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About Shumann

  • Rank
    Private First Class


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  1. Shumann

    ION, Inc.

    Me too i cant figure how is this damned login and pass :p Can someone pm me too ?
  2. Noob question Mandoble ho i can change the nuclear warhead on the scud? I read the pdf but i dont understand how can i change it.
  3. Shumann

    SEAL Team Six 4

    Same problem here you can not drag body no option on the interaction menu with ACE.
  4. Thx mate i forgot to read the last pages :p Sorry for this mistake.
  5. I update my ace to version 247 (yes i know its incredible) but when i try to update he ask me for some mismatched files and the program try to reupdate my Acex. After the update i go to my acex folder and i cant found any file on userconfig and the game say me my config files are outdated. Someone can help me?
  6. Yes i and i put them on the user config of the main directory but keeps not working. Any Idea Manzilla ?
  7. Someone explain me how to activate cartridges on the ground?? I try to modify something on config with notepad on this line and by deafult are activate but nothing appens. I forgot something? class ACE_CARTRIDGES { enabled = 1; // COMMENT: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled max_cartridges = 500; // COMMENT: max. amount of cartridges on map max_distance = 0; // COMMENT: max. distance until cartridges become deleted by FIFO max_lifetime = 600; // COMMENT: lifetime of cartridges in seconds min_FPS = 1; // COMMENT: min. FPs when cartridges become deleted };
  8. Hello everyone. Xeno can you explain me why i have some problem with audio? Example i cant hear any sound complete when i click on some button of my game and sound on game are very low and sometimes i cant hear sound on front of me. This is only my problem or what? Thx in advance and sorry for my bad english.
  9. Thx for the answer and for the help mate :)
  10. Hello all guys i am new here on the forum and i have an important question for you. Its possible to add any us veichles a wreck? Example:i just working on campaign but i need to add some US wreched veichles like abrams etc. The question is exist any method to add an abrams or striker with hacthes open with smokes etc? Sorry for my bad english. S!