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Posts posted by Pukin_Dog

  1. I have figured this out now!

    You're supossed to look at the map. Use the compas and take a heading for every one in your squad. Add them together. Divide that with the number of AI plus you. Take the squareroot and ad som Pi, just for fun. Then you have the average heading of the squad and hence the "direct ahead" direction! Easy and simple, not to mention made in a blink of the eye! Hmm... :rolleyes:

  2. I did a search first becouse I had the feeling that I wasn't the only confused one out there. Which serchstring to use was not obvios though, and consecently, I found nothing...

    I found an adon that shows the compass in degrees in top left corner and that would be great if the AI used instead. Simple and quick, don't need to take the clock orientation in account then. Just a thought...

    What matter is that I now know that it is "ment" to be something that doesn't work in game as in real world, and I wasn't doing something weird. ;)

  3. I have to many times now wondered from what relative position the directons left, right, front, back is meaning. (Strange sentence)

    If I am at one location with some AI and they say "enemy to our right flank", what is right then? I can have rotated a lot and I can't look at everyone to see who said it and take a relative right from his stand. So from what possition is right in that example. Now I find myself rotating nuts and he could just have said "enemy, close" to me.

    I hope you understand what my question is. :)


  4. Do not consider about high prio at top or bottom, just set the order beginning with the mod with the highest priority.

    Usually high prio comes first, that's what I implemented in the 3rd tab. No big deal :)



    I have just installed this launcher and it's great but I have to clarify this. I have read that at top of the list, high priority, is the mod that is loaded last in a string and hence overrides mods lower on the list. Right?

    But you write that high priority comes first. First in loadingstring or are you refering to the same as I, meaning that it overrides mods below it?

    (Perhaps it could say "loading order" instead or something?)

    Anyway, the thing is that I have tested with CBA at the top and at the bottom and no error and it seems to work as intended in both cases even that I can't test al things in a simple way. It should be at the bottom of list, lowest priority to get loaded first then?

    Hope you understand my question.

  5. Ahh, that's how you do it. I actually thought so but I was hoping for a solution that was there but I haven't recogniced it yet. ;) This is quite a lot of work but I will do it like that and first of all download the islands and ACE.

    Ehh, and which are thoose islands that are common used if I might ask? There are a lot of them! Some sugestions so I don't get them all would be preciated if it's not to much to ask.

    I got theese for a start: Panthera, Quech-Kibrul and SAP islands.


  6. Thanks for reply!

    I have looked at tthat before actually and I read it again now.

    What exactly do this mean for me?

    "Green Dot

    The server is running the same version as you, there is no password and if EqualModrequired is switched on, you are using the same -mod params.

    This does not mean you have any add-ons that the server requires."

    Same mod parameters but still not the same required mods? So that only tells me about mod parameters and what is that?

    I looked at the "addon sync" program and I guess that is as close one can get in functionality today. But after what I understand one has to load every single addon when the game starts if one doesn't know what server to get in to since one has to make custom shortcuts or use a launcher? Is that correct?

  7. For every game I can connect to I have at least 5 that failed due to adons that I don't have.

    I have looked at some 3d part solution that I don't remember the name of now and looked at this site and there seems not to be a simple and quick way to do this. The 3d part solution is a bit tricky to use and there is some online sites that list the servers but there one have to manually compare the adons. At least the ones I have seen. It should be a function in the serverlist that excluded al servers that uses adons that is not installed localy. Or a function to download them from server and install then automaticaly and only load them in the game when a server demands it.

    So, how is the least bad way to get in a server without al that testing? The only ones that are easy to avoid is ACE2 since they state it in the serverlist.


    /Pukin Dog

  8. Thanks for the replyes.

    I actually did reset the keybindings to default also since I messed it up som bad when I was testing. But that is still a problem. I will try again with that weapon mode button, same as toogle weapon I guess. Some things are called difrent in the game and in the manual it seems. Any way I think I actually had to change weapon to fix it.

    About all the other butons. Ok, I don't have to think about it but still I'm curious to what they are for? Surely they didn't put them there just for if they had to use them and later forgot to hide them in the final code?!



  9. Hi all!

    I have struggled some with this game now, struggled since I haven't had any game from that developer before and never used that system to order and so. It's complex to say the least! Any way, In the setup for keysettings there is something called custom commands. It has some things already filled by default and it is a total of 20 or so entrys. What are thoose for? How do I use them? I can't figure that out at al.

    And the command that is named "select" and has no key binded by default to it. What do I select with that function? I have tried it but haven't found anything that I can use it for. Where to use that one?

    And for last, a strange thing, or irritating and perhaps it is supposed to be so but when one respawns one can't use the gun direct. Have to change to what ever the second weapon is and then back again for it to be able to work. Is there something I missed here or is it supose to do so?

    Hopefully I can get some answers from you guys that are way more experienced than me in this game!


