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About Dafiew

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  1. My 295 COOP was toast I tested it in my friends computer...
  2. very strange for me cause it only happens in games... furmark runs fine and everest stress test too... even the two at the same time! I ran the benchmark 1 and 2 in ARMA and they both crashed after a couple of runs video freezes then game is still running in background then crash ---------- Post added at 05:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 PM ---------- I have narrowed it down to directX I test 2D and 3D evrything is fine then the directX test BANG! crashes I'll do some more testing
  3. Dafiew

    Constant Crashing

    I have the same issue but it's mainly in every game screen freeze but i can hear the game still running in the background sometime display comes back but with weird textures temps and voltages are fine...
  4. Got the same thing here with my 8800 U SC got a new GTX 295 COOP and it started doing it again in everygame tested my RAM w/memtest 2134% no errors but it crashed when I closed memtest after the test! I have a P190 with 1200W dual PSU everything is fine in everest temps voltages etc I suspect it may be the MB or the CPU anyone with the same problem?