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Everything posted by Krazy1976

  1. Hi all, I am looking at doing a script for mortars to launch into a base lets say every 10 minutes at random areas. My question is if this is possible or has it been done? If it has been done would you be so kind as to share it? Full credit of the script will remain yours.
  2. I have been through this thread and http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75257&highlight=backpack&page=188 (yes all 188 pages took me sometime though). I am still having problems with the backpacks working after I edit and PBO the Domination mission. However, I have figured out that ACE Backpack is one taking place of the script version. My squad and I don't really care for ACE's Backback setup. How do I Disable ACE's backpack and use the domination version?
  3. Hey all. I have a quick question. When I edit a Domination map 2.54 or what have you the Backpack's and putting items on the back stops to work. All the files are there and the only change that I have done is directly in the editor that is it. What could be causing this? Everything works just not the backpack script.
  4. Krazy1976

    Taskmaster 2

    Thanks as far as I see it works great. Sorry I have one more question. what I'm trying to figure out is with taskmaster is there a command that I can use to check which task is active so that I can call a script when task 1 is active then when task 2 and so on that I have that will create some units and such. This script will be used for various tasks plus I have specific markers that will be created which it uses. This way I can reduce the number of triggers and markers placed directly in the editor.
  5. Krazy1976

    Taskmaster 2

    Let say for the first task there is 2 or more items to destroy. Is it possible to create a marker over each object for that task? Also if I wanted to create grayed area say 2km dia. Would that be possible with the way the scripting is? Sorry still still learning the taskmaster and by the way great work its gonna be very hand for me and my squad.
  6. As I was actually looking for some information on weapon loadouts and positioning AI's on top of building for a new mission I am working on. I had come across this thread and realized I just found the "ruck_reloaded.sqf" just a few minutes ago. Here is 2 links to "ruck_reloaded.sqf": http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1513983&postcount=336 http://ausarma.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=158&view=next