instead, it just hovers. Running OA, all recent updates to cba and addons listed in this thread. (no ace or any other non required modules used) Thanks.
  6. Fair enough, kind of makes sense now. However, the guys on the roof were raining led down upon me so I needed to remove all threats before moving on, which lead to the sweep through the estate house.
  7. Sick, Great campaign; well done ! I felt this one had much more of a story and follow through on each mission compared to the default Arrowpoint Campaign - that felt really disjointed and just a combination of random missions. I cannot wait for the the next Seal Team installment ! I'm running the latest versions of all addons required, and the updated campaign, but have two little things to add as 'bugs' :- 1) The 'NIL VARIABLE OVERRIDDEN' error is still there after blowing up the power station 2) Thanks though !
  8. doomie

    New beta 71900 is up!(OA)

    Recoil / kickback issue again :- Compare the kickback from real world rifles being shot to what we have within Arma2 :- HK416 full auto - M4 (around 60 seconds in) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7xT0Et29pw It's also worth looking at other recommended videos shown on the right hand side, as some of them demonstrate real world firing of similar weapons found in Arma2. Yes, the sim doesn't match real world. Maybe those clever ACE2 mod people could build a configurable 'recoil' option as part of a future build.
  9. doomie

    SEAL Team Six 4

    Sick1 - Great job enjoying it so far. Two things :- 1) I'm another user who is experiencing crashes before loading Operation Death Run. Most upto date Ace + Island version 2) Any chance of including all the HK417 RH variants within the loadouts ? Also, it would great if you could include the 7.62 mags for both HK417 and the Scars when at the various rearming points (vehicles, caches etc). I like to go equipped with 7.62 firepower, and this would complete the missing link ! Thanks !
  10. doomie

    SEAL Team Six

    (Long time lurker, first time poster..) Great work; really loving these campaigns ! Having played both the non ace version of STS 1 & 2, thought it was time to start at the beginning with the ace supported versions. Upon loading any of them, at the map briefing, I get the following errors :- 'No entry in bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ACE_15Rnd_9x19_USP' This occurs in all three campaigns (STS 1-3). ARMA II 1.05 (steam version, but manually patched) Latest versions of all ACE addons synced up this morning (30th Jan) Latest version of all addons downloaded from Armaholic (29th Jan) The only extra addon being used is the full nightvision goggles mod. Known bug, or local to my installation ? Thanks :)