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Everything posted by SGJackson

  1. I cannot play musics or sounds in ArmA II!!! I don't know what's wrong! I do it the same way i did it with ArmA I!! Look: showCompass = 0; showGPS = 0; showWatch = 0; // NOTE: Your sound/radio files must be in the ...\mission\sound // folder and your music files in the ...\mission\music folder. class CfgMusic { // List of tracks (.ogg files without the .ogg extension) tracks[] = {Civilwar}; // Definition for each sound class Civilwar { name = "Civilwar"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\music\Civilwar.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; }; Then converting the music to .Ogg (done) and then placing the track into the ArmA II Other Profiles\Paul%20Jackson\missions\Music%20Example\M usic\Civilwar.ogg (i tried with/without the .ogg extencion... Non of 'em worked) Then i run the game and i put the syntax into a unit/trigger/waypoint: Playmusic Civilwar; (i also tried with/without the .ogg extencion... Non of 'em worked... again...) This problem keeps happening since i did it in ArmA I!!!! HEELLPPP :confused::confused::(:(:confused:
  2. Hallo all! I need to know how to create groups!:confused:;) I need to create a Russian group and then make it attack a BLUFOR group that's just got out of a vehicle!:D Best Regards, SGJackson!
  3. I'm making a serie of missions and i'd like to know how to make then run like in the campaign... i mean, when i finish one, that the other starts loading and i can keep playing without selecting the next one in the menu of my campaign.. Also i've noticed that in the campaign of one of the members of this community (Zipper5: "Operacion Colbat") how to place a text showing the date in the downer right corner of the screen like if i was putting a plain/bottom text (bbut in the downer right corner).. Thanks! Best Regards, SGJcakson.
  4. Hallo all! I made my own simple and basic artillery and i just wanted to share it because the artillery is always a nice touch to a mission;) 1st: Create your unit/group. 2nd: place a trigger, it is not necesary to increase/decrease the Axis... 0/0 will bejust fine! 3rd: in the activation put any radio (alpha,bravo,charlie,etc.). 4th: in the OnAct put: onMapSingleClick "_newPos = [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,20];Bomb = 'SH_150_HE' createvehicle _newPos; true;"; hint "Click on map to fire atrillery on the desired position"; and that should do it! PD: if you want to have more than one shot, BUT UP TO A CERTAIN QUANTITY copy and paste my trigger... example: my idea=1 shot, coping the trigger and pasting it 3 times=3 shots, etc. ---NOT TESTED--- or place REPEADLY instead of ONCE in the trigger to have unlimited shots (but that adds no delay between shot and shot). PLEASE FEEDBACK!!!!!!!! Best Regards, SGJackson!:D
  5. 1st, i know what an Array is... But of all who posted you where the one that i really like the more xD PD: Is that your computer progamation in your signature?! It's almost the same that mine! Best Regards, SGJackson!
  6. Hallo all! My question is simple 'cause i've been taking a look at commands and scripts and i still don't understand what do them do?! This is just for knowing it doesn't help me with anything :P xD Best Regards, SGJackson!
  7. I can teach you how to put them in the direction that the player's going... Example: The player chooses to go East, then the group will be moved to the east! you simply place a trigger activated by the side of the player and add to the OnAct: {_x setpos getpos <direction>} foreach units group <leadername>; :P it's not what you were asking but i was bored and this doesn't harm anyone xD If i know something else i'll post it ;) Best Regards, SGJackson! ---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 PM ---------- I just got this from the editing guide that i told you to download: The following Syntax enables one to move a unit or an Object to a random position. The Syntax consists out of the values of the XYZ – coordinates and the marker positions. The Engine will recalculate the random position by using this information. Name setVehiclePosition [[1000,2000], ["Marker1", "Marker2", "Marker3"], 0] I didin't test it... Do it yourselve :P Best Regards, SGJackson! ---------- Post added at 03:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ---------- FORGET EVERYTHING THAT I SAID!!!!!! I GOT THE ANSWER AND YOU KNOW WHAT? IT'S IN THE GUIDE TOO!! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED!!!! well, that's what it said in the guide: Random positions Best, Best, Best Regards, SGJackson!
  8. Oh, i ain't got ArmA II multiplayer... I'm argentinian so if i buy it, it won't come with the original key included... I'll have to buy it from an american site and that'll cost 50 bucks maybe? Well, here in Argentina, you have to multiply 50 x 3.85, and that gives you: 192.50$ and i'm 13 yrs old xD... Best Regards, SGJackson! PD: Argentina is a real s***!
  9. Hallo! i'm making a mission in that you must go to a village and kill any civilians in the village, you're Independient...
  10. Thanks guys! and xPaveway, no it doesn't work ;) but thnx for the post anyway! Best Regards, SGJackson!
  11. Guys, i really appreciate this but... I DIDN'T GET A S*** OF WHAT YOU SAID! Thnx anyway ;) Best Regards, SGJackson!
  12. No... I took the liberty to do a test and figguer out what you need! {_x DOmove getpos Target} foreach thislist; that's the command you need... otherwise they won't move... Now, i recommend putting a name to the group leader and doing this: {_x DOmove getpos Target} foreach units group <leadername>; it's much more organized and i'll guarantee no mistake in game! And, why are you doing this with commands and not with waypoints? Because if you want to make a unit move to its destination i'll be easyer witrh waypoints! I figguer out a way of doing it WITHOUT waypoints... it's not tested it just got trough my mind: you put 2 game logics, the 1st one named Target, and the second one named target2, a group and 2 triggers.. Put the first trigger to be activated by your group side, in the OnAct place the syntax: {_x DOmove getpos Target} foreach units group <leadername>; now, place the second trigger ON the game logic... I meant, the Axis should match with the size of the game logic ¬¬... Now put the trigger to be activated by the side of your group again and place the same syntax in the trigger BUT changing Target for Target2... now the group will move to the game logic Target and when they get close to the area they'll change direction and kep moving to the other game logic JUST LIKE IF THEY WERE WAYPOINTS!!!!!!!!!! Best Regards, SGJackson!
