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Armstrong =:)

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Posts posted by Armstrong =:)

  1. Didnt know that but would fit very well.

    I think i am allowed to say that we also have a 55/62 pack in the works that features several versions of each tank for russians and ChDKZ.

    I know that many other addon makers have already made T-55 for ARMA2. But I want quality that only RHS Team is able to produce when it comes to EAST equipment generaly. I'm a bit picky and spoiled being more than 8 years in this game universe. Good to hear that Shadow NX you made my day!

    I hope to see some varius models of tank and that all fractions except USA will have one or two derivate's of a basic model T-55A.

  2. I'm around for a long time and know that good addons with scripting abilities come out in months or even years. RHS started as I remember puting out addons after a year of anouncment and some to 2 years. "Good-year" for OFP comunity with alot of good addons was 2003 and on to 2005. ARMA1 was mainly disaster...It takes time for people to master BIS tool's and start producing quality stuff. RHS is one of those teams that put quality stuff on game scene. And well worth the whait, better late than never!

  3. Would be nice if RHS would "stick" to the tracked APC's and MBT's since their is big lack of those on "east" side and much needed in ARMA2 universe.

    Not trying to say that you shouldn't make any other addons.... like helicopters. Back in OFP/A1 those HIND's where one of the best geometry and High polygon count and post processing models I have ever seen.. much better than BIS models.

  4. Im having units lagg in distance view. Since the day one.


    I'm shooting on long distance truck aproaching loaded with bunch of soldier's. They pop out and start moving like in cartoon drawn on paper it's pathetic to look them like this. They shoot prety good but move like they have back pain. This is happening in editor, campaign, missions.

    My spec:

    CPU= Intel Core 2 Duo E8600 3.33Ghz

    RAM= Kingston 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3

    GPU=GeForce 9800 GTX, 512 MB

    DISK=WD Raptor 160GB

    MO.B= Asus Striker II Extreme

    Windows 7 Ultimate OEM X64

    Im running on Default setting's and with 1920x1200 res. I have 26" LCD so smaller RES. settings are excluded. I tried all sort of setting's im not that stuped not to try something diferent.

    On FPS test 1 i have 29 FPS and on FPS test 2 I only get pathetic 17. No background program's running that would be causing problems. No connection, only NOD32.

    Original ARMA2 Copy DVD box version, patched to 1.5 with only CBA 2.0 and sound replacement. And some Islands but this lagg is at all island's so no addon issue. Game is one big BUG.

  5. How many Add-On makers are still active in ARMA2 from the OFP days?

    Im big fan of all BIS game series, and always loved the talented people and teams making good Add-on's. Those wore day's when new thing's were flying out on front pages every few hours to download.

    But can't see those peope work any more in any of Arma1/Arma2 only few MOD's left and fist full of Add-On makers. Not trying to say that they aren't good. They are significant factor in BIS series.

    I don't know what I missed since I was "out" from scene for a while.

  6. Very good patch that made my copy of Arma 2 finaly playable on my rig.

    This patch realy improved performance for me. And for the first time I see AI drivers to handle road turns well. Good thing is that units in long distance view are hidden like being subsided into ground. And plus some good thing's that have newer been seen in previus OFP/A1 games. Nice one BIS!
