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Posts posted by forteh

  1. Voted :)

    To me the object detail should affect rendered models such as units, weapons, vehicles and buildings, personally I want this as high as possible. Grass LOD on a seperate slider would be a massive bonus, as demonstrated by the screenshots there is a huge increase in fps but still plenty of grass clutter to provide concealment.

  2. If the AI is under your command, you can give hime waypoing like any other guy. If he's not, you can't unless you script it like in Razor2.

    If you want to tell him to go higher or lower, however you have to create small radio triggers (see the wiki for "flyinheight" command) and use them to do so, as there is sadly no standard command in the menu to do it.

    To make the chopper actually "land" without creating a special trigger/waypoint/script, you have to order the pilot to get out.

    Right call me stupid....

    How do you give AI under your control a waypoint? Looked all through the command menus but could see anything. Must have missed it somewhere.

    Im talking about issuing waypoints realtime in game, not in the editor :)

  3. Is it possible to dictate how an AI chopper pilot flies or to give him waypoints?

    Currently re-running through harvest red (now I have the hardware to run it at decent framerates + freetrack:D) and at one point in razor2 I call for extraction by starforce21, because of the silly altitude he flies at he gets taken down by a shilka in the next town. If I could command him to fly low altitude he could approach under cover of a hill and not get shot down.

    On a side note, one time he got shot down not far from my position, went to investigate the wreckage as maddox is supposed to survive the crash, the wreck was just a blackened heap next to some scorched grass. As I was walking away from it a secondary went up and the pilot jumped out the wreckage on fire running around, screaming and rolling on the floor. Tried to heal him but no joy, he eventually died after about 30 seconds.

    Put a massive smile on my face :D

  4. Ive also only recently started playing A2 and quite often struggle with the grass, since installing ACE2 (along with zeusAI, GL4 and some SLX components which incidentally make the game just work better :)) and therefore losing the crosshair you suddenly become absolutely reliant on the ironsites/optics.

    This has caused me to slow down and consider the approach before getting into a postion that I couldnt get out of - i.e: playing the game properly. With the standard crosshair I could go prone into tall grass and still effectively target in 3rd person, switching to 1st person would be completely blind though. I do still use 3rd person whilst traversing ground as I find it gives a better sense of periferal vision but switch to 1st person if contact is expected.

    One thing that does bug me though, whilst on a sniper mission (sealteam6 campaign1 mission 2 - operation dead kings) I found that the grass was blocking my vision/shot, scuffling forwards to flatten the grass helped but by the time I was back into my sniper position it had popped back up again!:mad:

    That said I was really thankfull for the grass and my ghillie suit whilst I lay dead still to avoid the opfor search party a mere 10 metres away :D

    I love this game!

  5. In past experience Ive noticed very little increase in performance by overclocking the GPU, most gains (especially with arma2) seem to be with cpu speed.

    Ive just upgraded to a similar spec* to the one posted in order play arma2 and now have good solid framerates. Running 1600x1200, 100% fillrate, all settings on high apart from shadows on very high, PP on low and AA disabled (1600x1200 on a 19" crt eliminates most aliasing for me anyways) and view distance of 1990.

    I get 44fps average on benchmark 1 and restarted harvest red last night, getting a solid 30-35fps on those settings so Im happy. If you need more fps then I would try to push the cpu faster or drop the resolution alittle :)

    *i3 530 @4Ghz and windowsXP but the rest is about the same.

  6. In theory yes you should be able to run arma, albeit on low settings and with bad fps, realistically I dont think you will be looking at getting more than 20fps. In the harvest red campaign it will just be manageable although some points will really drag and framerates may well be below 15.

    I think a blazing fast dual core is better for arma than a fast quad core as the engine is not optimised for quads.

    Should have been posted in this thread though :)

    edit: dammit posted too slow!

  7. Finally got my i3 530 system built and run a quick benchmark on arma2 :)

    Previous average fps on benchmark1 was 22 with all mods (ACE/JTD/SLX/GL4 plus others), with the same mods and higher graphics settings I now get 44fps average, that is with a heavily fragmented hard disk so that could potentially increase :D

    System is: -

    Core i3 530 @4Ghz

    4Gb 1600mhz DDR3

    GTX260 216 896mb

    160Gb sata 7200rpm hdd

    Winxp32 sp3

    Settings are: -

    1600x1200 - 100% fillrate

    All settings on high apart from FSAA and pp on low, vram on default and 1600 viw distance. I will probably increase the details as I go on.

    All in all very pleased with it, the girlfriend isnt so pleased Ive spent over 400 quid updating my machine to play arma :o :o

  8. so i just have to change the cpu and graphics card and switch to xp or 7? whats a good but cheap graphics card and cpu then?

    I think you should be able to put an athlonx2 (or possibly athlon2) in there and that should get around the cpu bottleneck, the main problem is the lack of pci-e 16 slot. The board only runs at 8x so that will effectively half your graphics memory bandwidth, how much this will affect performance I dont know, only way to find out would be to try it :D

    You should be able to get a decent speed processor for about £50-60 and £100 should get you a 4870/5770 which should run arma2 fine. You will ultimately be bottlenecked by that motherboard unfortunately. Also do some research into what processors that motherboard will run, dropping an email to emachines tech might be worthwhile; you may well need to update your bios in order to run a faster processor.