  13. I think the AI first eliminates every single enemy precense first... Because if you observe, every single time the AI find an enemy he goes prone, and if he goes prone he's going to take it out.. and i say: yes, it takes every enemy out first. Best Regards, SGJackson!
  14. Hallo again! You need to use this syntax to get them prone/crouched/up: this setunitpos "down"; that it making them go prone, this setunitpos "up"; is getting them to stand up... and if you want them to crouch: this setunitpos "middle"; if you want the unit to DECIDE BY ITSELF if being in prone or crouched use this: this setunitpos "kneeldown"... now with the moveto... As i said in my other post... you gotta think by urselve... instead of asking test it! put different moveto orders and see it for yourselve xD! Best Regards, SGJackson!
  15. heheheh thnx mate ;) Best Regards, SGJackson!
  16. Finally! xD Super Best Regards, SGJackson!
  17. If anyone wants to make a SIMPLE artillery just take a llok at my post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=94184 PD: IT TAKES NO SCRIPTS... I got a problem with the modules so, i gotta figguer out everything by the hard way xD :P Best Regards, SGJackson!
  18. if you created MEN and i mean ONLY MEN and with that i meant NOT IN A VEHICLE then just enter the syntax DeleteVehicle Crew1; deletevehicle crew2... Or you could do an Array: deletevehicle [crew1,crew2] or if you want to delete A GROUP then enter this: {deletevehicle _x} foreach units group <grpleadernamehere>; or deleting every unit that enters A AREA: {deletevehicle _x} foreach thislist; (thislist = Axis of the trigger) PD: PLZ DOWNLOAD THE EDITING GUIDE, i learned most of the things there... Best Regards, SGJackson!
  19. Thanks to you for testing if it worked xD hehheheheheheheheheh Best Regards, SGJackson!
  20. Dang guys! why don't you just add in the condition <urname> in <heloname> and in the OnAct: <heloname> land "GET IN"; That way the helo will fly as low as to pick you up, now i recommend this page: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2 And i recommend checking this: OnMapSingleClick That should go well... Best Regards, SGJackson!
  21. :O:O:O:O Sorry mate.. i didn't get a S*** of what you said xD Let's see... The "H1" is IN a group or is a simple unit? Look, let's make it even more simple... Download this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847 It's the editing guide for ArmA and also for ArmA II... It'll be very strange if you cannot do any of this things in ArmA II but, s*** happends... and this is even MORE official: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2 Here ALL THE COMMANDS WORK FOR ARMA II!!!!!!!!!!! And it's made by the game-creators so there's no mistake there... Best Regards, SGJackson!
  22. Hallo frag! Humm... Looks like you're jumping for the advanced mission-scripting huh? :P No problem, see if this can help you :) : 1st: the "Click" sound must be recorded BY YOU... Or if you got luck looking for a "Sounds page"... I found one of 'em.. If i find it again i shall bring it to ya..(but cçyou could always google it yourselve ¬¬) And must be defined in the Description.ext. 2nd: there's a way of making the player move without your control... Look in the Campaign mission: Harvest red (yep, that's the name of the MISSION) hum.. i cannot help you with that but i recommend you to PM the user Zipper5 'cause in his campaign he does it (the moving without player control) :D And that's all i can say about it... You really want to know how do i solve my problems? Simple, i read and i write everything that comes trough my mind, Example:I'm trying to make a unit perform an animation, so, i put the playmove "anim" into its init line... When i see that it doesn't work i put Switchmove "anim" in its init... And if it doesn't i put it in a trigger, and so on, so on and so on... It's a matter of thinking -and, of course, GOOGLEING- Hope my few dates help.. i'll make you know if i find that page i was talking bout... Best Regards, SGJackson!
  23. No. The crew will automaticly be deleted if you add the syntax DeleteVehicle Heli; Now, why did you put Heli = group this;? Simply place "Heli" into the "Name" field in the Units menu ;) And please explain to me what are you trying to do! Because i'm lost... Why did you put into a script deletevehicle heli;? I mean, you can do it of course but, please tell me when/where/how are you trying to delete it :P 'cause i'm really lost :P Best Regards, SGJackson!
  24. hmmm, that depends, if you make the crew GET IN (means the heli was empty) then it'll only delete the heli. But if you created a heli via BLUFOR>Air>AH-1Z and you named it heli then yes, it delete the whole crew... heli action ["LightOn",heli]; that should do it... Otherwise, i'm pretty sure that he turns his lights on AUTOMATICLY if it's night time... Best Regards, SGJackson!
  25. Hallo HateDread! Look, first, check the time of day... MAYBE that's why you don't see them or the pilot doesn't turn them on... Probably you just can't see them.. it happened to me... Now, deleting them.. You just gotta use this command: DeleteVehicle Heli; in a trigger or when they accomplish a target... you just put that command wherever you want it to be deleted or just post your mission idea (if i get to read it) me, or someone else can get you in the right direction! Best Regards, SGJackson!