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Posts posted by Dominges

  1. Got problem with okt_noblur mod. Problem looks like luap's problem (launcher not detects that mod), but modfolder named "@okt_NoBlurBeta" (no spaces), and all mod files in Dta folder inside. Addons folder empty, and i think this causing that problem.

    Need some fix for that, because not all mods using Addons folder.

    edit: wait, renamed to @noblur, and it's working o_O

  2. do you run the CAA1 project?

    Looks like my fault. Will test with CAA1. Thanks.

    And yea, i'm understand that the project still WIP, and not all things finished

    upd: tested with CAA1. "Cannot open object baghdad_obj/cluttercutter.p3d" error is still present, and black buildings on map too.

  3. baghdad.pbo is te only file as its the only one updated

    ok. I found correct archive at another rapidshare mirror.

    There to download full version? Here: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&id=83012 ?

    Also i see another small updates before 1.2, and there is baghdad_obj been updated too. So, there is no cumulative update? I need to download all updates? And also, bisign not updated in 1.2? (%

    upd: downloaded full version, and patched with 1.2. Got error from avgani village (requires CAPlants, strange, i have CO), and error from baghdad map in editor: "Cannot open object baghdad_obj/cluttercutter.p3d". Also got strange bugs on map, airfield runway on incorrect place and some black buildings: png

    And also, in-game error: "Cannot load texture ca\misc\data\klabosnice.pac."
