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10 Good

About NoshDaMinsk

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  1. Just wanted to thank you for a great mod (and not wishing to point fingers, cos I am new here (but not to the Arma world) and I know your patience is sometimes tried with inane comments and questions and people not reading readmes...) Really enjoying the ACE mod and cannot believe the continual improvements, which are simply awesome and utterly welcome! Thanks again Nosh.
  2. NoshDaMinsk

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    Control of the camera is sweet - I can see how peeps get annoyed a little first time round, as it is sensitive, BUT once you learn to move your mouse pointer a small bit at a time, it seriously rocks.... Great MOD - love it! Nosh
  3. NoshDaMinsk

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    Yep - only happens in MP - darn it.... And that is so cool when you are flying with a mate you and THEN get that flickering stuff. Is there anything I can do (apart from getting a T1 connexction) that would solve it? Cheers Nosh.
  4. NoshDaMinsk

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    Just gotta say - love the mod :bounce3: However, I have a graphical glitch when in AA or AG TV mode in the Chopper (A-52). I see a flickering image of the chopper in the screen which is a PITA. Have I forgotten to set something up? Thanks in advance. Nosh.