  9. Looks like an emachines W5243, As it is I would say not very well if at all :(

    Based on it being the above machine....

    The graphics card is integrated and I would be amazed if it runs at any reasonable framerate as its a geforce6 series, the machine has a pci-e slot so you can upgrade to a dedicated card which will help.

    **edit - the motherboard only supports pci-e x8 not the standard x16, its likely to bottleneck any decent card you put in there.**

    The cpu is a single core and will really struggle with almost all aspects of arma, as soon as there are any AI you will take a massive dive in fps. It looks like its an AM2 motherboard so you could put a faster dual core processor in there, the faster the better.

    You should be ok with the 2 gig ram and arma if you swap to xp, unfortunately you cant put any more in beacuse the board wont take it.

    Vista is the slowest OS to run arma2 on, 7 is faster and xp fastest.

    For reference I got arma2 about 3 months ago on the following spec: -

    A64x2 4400+ @2.5Ghz

    3gig DDR



    Running at 1024x768 on medium to low I was lucky to get more than 20fps in the campaign, at some points (manhatten FOB in particular) it dropped down below 10 :(

    I upgraded the 9600gt to a gtx260 216 and that has allowed me to increase the graphics details to high but its still being bottlenecked by the cpu, I get 20-25 fps now.

    Im getting my I3 530 @4Ghz later today so hopefully should see a large hike in fps :)

    Arma2 should be reasonably playable on that machine if you put a decent speed dual core cpu in there and a recent graphics card (HD4870/gtx260 or above), I would go to xp though if 7 is too slow.

    Im still new to arma2 so I might have some info wrong :o Im basing the above from doing lots and lots of reading and upgrading my own machine to run the game, someone please let me know if Ive given crap info :D

  10. Taken the plunge to upgrade my cpu/board/RAM into the modern age, gone for: -

    Core I3 530 overclocked to 4Ghz

    4Gb (2x2Gb) 1600Mhz DDR3

    Gigabyte GA-H55M board

    Coupled with an GTX260 216 and winxp32 Im hoping it should give some healthy speeds :)

    Aiming to be able to run smoothly 1600x1200 with all settings on high/very high and view distance of about 2500.

    Any thoughts?

  11. Hi,

    Having alittle difficulty with the AH64, Im not sure if Im doing something stupid but I cannot get the gunner to actually target properly or change weapon properly:confused:

    If I tell him to cycle weapon (ctrl+f) the orange report text on the left side of the screen sometimes states that the weapon has changed but the green HUD indicator at the top right is stuck on hydra constantly. The only weapons that will appear to cycle according to the reporting text are the cannon (30x113) and sidewinders (AIM-9L), I cant seem to be able to actually get him to report hydras or hellfires :(

    Targetting is usually 80% failure aswell, he just wont target stuff despite being in direct LOS and less than 1000m away.

    Using 1.05, Ace/zeus_ace/GL4/warfx/JTD/proper/landtex mods if thats any help.....

    Cheers :D

  12. I wont be doing any video encoding, about the only other cpu intensive applications are likely to be solidworks, 3dsmax or photoshop; all of which are fine on a dual core.

    Currently my 4400+ A64x2 @ 2.5ghz is being brought to its knees by any sizeable quantity of AI (I am running ACE, SLX and Zeus which probably doesnt help the issue:o). Playing flashpoint chenarus last night I had a 10 man fireteam defending a small town, I was lucky to see 12 fps :D

    Playing in the armoury or editor I get 45-50 fps most of the time.

  13. Sorry, another silly query regarding upgrades for arma2 :)

    I will soon be upgrading my cpu from a 2.5ghz A64x2, am I correct in saying that arma2 runs better on a fast dual core than on a slightly slower quad core? i.e. arma doesnt make full use of quad cores.

    I was looking at an I3 530 @4ghz overclocked bundle from ocuk, obviously increasing the clock going from 2.5 to 4 is going to make a huge difference but would I perhaps be better looking for a q6600 and overclocking it to 3.5ghz?

    Any thoughts would be appreciated :)

    edit: will be running with 4 gig ram, winxp32 and a gtx260 216.

  14. Have you enabled time accelleration? Default keys are '-' and '=' to increase and decrease time accelleration, check your keybindings if youre unsure :)

    You might find it worthwhile working through some single player campaigns to get used to the controls and mechanics of the game, Ive been playing for a couple of months now and still not ventured online because I dont think Im fully acclimatised and ready for it :D

  15. Have now fitted my gtx260 216 to replace my old 9600gt, fps hasnt really increased hugely because Im so cpu limited (A64x2 @ 2.6GHz) but I have been able to increase all details to very high without loosing any fps :)

    With all settings on normal benchmark 1 is now 26fps as opposed 24, is still 26 with all on high/very high.

    Gettin 25-30fps on the sealteam6 campaign Im working through, compared to 19-24 beforehand so more than acceptable :)

  16. Is it possible to spawn enemy units in the near vicinity (possibly random of chosen from a list) to give some target practise?

    Whenever Ive been in the armoury I just seem to be running around aimlessly until a challenge pops up, having the option to be able to spawn targets at will would be nice :)
